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Also disliking children for there โ€œpurityโ€


Heโ€™s a firm believer of horseshoe theory


2018-07-01 17:53:18 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


2018-07-01 17:57:00 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

>Caring this much about skin color

Are you Ukrainian/ polish or something?

>implying anyone on this circled are real socialists



If socialism is one side of the brain and capitalism is the other does that make socdems the highest form of intellectual ??

I have a gf bruh donโ€™t lump me in

A qt Asian girl who plays video games hehheh

Donโ€™t lump ur personal failings on me mah boi


High school duh

Sheโ€™s visiting America right now tho


Funnily enough I met another Chinese girl on while on the plain to Detroit

lol lm struggling enough with Spanish

We had a nice conversation on politics and where China was going

Hint: I live in Southern California

She want to strong willed in any direction but she was worried about xi jingping making himself president 4 life


Well when leaders get old they often make poor decisions

Well a leader makes poor decisions in China millions of people die

Besides xi jingping isnโ€™t a bloody socialist lmao

Idk practical

He will do what keeps him popular and in control

Kind of like Putin in a way but in a much better position

Bruh heโ€™s a crypto gommie heโ€™ll declare the 5th international when the time is right!

Putin keeps a tight leash on the oligarchs that give him power while also preforming actions raise popularity like controlling the media or invading Ukraine even at the cost of the economy

So that public dissent is always a minority

If they go against overtly they get punished harshly

Well good enough since most of the population watchโ€™s state run news lmao

Come on bruh you donโ€™t need to defend countryโ€™s like Russia because there anti west or whatever

Until the sword is turned on yourself of course then itโ€™s evil and unfair

Invading countryโ€™s tends to make you stand out yes lol

Ask Saddam Hussein about it

Oh shit I forgot the us and Israel were litterly genociding millions of people u right

Itโ€™s hot fuck over here


How is it over there?

Humid of just temperature?

I only got fans โ˜ ๏ธ

Overall a lovely day to celebrate ๐ŸŽ‰ liberty๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†

Check your calendar rooskie We donโ€™t abide by europoor time ๐Ÿ˜Ž

You have the freedom to be smart or stupid

But ya young people do stupid shit

Like in your country ๐Ÿ˜

Euros fail to realize that different states have different fundings for education

Someone from the New England area is likely to be quite educated

While someone from the Deep South may be the opposite

But it all depends sinc epeople are iduviduals

I weโ€™re Russia makes geniuses the population out of the population?

Soviet standerds weโ€™re behind American standards tho

Certainly if you were physically handicapped lol

What about history writing etc?


Secondary language classes are mandatory here

As I said Spanish


I have not the will to do dat sadly

Unless I ya dot move to a Latin country

I mean it depends whatโ€™s your starting language

A French person would probably find it easy while Japanese person not so much

In English we donโ€™t have male/female words

Masculine bridges... feminine shampoo

Lmao girl is neutral

In America you good can do a German accent and start speaking gibberish and people will think your speaking German

JA ja

How much but hurt do u think I could cause posting this

Tbh all that started everything went downhill

kanye 2020 will reverse the course comrade

Anywho gotta go. Burgers to be eaten

Less likely things have happened

I bet one dogecoin

What of the soldiers sins bruh


Have you ever actually talked to a spec ops person you absolute meme

Ok so have i and most of them donโ€™t exactly feel good about there โ€œtitleโ€

And what do they have when there old and have nothing but scars?


What you our is there to being good at killing people


Pff are we dumb apes doomed to do the same counter productive shit for our entire existance?


And redpilled


Tell me buyXRBpls why am I presucuted so for my social democratic


Am I wrong for thinking dat well regulated capitalism is a good system!

She had it coming




Sweden did it for like century tho

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