Anja Winchester Zor-El

Discord ID: 569031271351844867

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@Princess Maya gender is not scientific dumbass

sex is scientific

not the same thing

gender is a social spectrum

gender, by definition, is not scientific

people like you make edgy ignorant jokes because you dont wanna understand the concept

your sex will always be based on chromosomes but gender is based on identity .

100 years ago gender was scientific

its 2019 now

good counterargument, your supporting claims gave me something to contemplate . i can see that you've done plenty of research

that's not correct

you're the average edgelord

im not triggered by toxicity that ive already been exposed to countless times

but im glad you think that trying to toy with people is an effective use of time


so what you're saying is you're gonna be a little prick just for the sake of it regardless of the facts

and yeah, responding = triggered

it's not about feelings

it's about definitions

"gender is a definition"?

that's the definition of sex

there can be many reasons as to why someone with disphoria does not get the surgery

hey guess what maya

i'm the retarded one here but i'm the one in this conversation who can spell and also be grammatically correct

have you considered the possibility that a word can have double or even triple definitions

i have not

i understand definitions

is daniel actually dating you

that's insane

yeah i didn't say that he is not dating you

i said

"is daniel actually dating you? that is insane"

you haven't proved me wrong

i can get back on topic but i figured it's always going to be like talking to a brick wall

you don't have to know someone to acknowledge facts

see you basically just admitted that you only don't understand because you don't *want* to understand. because you want to continue to be closed-minded.

so now gender dysphoria is about ethnicity

you're the brick wall, as you're aware

i don't need a team


what does posting a selfie have to do with anything at all

we're talking about sex vs gendeer

not selfies

there are no scientific facts about gender. gender is a social construct. there are scientific facts about sex.

yes it is

sex: The biological designation determined by what sex organs you have.

Gender: The social construct that determines what behaviors and roles a person of your sex has within society

you're taking the concept of gender dysphoria and twisting it into this idea that being trans is the same as identifying as another race or species

yeah i'm jealous of a relationship with a youtuber i don't care about

i have no intention of interacting with him

because i saw some of his videos

and i liked said videos

actually its in the description

onision stands for literally the opposite of the things i've said

maya is more likely to be an onision fan

transphobia is an onision trait

maya do not talk anymore

being welcome on this server is not something to be proud of

i'm not dumb


stop saying fuck

hey maya you probably have an idiotic french accent

you probably have an idiotic russian accent

maya does

you sound 10

why are you talking about cum to apparent 10 year olds

okay pedophile


exactly @Dyno

shut the hell up maya

gender exists on a spectrum

no one is trying to determine anyone's genitals

gender identity is unrelated to that

yes it is

stop talking

``` especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female ```

aka gender is not based on biology

yes it is

stop saying "fucking"

wow so maya has a foot fetish

dan being attracted to you is a mystery

i don't care

yeah and you're telling me about your story when i didn't ask

you don't have to talk me now, just as i don't have to talk to you now

you could be talking to anyone

shut up before I eat your ass

@Repzion You can't make more onision videos, there are almlst 40

@dani(el) don't say fuck

shut up

don't say fuck

don't ping people @Repzion

shut up dani. I don't like you at all and I don't care about where you live, because I do not like you.


don't speak to me I don't like you either

do not speak to me

I don't want either of you speaking to me

dani I don't want to be your friend. I hate you

I hate both danis

Shut up dani, you never know what you're talking about

I am far from obsessed with you

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