
Discord ID: 636597908346765334

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That being said, I think the 3 that the Dems will be best suited as putting forward a candidate that appeals to independents and moderates are going to be Mayor Pete, Tulsi, or Yang

And I hope he is also put under the microscope The current POTUS was during... well the last 4 years

What do we think the long term implications of Bloomberg joining will be in the foreseeable future?

These are not the pedos you are looking for

Move along

Just one

But credible Clinton flights? <:banhammer:509427162009567245>

I could see that

Supposing he doesnโ€™t fizzle out though, what happens next?

Do we end up with 2 billionaires in the final debates? How would that effect 2024 for both (or more) parties?

Thatโ€™s a really good point

The left wonโ€™t vote for anyone who says disquieting truth

I have been making the argument to make sure you always vote for a patriot

Because they will try to help the nation they love

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