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In San Francisco? Yeah, that sucks.

Democrats brought it back.

Yes, that recently.

Sad thing is that our fires seem to keep missing the bay area. :/

I want it to hit before the rats spread the plague though.

Also, even if "the big one" struck, it would be a lot less damaging today then the last one.

I'd rather we elect some Republicans and clean the place up. It's a pretty nice place to live, aside from the fucking homelessness problem, taxes, and other ills of Democrats.

Greta's gonna wind up gangbanged by POCs.

Only 5?

Does the whole "planes falling out of the sky and banks crashing because of lazy programming" of '00 count?

What about the religious doomsday predictions. Do any of those count?

Better question: Have their been any years that aren't the end of the world by someone's prediction? Be it due to religious idiots using numerology and a special version of calculus they invented for the purpose, climate change alarmists, Scientologists, or just random red-necked/chav/etc. idiots buying into crystals, homeopathy, marijuanaastrology, or whatever else it is that sends their imagination spinning towards doom and gloom?,

Like, how many of the years since we've been recording them haven't been the end of the world?

Not gonna lie. I don't particularly care if Terra will live on. I do kinda care a lot more about my comfort and continued life.

Even if the rock persists and life on it continues to fuck and die, I'll still accept an end to humans as something to worry about. But I need better evidence it is in fact something to worry about.

Fun fact: they run off a cliff, you will still die.

Not following them is more of a moral victory than an actual victory.

She didn't come up with it. Her handlers did.

Ocasio is a paid actor playing the role of a congresswoman.

Also, Saikat Chakrabarti is a really fun set of sounds to speak out loud.


Are you saying they haven't to avoid getting suicided?

Well, the climate changing is likely to lead to a reduction in comfort. It isn't likely to be entirely trivial.

It's less that it won't have consequences we dislike, it's more "what's the best way to deal with those and come out as best as we can as they happen?" and that doesn't involve socialism.

I think futas and herms should all be cleansed via Exterminatus.

Need to do the necessary work first, then worry about cleansing self.

Because the unclean will not clean themselves.

My relationship with money and trans is limited to money transfers.

Wait. Are you trying to suggest there are straight space marines?

they 100% are.

Poofters every one of them.

Look at the straight heretic.

Astartes Pedarast?

Do you paint your necrons pink and mold sex ports into them?

Milk for the Khorne Flakes.

You be admirin the brown eye of Nurgle?

So, is there even one faction, army, or group in the 40k verse that isn't gay as fuck?

Necrons are non-binary. They're faggits.


Orcs are frat boy gay.

Neither do actual faggots.

Space Marines: men that fuck each other in the ass and suck each other off. Because manly!
Orcs: No homo, bro. Reach around waaagh.


I think the entire 40k universe is just various flavors of gay. Both the homosexual and every other usage of the word.

There are in fact a disproportionate number of homosexual males in the fandom.

I do think most of the horses on the cartoon are gay.

The motorcyclist just upgraded from remainer to remains.

Hentai maids are niggers though. Subservient, don't actually do their job, basically mindless.

Just upgrading all the things.

Here are more rocks improved by adding a pony.

Yes, but she's kicking rocks out at cockatrices. That's almost a pun.

Well now I'm in full support of Rocktober.

Don't refer to your mother as the devil.

Yeah, but if they have orange skin everyone will demonize them for it.

Success is bigotry, after all.

So, a bunch of brown people fighting each other. What's the problem?

Yeah, but they hate gays in Russia.

You'll get mugged and beaten a lot.

Goth as a clothing style is great. Anyone who treats it like a lifestyle or anything other than an option for roleplay night is terribad.

Thick is bad.

Yeah, I wouldn't admit to knowing her.

Whenever she scrapes up enough change on the corner to afford McDonald's.

Nah, I wouldn't let her anywhere near my clit. It's more of a "walk the dog" sort of thing. She wears the leash, gets on all fours, and the folks and McDonald's have a laugh.

Redheads and Japanese women lately.

No and no.

Alternatively, add more.

If you keep adding rocks, the problem will eventually be solved.

I also agree with Sama. The male urethra is a fine place to insert rocks.

Like a reverse gallstone.

I heard a rumor that in WWII, the Japanese liked to sound captives with a glass rod, then get them erect so it shattered inside.

Glass is just silica. A mineral. In the rock family.

All natural gravel sounding.

"My rape sense is tingling"

MA, you should like up scrotum saline inflation.

@Churk You know what goes really, *really* well with rock?

Can you expect the rock to do all the work? Hit his head against the rock.

We can make it better. Stronger. Faster.

Careful about slapping your knee with it.

It wouldn't be as painful as sounding with it, but it probably would still be unpleasant and ill-advised.

We've already started


It's harder than flesh.

The Aztecs often just salted linen for armor.

It was pretty effective, yeah.

Anywho. The plan is to shape rocks to our will. I didn't know we were still going after Spanish conqeuistadors in breastplates.

Macuahuitls are just neat looking. I wouldn't mind having one on my wall.

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