Mr. X

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Isn't anarchy supposed to be for people who want to lead themselves or something?

Nope. Not in the real world dude.

Name one successful civilisation based around anarchy.

Pepe as a commie?

What a joke.

Not fond of socialism either.

It's no surprise that antifa are home to a lot of commies.

Nazis are just laughable.

I used to think Trump was like Hitler.

I was so against him. I don't care about him now though.

I don't care because I'm not that educated on him and he's literally not my president as I'm from another country.


Wtf is this shit?


Well it depends

No doubt

Sweden looks like a mess

No its not

We rarely have foreigners around

Is that Mr.Clean?

Mr.Clean is a commie confirmed

Who told you that dude?

Ireland is so white

There was rarely any black people or brown skins in any of my schools

My last two schools had no black people even

And that was a very liberal school

I wish a bunch of communists came to my funeral and played the Soviet uniion anthem

For the meme

Yes because no white person made mass shootings.

Capitalism ftw dude


Stupid meme

Didnt laugh/10

Now thats more like it

Lol commie kid is the best

fuck cant find that image

We need gay islamic nazi communism

I do not like Islam.

Of course it is. They kill gays and oppress women.

Where was this Jack?

Mussolini wasn't anti


Atleast you have some sense then

They werent Antifa

They were people

Who hated him

They werent the terrorist group antifa

Yeah they were anti fascist for sure but they werent antifa

Yes but the meme said they were antifa

Pretty confusing tbh

It is. Most people would think its antifa is someone said antifa

Most people are anti fascists. Atleast in the west anyway.

Just not antifa.

As in the terrorist organisation.

No. Just the ones who are in antifa.

But that's what they're usually in anyway

No. Everyone who's in antifa is in antifa.

Yes it is. The Department of Homeland Security was said to have classified their activities as domestic terrorism.

They are organized though.

They're not all anarchists. Even the anarchists in it go by certain commands in the organizationn.

I know.

Never said it was.

You really don't understand antifa do you?

You can have different beliefs and be organized

And associate and ally yourself with others under the same terrorist group.

Surely ISIS members have different ideas on Islam because that's what happens when there's so many people. Not every thinks the same. Different people have different ideologies. You can be a communist and believe in different things.

Like some feminists believe that supporting Islam is progressive even.

Yes Im talking about American antifa too.

You don't need to own land to be a terrorist organization.

Like I said even the Department of Homeland Security was said to have classified their activities as domestic terrorism.

No they do.

Many do.

And rationalists yes.

And the other side of course.

Because they are.

Put them behind bars.

Many do go behind bars too.

No everyone who riots is under arrest.

They don't arrest everyone in hijabs because some ISIS members wear it.

How so?

What nazi marches killed people? And where are those nazi marches?

What murders?

Oh yeah charlottesville. I need to be more educated on that incident.

Yes I know but that doesnt make it right

Nor is attacking innocent people

And claiming them as nazis just for being on the right.

And a lot are in antifa with their extremist actions

Why else would they be deemed as terrorists?


Many have assaulted innocents.

Even if nazis who haven't committed a crime

Yes they have

The KKK for one

Most neo nazis aren't going out there to attack others

they use free speech as their advantage

So combat it without the use of violence because that only proves them right and gets you into deep shit

go on youtube

Look up antifa

Click any antifa on the streets video

No not sargon

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