
Discord ID: 195311018077847552

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Optimist: Glass half full
Pessimist: Glass half empty
Antifa: Milkshake thrown over Nazi, glass now empty

Someone should make an edit to the CBT wikipedia page about this anti man spreading chair

I saw some people tearing down a Free Tommy Robinson sticker

They did a shit job at it anyway

I badly wanted to ask them if I could receive a bike lock if I could join them

~~Not all Muslims.~~ Quite a lot of Muslims.

I ran into the NSA spying device at the shop. Its called Amazon Echo because it Echo's everything to advertisers, governments and hackers.

I think that will change eventually @ebinmemes22

@ebinmemes22 use TrackMeNot on low frequency, and enable searches that DHS record

If its like once every 30 seconds it might get filtered lol

AdNauseum and TrackMeNot are great though

Have any of you heard of the new YouTube terms and conditions change?

Youtube is updating their terms of service on December 10th with a new clause that they can terminate anyone they deem "not commercially viable"

If YouTube starts terminating accounts that are "not commercially viable", you could imagine that demonetised accounts are the first to go

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