
Discord ID: 514429740795297805

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just annex all of america

they lost to talking trees

@๏ผˆยดโˆ€๏ฝ€๏ผ‰ why do they look like NPC's? they are right you know

*ignore soros goyim*

you are retarded lole


no really it was the jews.

how am i an NPC you niggerfaggot

give actual answer, pls

example pls

'' no really it was the jews '' that was a joke in response to what you said first

'' just ignore soros goy '' he's a literal jew

'' Soros survived Nazi Germany-occupied Hungary '' from shittypedia

okay retard @DA GOMMIE JOO

@Borzo i agree

what the fuck are you on about you retard?

arent they just a literal meme ideology + centrists use it as proof of duh horseshoo feory

'' Are you a real nazbol? '' '' Well uh technically nah '' '' Have you ever caught a capitalist, like a- like a real capitalist niggerfaggot? '' '' nah. '' continue this meme for me

continue this shitpost for me because im too fucking tired to listen to all of '' we are number one ''

hello, in this server everyone hates everyone

or atleast, from what i've seen.

yes, and nazis too

i thought i was gonna be banned for saying '' faggot '' but nah that didn't happen

Im SoRrY mR tRuDeA

no i worship hitler and pewdiepie

everyone wants to destroy america

even me

mUh nAzIs

because everybody is too afraid to do it

you commies are alright, dont go to the whitehouse tomorrow.

i didnt think i would actually have a good time in this server

thank you commies


added to my playlist of *thats pretty epic bro*

everything with holo infront of it is now officially labeled a hoax

oh fuck

nazbol pikachu

what the fuck did you do to me

i saw everything weird as shit for a moment

i've turned into mewtwo now

there are no nazbol pokemon, this is an emergency

shitposters get on this immediately

wew lad

'' Google Docs ''

FBI no!


i opened it


is it actually a virus? fuck

0 threats found


Ye its not malware

you got me spooked though

MKULTRA was actually the government turning into bronies and making their population turn into ponies

this is a big redpill

MLP is government hypnotization


rainbow dash is a gay jew CIA agent

its legally required to take a shower every time you see a second of an MLP episode

al-qaeda is a terrorist organization made by pinkie pie

(who is also a jew)

Larry Silverstein should be killed

prove me wrong

gas the jewish bourgeoisie

also shoot all the muslims

9/11 was organized by jewish bourgeoisie so that #NAZBOLGANG couldn't take the twin towers

they told me to paste that too

adolf hitler was nazbol

/leftypol/ is NAZBOL


/pol/ is nazbol

is it... /nazPol/

nazbol is the most chad you can get

/pol/ is a christian nazbol board

go away

we're talking about big boy stuff


stalin disagrees

ponies are for little girl stuff




sorry i dont speak hindu :/

go away demon

go away homosexual


go away israeli

go away israeli

i agree

nazbol pls (or national socialism, im okay with both)

it was by accident

i cant read

im blind


i like hitler cause of his moustache

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