
Discord ID: 408336963331162112

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Material conditions?

What a fully automated farm?

Run by robots?

There's lots of pre-existing communes out there already

Can you simulate it in an MMO?

Have all the clan members donate everything to the guild treasury and take whatever they feel is 'needed'

How can there be post scarcity if everyone just consumes what they want for free?

But you could never get to a surplus that way

Unless someone is deciding that certain people should have less

Where is the incentive to keep up with infinite demand?

Because we want progression

Nothing is ever good enough

We can't just be stuck in a time warp like Cuba

1950's forever

And we certainly don't want regression

But communism does and I'll tell you why

It seeks to return to the conditions of the garden of Eden but with Adam and Eve achieving Godhood

There is this belief that God was once a man and Adam and Eve fell (into a lower state of consciousness)

Which is where you get class consciousness

lol and consume all the resources

In a highly inefficient way

We can't just go around trashing every planet

This is an anti-human ideology like VHEMT

Just join this and take it to the next level

Voluntary human extinction movement


So gay ๐ŸŒˆ

2018-06-02 18:53:14 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


2018-06-02 19:16:24 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Communism is anti-semitic, it was created by a self hating Jew.

2018-06-02 19:17:14 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


2018-06-02 19:17:38 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

They taught anti-Semitism in Russian schools

2018-06-02 19:59:26 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


2018-06-02 20:23:50 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Ok i'll get you one from Russia

2018-06-02 20:36:10 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

I'm looking for one where there's this giant metal Jew spider and web with a star of david hat on structure in a Russian elementary school.

2018-06-02 22:55:07 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Gtfo mooselambs


how old are you guys?

what's with this weeb shit

man you guys are so cringey

you expect people to take you and your ideology seriously?

or is this some kind of Dungeons & Dragons make believe shit

damn larpers


bunch of gay nerd millenial kids trying to sound like a tough commie lol

I like the fake weapons you guys parade around with haha

like kim jong un's fake missiles

he's not such a strong leader afterall, he backed down like a puss

Leftism is dead

Venezuela killed it

the nail in the coffin for you guys

the far right will never be in power again after Trump

trend followers

for military communication

they don't show tienneman's square in china on the internet

heavy censorship

you like beeing a sheeple huh

eating up all the propoganda

with a sheep herding dog it is

this will be called Planet America one day

Liberty will never die

oh yes it should

we should have freed all of korea

without US foreign aid, North Korea would starve

they just lie about where it comes from

they dont want to trade with anyone anyway

they practically deforested all of north korea getting wood


neoliberalism is a made up word by the left

there's no such thing as neoliberalism

transrationality eh?

knowing the facts but denying them

if you want a backwards society

thanks to liberalism, you have free speech to say these things

you guys just want to be criminals or what? is that it?

how can you seriously think communism is good?

basic logic & common sense reason

you dont know what capitalism is

so delusional

Holodomor deniers

ah I see

how about the great leap forward

Venezuela proves communism/socialism doesn't work

all the best countries are social democracies

EVERYTHING is controlled by the state, what do you mean??

you need to stop propogating this myth that Venezuela is capitalist

you are thinking of state capitalism, huge difference

the only place they say Venezuela is capitalist is on Marxist websites

how can you oppose free trade?

Laissez faire is the only fair

no it's not controversial, only among you brainwashed idiots


Voluntary Meritocracy is the way to go

your's is the opposite

how about Lenin's New Economic Policy EH?

when he allowed free market in agriculture

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