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Discord ID: 187649995149803522

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~~don't actually kill him~~

daniel are you a psychopath?

or is onion an idiot?

probably the latter

When I meet homophobic people

I just call them

I love ass

It's genital

And it is serving you

trump has failed us

this IS the end of rhetoric

if charlottesville isn't proof of the end of rhetoric

I don't know what is

define me

I am gay



even emojis don't care about the black and brown stripes

Fuhrer is spelled wrong

I'm upset

sometimes one nut is not enough

at least you're not an indigo teen <:SatanyaBully:309136424584871936>

He made a bad Christmas movie

mfw you spam and it's not even original


I promise to watch just lemme finish watch philly d

my thought

since we're seeing such bad decisions made with trump

why have a second celebrity president?

~~ru paul and the rock are exceptions~~

that's the same argument everyone made

"he's gonna die"

all politics at the end of the day

are local

trudeau is a mixed bag

he's against freedom of speech which I despise him for

but he's pretty eh otherwise


wa'll need to go to japan and impregnate everyone

have you seen their demographic pyramid?

I kinda wanna move to japan more just to rub it in to logan paul's face that even someone as absurd and disgusting as me can show respect in japan

call me a libtard snowflake

I may be fine with derogatories for the most part

but blatantly calling people cucks for people no matter how left they are

it's just how the left calls the right and the center nazis


I fapped to latino porn is that good enough?

what if I'm gay and all the black gay guys are taken by milo?


I use cunt

it's still packs as much of a punch

but I don't feel bad about using it

bae means fucking shit

you cunt

I like calling people eggs too

it's funny

gives me relief from how much american politics make me want to hang myself

too much of a pussy to

but it's common in depression to want to never exist without having the urge to actually commit suicide

I feel stuck in a limbo for that

anyway see ya cunts

I'll be back once rep pings us all

Sorry about that Ping repzion there was just this guy that kept ping spamming

Paint shit in the name of bob ross

I'm not vegan and I know I'm gayer than vegans

Not a tofu fan but I could beat out all the other soy boys in an efem war

~~I'd date a vegan so long as he'd let me eat chicken~~

Ew vore



Is dick vegan?

eggs are the devil

Don't kill the boners peta


I kinda wanna try tofu

I'm already pretty soy boy-y

I actually wanna marry commentiquette

He's so cute

My favorite milk is Erik Hoffstad


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