
Discord ID: 359972811499896833

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Does anybody think America needs a border? I certainly think it does. It stops the very rough demographics scenario that will be in place down the line when the economy does go under. Changing that is marginally, I would contend, of significance. lol It's not costly to build a wall. It's a sliver of the daily U.S. expenditures when you look at the numbers. Extensively larger amounts of money will be spent in media coverage of the wall than the wall if it isn't built in a generally timely fashion. lol

Lucienne, America needs a wall, not one random state. If I'm just picking U.S. budget expenditures I'll go with throwing a wall around my house. That's not bad. lol We don't need countless immigrants in our country when the economy is gone and we're forced to take care of what we have by addressing practical needs present. I would say we need less struggles at that time. And incomparable controversy was voiced. lol

Does anybody think we need a wall? This is in reference to the country of America. Isn't it pressing that America gets a wall, since it has various implications for the state of the population? We're up for a rough future of there's too many immigrants in the U.S. population. Maximal space from our state and Venezuela is ideal. lol
It's not that demanding to build a wall. The cost is very low. It's like an equivalent of 10 cents of some kid's lunch money compared to the U.S.'s daily budget. It also pays for itself very quickly. Spare no expense? How about intelligent investment? lol

We really need a wall. It prevents the economy from being drained by people on welfare. Also the further we can get away from multi-culturalism, the better the general citizen's life will be. Don't just mix all ingredients in your kitchen because you like rainbows. lol
Other countries have had walls and they make a difference. Jerusalem's wall kept out %95 of immigration. That's a real difference. Walls aren't some absurd tale told to extract money from people. lol

@DeadBravo "tea is just leaf water" Very insightful. That is stuff we need to know. Thank you for adding that. Thanks a lot. lol Do other people see tea in a new and better light after reading this? What are people's thoughts? Are you tea redpilled in your opinion? I would guess you would think that. lol

@Ralin Storm That's always an issue with android keyboards. You have all the letters but accessing them is a problem. And far too great of a problem if you ask me. lol What do other people think? The only alternative is to get a tablet. I don't see a workaround. Maybe a genius will come up with one. Something we could have never guessed, in all honesty. An incredible, reality expanding kind of solution. lol

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