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but rectangles are lines connecting 4 points

Christian Burns is Onion's secret crush

I didn't even say anything

and bam


what I posted in <#231946987585404930> is me rn

I hate every2

national socialism is what hitler was for tho right?

Ancap is stupid

i'd like to take a moment

to say

that tariq nasheed's anti-moist movement is homophobic

and hypocritical

it's a scam for him to make money selling t-shirts

but it's to show distaste for objects people use in homosexual lifestyles

well upon investigation of this anti-moist movement


he could do a collab with daddyofive

blaming everything on everyone else

and being homophobes

I wonder if tariq is a trans-negro ๐Ÿค”

I'm not even white


although if tariq was a trans negro

would anyone be surprised?

oh I've been here

a long time

just never really active

but tariq pisses me off

you have a lovely nose

can I marry it?

anime girls don't have noses

fine I'll take the whole package @Quas

because I love the letter q

noses are proof of almighty power

dogs rule us

nobody loves you

even less love me

*god of cringe*

I know

also haha funni ur mom joek

great tweet

I mean some right-wing stance are understandable

but flat earth

I'm a gray area peacemaker

I said some not all jesus

I don't even believe jesus was a diety

both suck

trump sucks more

at the end of the day though

you can't stop them from existing

you have to ignore them

and move on

I kinda don't get why I joined other than being a leftist

I mean I understand where you come from

but no matter how hard you try

the right wing will still exist

i don't think there should be sides

I think it should be a spectrum

uniformitarian thinking destroys the beauty of discussion

but you could say the same for the left

you could say the same for everything

the left and the right are almost equally flawed

I'm left leaning

because I feel

the left is less flawed

but that doesn't mean I can't view right wing individuals as people

I do believe better education could get them to see the other side

but we can never force an ideology on to someone

as long as a diversity of opinion is allowed

but many leftist who say they want progress show regress

onion cannot debate

onion cannot take a joke

it kind of reminds me of cnn

but at least cnn has more of a purpose

I live in detroit

you could do it irl

oh also I still need to send my piss to bulshell media

I need to send my piss to bulshell media first

then you can rape me with gerbils


also onision is still less relevant

I'm a faggo



a shitlord

a fatphobic pedophillic anorexic fetish shitlord

also anti-weed

yes he's fatphobic

fatshaming is his secondary bread and butter

he hates fat people

please kill him

suicide bomb his house

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