Ditzy Doo

Discord ID: 541037386361077771

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But this luxury means nothing; as we are truly missing belonging.

Europeans are often divisionary in their ethnonationalism. Wishing to create stronger lines. Meanwhile Americans have to both unite and diffierenate between groups.

We- Europeans and Americans - are distinquished groups.

This is true; however I think misreading Americans as ''culturaless'' and such is a bit too far.

Anglo- and German-Americans are the ones who don't ''hyphenate''.

The rest do. Although it doesn't really mean as much as you may think.

Outside of (some) Irish and Italian communities in America. Most people live as though they're just parts of the greater whole. While those communities may attempt to remain more distinct.

But those are *those* communities. Which do so for varying historical & social reasons. But it only takes one generation of children just calling themselves ''American'' and speaking General American for that divisional line amoung them to evaporate.

Sometimes it is done consciously, sometimes not. And... if you mean the census.

The census is the census.

I think that America should - First and foremost - re-align itself towards the interests of its European-American population.

Past that, the strategies regarding other races will depend upon circumstance.

However; I want Jews out of North America. The majority of them, that is. Those that still retain any form of Jewish identity & culture.

Africans should probably be granted their own independent state. An alliance with African Nationalists wouldn't hurt in the coming partition.

We can't allow for a down-up partition- By the way.

It would be too bloody.

If we will divide the country; the state apparatus needs to be harnessed.

Ameridians can be granted the protections of citizenship or the position as foreign citizens of their respective Ameridian nations.

Whose territory would be treated like independent states. Much like today.

Social Nationalism

Mind explaining to me what you mean?

War economy?

America isn't under perpetual war economy.

Unless you mean what America *does* have.

Yet it has one of the greatest militaries in the world.

Work camps are generally corrective & holding facilities.

Not to exterminate the person working.

That is a very Western narrative people put up.

In Soviet Gulags, you would only be there for a maxium of twenty years. Which is a long time, but short in terms of maxium sentences.

You would also be gurranteed a job afterwards, like all Soviet citizens.

There was stability after leaving.

Stability and support.

Not to say it was a fun time.

Due to the facilities' positions in Siberia

Shipments were often hard to get there.

There was a horrible cold.

To the point you may freeze to death while trying to sleep.

But, the structure around it is not the worst.

I actually quite like it.

What is up with the Jewish population remaining the same before and after the second great war?

Must be Jews outside of Europe & Germany disapeparing.

I don't care an awful lot if it did or did not happen.

What the Jews did to Germany justified a lot worse.

But, it is used as a political weapon.


Dismantling the narrative has value in it.

My man.

I can't go back to /mlpol/

There is too much porn there now

I'm not a Nazi.

**Purity spirals into oblivion.**

Is there?

Wanting to mutiliate animals and rape them.

That is worse, and does exist.

That too.

Excuse me?

Come again?

I think, if you fuck a child, you have no place in civilized society.

Either execution or permanent poverty in service of society.

I mean- Why wouldn't I be?

Not the rope.

I prefer firing lines or a one-tap to the back of the skull.

But- People who jsut want to?

They can be chemically castrated and placed into in-society rehabilitation.

Weebs need rehab

My man

What TIm said.

Chilli pron

''Straight man fucks sexy lad''

Do I smell a HSTS fetish?

I think the path is to ban pornography or simply regulate it.

As opposed to placing it into state hands.

Here is my ๐Ÿ…ฑee๐Ÿ…ฑee Kommisar Borzo

I didn't want it anyway- No, didn't take it from someone else.

Its founder is an old Jewish man


Go do

Furries get dabbed on\

I was really hopeful for Peter Little.

I remember the HAPPENING on /mlpol/

It really got my noggin' joggin'

The United the Right rally was a retard rally


There were more than twenty.

Maybe twenty in a specific group.

But there were a lot more rightoids there.

No, the Police weren't especially protecting the rightists.

The police are the arm of the capitalist class.

They have no preference besides in maintaining this system.

I don't really care what fascism is.

It is a threat to the system as it is today. Even if they may come to lean upon them in the future.

What do you mean by that?

No, not really.

They're just kind of idiots.

Pinochet wasn't a fascist.

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