
Discord ID: 245716203295866880

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It's just circuit theory bs

I'm just padding my ego

Because my grades sure don't



Cant wait to see those comments

Probably coke

If they wanted to they could have hyper advanced ai algorithms that filter exactly what your looking for even if it's got low views

But fuck that they want easy money

Every single stat exist

It just takes effort to turn it into a practical flow of infromation

It's just basic data analytics

And people can't be fucked to put in any effort


Allot of women recognize that raising kids is the most important thing in their lives so instead of becoming political or economic leaders they become leaders in child development

Like legit there are allot of smart women who are on medicine and child development

But the angry spiteful women are the ones who try to become ceos

And those are those are the foolish women

Which is why they fail

Our society isn't good at shutting down imcompetent women

Instead it infact raises them up

Just buy one off Amazon right now

Do it


Take cover it's a goy

Hide yo credit hide yo shekels



Asians are racist af

Why have any sympathy for them?

They think black people are literally dirty monkeys

And hate westernerns

Got no sympathy for Muslims either

Even hate their own kind

@Carsen that's called being naive

Have a you ever read a book or watched a movie were some naive turd brain trust a criminal and gets fucking murdered

@Carsen that's you right now

When did I ever say that idiot

Can you read?

Literally illerate?

Must be from a 4th world county

Like that island off of India

Spear spear throw throw at fly fly thing

No I'm you

I'm about to hang myself

It's the appropriate response

I mean who would ever wanna be you?


Is this the Boomer chat or something

How did you turn on the light box?

They're learning <:poggers:583775485620781087>


Gotta specify

Better in what way

Better morally or better pragmaticly

Don't think that's a word

You guys must be zoomers instead of Boomers

Even a Boomer knows adding an ly changes the word

Just go back to listening to Billie elish or something

Leave the thinking for big brains

They're are bunch of cocky zoomers

Iv been in this discord since it's inception

I just never typed anything

Not as gay as you



Someone who hates themself is useless

I'd say it's better to love yourself

So it's better to love yourself because e en if your cocky you can be of use

But if your depressed your useless

At the end of the day most people are cocky and love themself so society was essentially built expecting people to act that way

It's also wrong to overly love yourself by definition because the word overly implys execess

You should have respect for yourself

That's the best medium

Respect yourself as you would someone who you respect


Americans do it too

Which makes no fucking sense, we have always done goodish things

Overly love is better for sure

At the end of the day life is constant war and you can't fight if you don't believe in yourself

Excessive nationalism is bad

But a moderate amount is necessary

Just wait until 2020

You will get your sweet release in trump elected 2 electric boogaloo

Hoping to see 1000 times the screeching

they didnt

theocracy is just as dangerous as fascisms and communism

especially back then

one of the main ideas behind the founding of the US

was to explicitly avoid theocracy

back when the US was founded there was no fascism or communism, those came later

instead theocracy was rampant

and all of the liberties rights and freedoms were adopted specifically to avoid theocracy

the founders would winge at the fact we added "in god we trust" to our currency and "one nation under god" to our pledge, we should remove those asap in my opinion

completely violates the separation of church and state

yes thats what I ment

your wrong and get out


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