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literally i see so many people that believe in the basics of islam and dont even know it and instead know MuhAmmA WaS a PeDOpHilE iSLam wANTS wAr

>islam bad

guy who likes african history tell me about arican history youve done research on

what do you know all of africa?

which part

tell me abt it boie

you have to understan that god literally made you

and its not like hes doing anything bad to you really

like hes not abusing his power

to do evil things

well you know for example in the quran it tells us that the world is literally a test

if you act like shit your afterlife will be shit

if you act good and kind after life will be good

blaming the devil is dumb at the end of the day you make your own choices

satanists make the choice to worship satan

1300s to the 1890s thats a long time

what were their leaders called just leaders? or like kings, padisahs

also what about their architecture

got any pictures



i wonder what the inside of that looked like

what did they believe in

im gonna look it up

was that like the most successful african empire or why did you choose to look more into it

but w h y

why not the islamic ones <:RageWojak:552581416022704132>

thats understandable

but i have this urge to educate you on islam rn

you dont know how it feels lmao

its tuff

u r g e s

do you know what that weapon is in the first picture

like a sword obv but whats it called

what are some weapons they used for war

do you have any pictures or the names of the types of swords and shields

cant find any pictures ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

the hat is interesting too

thats a thicc sword

xd <:Cringe:552582688159039491>

bois talkin about africans

africans in the ottoman empire

first black pilot

do you see the b r o t h a at the very front

tall as fuck with his thicc ass sword

second picture was also the conquest of constantinople btw

real kara boga hours

to throw shade at europeans

africans in europe- were literally in zoos about 70 years ago

africans in OSMANLI- conquering constantinople with the bois

me an ma boi ahmet conquering constantinople #throwback #goodoltimes

you know what would be funny cutting that guy out and putting a black guy with his pants sagging and a glock in his hiand instead

may be offensive but really funny when you think about it

kara bogas in constantinople

kara bogas everywhere

but w h y

either croco kills him or he kills croco

no going back boi

hes got a goal

His palms are sweaty

knees weak, arms are heavy

mothers spghetti

islam is the way u uneducated fuks

islam isnt bad

literally nothing about it is wrong

but people are stuck with muhammad was a pedophile islam tells us to kill non believers still

how does it kill christianity phat brain

people are weird people back then all around the world had to expand their territory or else theyd get destroyed by other empires etc

the goal was never to destroy christianity

ofc not everywhere but in lots of places

agh islam doesnt teach us to hate people based on their religion if youre acting like a bitch youll get treated like a bitch

europe was actin like a bitch boi

The Prophet ๏ทบ is reported to have said, โ€˜Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!โ€™ [Musnad Ahmad, Al Hakim, al Jamiโ€™ al Saghir]

theres many predictions he made that came true btw

but let me stop before ppl get mad because islam bad

that rhymed btw

Kara BoฤŸa alliance

dont worry youll speak osmanli soon

nerelisin sorduk lรถ

<:Wojak:552578579234291763> hi

say it back fags ๐Ÿ˜ 

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