
Discord ID: 561864788150583306

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See, I got all bases covered <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

Nah, lets burn society to the ground and start over

Once Trump wins 2024 I will be laughing so much <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

"He cant do it" watch him

Nope, but the lefties are reporting his tweet for 2024 as though its serious, and i'm all like- why not <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

He wins a house majority he can amend that law and boom lifetime republican president Trump who shall ascend to godhood and become the Emperor of Man <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

Well lets undo it anyway, lets take that cap off and let the Trump Genie out <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

As for the UK can we keep parliament prorogued and give ownership of the land back to the queen <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

I think she'd get shit done

she aint allowed to dissolve <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

She is the last hope, like star wars.

Eastern European women <:gachiBASS:555040077210714113>


Because its the only way you know they are ethnic <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

Is there an ethnostate going on in sargons discord <:sarGOY:462286263622303754>

Where were these teachers when I was in school <:Sadpepuz:447874715785101323>

I wouldn't of told anybody

the day of the foot soldier is pretty much done tbh

A 10 year old chinese kid could wreck a company of men with an xbox controller now

ISIS already figured that shit out

Attack grenade to drone with quick release, fly it over a position, release


Smart is what they are

Not normal smart, retard smart, but smart none the less

what is this shite

Autism doesn't make power armour, autism runs into the field of battle naked

Or with a bible, like a padre

Climate change is a hoax

Tulsi Gabbard โค

In th eUK you can have any firearm you want as long as you dont tell anybody

To be fair I'm all about bringing back the British Constitution and our right to bear arms

the firearms act 1990

And when we joined thte EU they scrapped most of it in favour of the "human rights act"

are you a white westerner charlie? <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

If you are yoyu have privilege to defend yourself with <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

According to the left its super efficient

Dude as a former soldier of the UK I cant wait to leave this shithole

I will marry an american or Australian to get away at this point

Lost cause mate

I served with a few regt's, was a CMT

Londons a shit hole <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

SE boy here

Anyone from the north is a wrench monkey <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

That medal is gay

We should nuke Israel tbj

And the rest of the middle east

It's the only way to be sure

I just wanted Tulsi or Williamson to win <:Pepe:389926749355376661>

It was a long shot but either of those 2 against Trump would of been <a:OMEGAROLL:523806150186237953>

Tulsi was sugar momma material, and williamson was just a nice person

Not massively into yang, don't know why he has support

UBI mothafucka

UBI is not good tbh

Its not costed

The only place where UBI was rolled out to everyone I think was Sweden and it didn't work

Not even close

Was one of the scandi bloc

That proves my point- if it didn't work on even a local level what on earth makes you think it will work on a national level for everyone

Neither has exterminating white folk ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

Basically I shut you down with a "just because it hasn't been tried completely doesn't mean its good to do" UBI doesn't work though, it basically wipes out the entire tax bracket of low income earners in the UK

If you do yangs "1K a month" version anyway

Tulsi is waifu โค

I know im being baited dude, I'm on this discord <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

Reparations are ridiculous as well tbh

The people who should of got them are no longer alive to recieve them ๐Ÿคท

No, I rape and abuse the middle east homie <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

The problem with repariations is it never ends

Ok we pay them, should the Italians pay us for what the Romans did, or the Swedes for what the Vikings did etc.

Honestly where Africa is concerned the only reason they are a shit hole is because they do not want to fix it.

I was out there numerous times and they actually told me to my face "why would we change muzungu, the UN will give us free stuff and all we have to do is wait"

We built a school, 6 months later everything was gone, tried a clinic they sold the equipment, tried to teach them farming (because they have loads of farming land) fucked it off and waited for the UN <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Dude that whole continent is a bastard fire

And honestly its the girls I feel most sympathy for out there, go to school till 13-14 then they get told to knock it off and go be a house wife ๐Ÿค”

Some cities are doiing alright like Nairobi, but others like Juba are an absolute shithole

Dude I remember when one of them didn't know the script, and we left a tent with him to patch up, we were walking up the main road and seen him on his phone in the chair sunning, the moment he seen us he ran over to the tent spread out on the floor and started hammering the hole <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

America will always be racist tbh ๐Ÿค”

The problem is they are now influencing Europe and the rest of the world

And it is ridiculous

You look at Jim crow laws, nowhere else in the world (Except Colonial countries) had anything like that tbh

I think South Africa and Australia were pretty close though

They were evil, but they were stylish in their dress tbh ๐Ÿค”

NAzi's were definitely evil, the wehrmacht were meh

Actually most NAzi's were not soldiers, they were camp guards and intelligence and political party affiliates ๐Ÿคท

Most of the German army were wehrmacht and slightly different

I'm saying don't mistake NAzi's and Wehrmacht, there are many german soldiers buried in British military cemeteries and even we differentiate between the 2....

well my fellow jewlets I just got doe installing some new RGB's on my computer ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Need to get some RGB ram next and a cooling system ๐Ÿค”

So much rainbow shit going on my computer could host a gay pride rally

It is a shame the 2080 aero GPU doesnt have RGB, I may have to add to it <:pepe:312704217028493312>

It is close, but it needs MORE

I want this bitch to luminate people like fallout ghouls

The Greeks should leave the EU with the UK and Poland tbh

We will do our own thing fam

New boys club and no fat german ladies are invited

Dude I do not see Britain joining the EU army either, regardless of BRexit

No soldier would wear that shit <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

The UN patches were only ok because we were helping peeps, the EU, nah fam we good

If there is another vote I wouldn't vote tbh- because principally it means they ignored me the first time, so what would stop them ignoring the second

No deal BRexit is the best outcome imo

Everyone asking for a deal don't realise that weakens our position, begging like a dog for left overs

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