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2018-09-08 05:46:29 UTC [/leftypol/ International #australia]  

<:pedo:312063094593683456> Or something else

If someone identifies openly as nazi, they do deserve to be punched

If they have won, it would naturally turn on nazis to be worse. But i don't see Soviets, NK, nor other socialist country as communist

Because they had all qualities being capitaslit/Imperialist by their nature

It's both

It has money, country and dynasty of leaders.

Neither would any turn on help of em.

Beause they are the ones with need of help of outsiders.


It's not communist

Socialist maybe, but still based on more capitalism than socialism

Aka. State Capitalism.

Well atleast i see it capitalistic

It's just way to oppress them. But i don't see why they would need to be allowed to go openly with their supremacy.

If they have space, they will use it, secretly or openly

And they are operating secretly anyways

Except Nazis don't get gassed, but punched

I know my personality being easily flamable, i would fuck up so many nazis as possible

Guns, molotovs, grenades what ever.

Mortal Kombaat


Cocky, and a moron

Well ofcorse i would fight to last breath, rather than roll over and surrender without fight

Because with nazis you would be very likely be dead anyway


In here, Nordic recistance movement are openly nazis and putting stickers with Hitler's face in public places.

They aren't even trying to hide the fact they are nazis

But i have personal reasons to hate them

Some them hunted and bullied me as a kid, that's why i don't hesitate to erase them from planet.

Big deal, same nazis harassing and hunting random people

And how do you defend yourself again't large group or their ideology?

You see, you can get yourself deep trouble in big time, and very easily.

It's sounds simple, but if you or your family members are targeted, are you sure you can just calmly call the police and wait their arrive

When shit hits the fan big time, you prob got no time to think or call anywhere

Don't even try to give simple solutions, because those very likely wouldn't work in real life.

Well. It's not 100% guarantee to be just total fail. But being heart of storm really tests your skills

Okay. Let's cut the bullshit. How long time it can take to police to arrive in worst?

Lets say in big city

And how short time it takes someone to make a bad damage to victim, or break the door in pieces?

Usually it takes 10 to 15 mins, to half and hour.

But in close combat it takes just few minutes. and armed with knife you very likely would be dead before oiicers would reach you.

It's relatively simple


Do you knwo why?

Because i have trained for that kind of sitations and knowing the dangers of weapons like knives. you can cause extremely bad damage with very little knowledege with ho to use knives.

It's only takes one hit in fatal place, and you would bleed to death under 5 minutes

Like in neck

And with multiple wounds you can't stand long without falling unconscious

With gang related assaults, those are relatively common

Punch of neonazis attacking a restaurant

Pretty sure many were armed way or another

```The assailants allegedly threw stones and bottles at the restaurant, damaging the building's facade and shattering a window. The owner, Uwe Dziuballa, was also reportedly injured after being hit on the shoulder with a rock.```

They deal those themselves

Article doesn't say

Im not Jewish, and quite white so very likely not.

Well when came a cross with neonazis it did hit me very hard.

And only reason they hated me was that i had some "Darker" "Turkish" features than them.

So to them anykjind of difference is enough really.

Even with white people if you disagree you are about to be beaten etc.

iI don't need to, when they are driven and pushed to ground

And challenged publicly

Just like what social media is doinf with Alex Jones. his shit was too radical even for Red tube

That is exactly good idea

And still one who brought you right to have 8-hours long work day

And workers unions

I didin't, but Anarchists many generations before me

They were

Yup. They do

Like in Spain, they have whole villages working collectively

"If im using it's cool, but if you use it it dosen't make you look good".

Like shut the - up. And big time.


And you?

Well Wiki is relatively good source

Mr. E i don't need your boot licking

But anyways

Actually Wiki is being used widely by schools

Even universities

Well my friend was a doctor who used wiki alot in his studies. And i was also encourage to use it in my studies.

I graduated as tech support at 2016

Well good for him

Well is there books about it?

Well i don't know can i have a book about my own experience. But we used it alot

So youre Alt-right?

Because it's only Alrt-right morons ive seen criticizing wikipedia as a source, when it has bad information about 2ww, and other left-wing propaganda.

"Because everybody can modify it" When in fact it can't be modify just by random people and by randomly.

Dosen't they still have own moderators. Just like discord channels you have hierarchy of power. so anybody jus't can't randomly messing up

And when you add changes you always have someone who accepts or denies the changes

How the hell we even ended here from violence?

Oh yeah. What changes the Anarchists made

Alot of stuff. Just hop in

Why the fuck i always have clash with somebody

Maybe i like fighting

It's not as good boner as what you would get from good sex or porn movie

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