
Discord ID: 591161658575945729

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2019-11-19 15:32:27 UTC [Stupid Idiot #new-fag]  

what happened to the archive

is that server not a thing anymore

I was a jannie there about a year and a half ago

wait iโ€™m being serious

if you were looking for a record label

what is something that would make you want to join?

somebody said the faggot word

i take inspiration from /s4s/

we've got a building with a flag pole

old lady moves in with their fuckin piece of crap cat

names it garfield or something

waste of time and maintenence

cat goes out every morning onto the flag pole because it's dumb as hell

cat decides to shit itself outside off of the flag pole as opposed to litter box

neighbor has had enough of this

neighbor pulls out a double barrel shotgun

sprays and prays (minus the pray) towards the cat

bloody pulp falling from the flag pole

who wants to see my spicy wallpaper


Iโ€™m at work right now.

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