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We interrupt your scheduled programming for a very, very unpopular opinion: EJECT SCOTLAND!

I've been holding this rather unpopular opinion of mine for quite some time, I'm in favour of Brexit on the principle that I want the laws I live under to be made locally to me in my own country(where I can hold them to account), not in some far away ivory tower where I'm regarded with no more notice than a alphanumeric value on a spread sheet in a filing cabinet. So I support the right of Scottish Electorate to seek independence from the UK if that is what they wish.

What I don't support is the use of Independence Referendums or the threat of such as a means to extort political favours and/or extra fiscal spending or other resources from Westminster. Call their damn bluff and kick them out! No more lavishing extra funds on spoilt ingrates, EJECT SCOTLAND! Also I detest the financial burden of running referendum after referendum, just leave already.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XYyUXQ4g5Y My comments on this video are:


Perhaps the incentives offered for Black Single Mothers to expel Black Father's from their households in return for state welfare was to ensure that the resultant offspring would grow up without guidance from close male relatives, in the full knowledge that it would help to create more dysfunctional individuals. Much the same as State Welfare has been used to destroy Indigenous American's way of life. Prior to the introduction of welfare, the Black Family was actually much stronger than the White Family. Welfare corrodes and destroys personal responsibility.

As you said yourself, Carl, the ancient Roman proverb goes like this:
"When your enemy is hungry, feed him. When your enemy is cold, clothe him. Nothing will make your enemy weaker."

Because YouTube(Google) censorship is a thing, I need to make sure that this comment gets to exist for more than 5 seconds.


Well the takeaway message I get from Bedfordshire Police is that they are pro-paedophile. TR's daughter gets to see her Dad dragged off by the police after he steps in to protect her as her attacker goes free. The Bedfordshire Police Constabulary needs a fucking enema.

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