Cui bono?

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@george murray oh sure thing buddy

that totally happened

so your a nigger or half nigger aswell

what are the odds

>although a lot are white males.
"""white males"""

you mean (((white males))) maybe?

are you a woman or just a massive faggot?

yeah im anti semitic just like every single person that isnยดt a current day inhabitant of a western "democracy"

again at least 5 vs 1

and probably some retarded republican boomer on the first one

nothing to with a neo nazi

@grackul Jews are not part of society and i dont blaim them for my personal failure but for that of the west

@george murray wow another dude that doesnt look like a neo nazi but probably was 5v1ed again

they dont outnumber me, they only attack in groups

theres not a single video on the web where "antifascists" attack anyone with less than 3 alliees around them

@george murray they do agree with me instinctively but they have been raised and indcotrinated to go against their instinctive reaction

and when the timess get worse they will forget that conditioning

there are no left wingers in the military

yeah youre right they are racist, sexist, homophobic and also fascsist by nature

because we dont have those instincts for no reason

You are born with a group and you have to stick with it if you want to survive

there is no "intgration" or "tolerance" in nature

and there will be none in the future

because all of those instincts proved to be true

they are just communists fighting for their own group

they dont fight for any rights for minorities and theyยดd probably laught at you if you suggested any of your degenerate shit to them

just like every other real man on this planet instinctively would

no any kind of shit that youยดd never see in any still functioning or traditional society

There is not a single civilisation on this planet that didnt know the concept of marriage

or that didnt surpress homosexuals and women

those are just criminals pretending them damaging public property would somehow be a political statement. You have to be mentally retarded to complain about the financial situation of your country while causing millions of dollars of damage at the same time by destroying things youยดll have to pay for with tax money

again they donยดt fight for the rights of any minorities

they fight for their own gain

not for the rights of purple haired transsexual sub-humans or socialist catladies

your average western leftist

a bunch of losers and degenerates trying to normalize their hedonism and rewriting their weakness as strength

thank god none of them will reproduce

20 people ganging up with masks to commit crimes. true heroes. its just fucking pathetic at this point.

The left has abondened the working class long ago and started to pander to Immigrants, Homosexuals and basically every kind of degenerate imaginable, they are no longer fighting for economic equality, they are fighting against the working class white male now for not falling for their communism bullshit and choosing national identity over "class identity".

I dont give a shit about your commie-definition of the left just as you wouldnt care about my definition of the right either

just goes to show that youre an autistic nigger

wasnt directed towards gayven is not cucked

they are nothing but identity politics at this point

anti-white identity politics

everyone should celebrate their identity except for whites

being gay is now something to be proud of

immigrants should feel proud of their heritage, but whites shouldnt

why are you against racism?

we wouldnt have a problem with "racists" if we didnt have foreigners in here in the first place

forcing people to live together will only cause conflicts when the times get harder

people are racist by nature

no youยดre not supposed to "turn" against them

but they will turn against us

and most white men against them

if we have to fight for ressources then im gonna prefer my group to others

because were being subverted and forgot how to fight back against it

the west was on top for such a long time that it forgot how to fight

because we had no enemies

jews did

not capitalists


America was shit from the beginning

@grackul no you cant

are you retarded or what

this is by far the shittiest argument of the left

>haha you dont want literal apes in your country? well next your gonna discriminate red-heads or what xD

well too bad that they cant show pics of the population as there was no food

@george murray every child eventually joined the hitler youth

they literally got military training from the time they left kindergarten, if anything at all they were the ones beating up other kids

and your group there were just a bunch of hippies who rightfully so got arrested when they were caught

morons with no discipline

i dont give a shit about circumsicion

and i gotta go sleep now, see ya guys tomorrow

he/she tagged me aswell

the question was directed at both of us

i just answered it

>poojeet calling others unhygienic

sure thing buddy, just be careful and look out for the toilet witch

india is a meme country

>white women are race traitors
they actually are the demographic statistically dating the least out of their race

look it up poojeet

jewish ads and porn are not reality

biggest race traitors are mexican women

together withs asians

well they are a very small demographic so no wonder

yeah at an extremly low rate

meanwhile jewish Media lets it seem like very second american couple is nigger + white women

no even less than that as far as i know

no there is data from dating apps showing how the majority of white women reject people from other races at a much higher rate, nothing to do with population size

rip rice-niggers

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