george murray

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and branicels

I didn't find anything as explicitly hateful as I used to about fucking roasties, sluts etc in any of the titles

I did get banned though from when I was incel

for saying that I dont agree that women should be beaten in response to one poster

you can confirm this by asking unviersallyabhorred

hes still on there and knows me

why dont I see them going on as much about saint Elliot and roasties?

seems like they've de-radicalized to me, or maybe they just have to keep that shit more hidden now for PR

loooool wtf

I was just messaging incel guy in dms who recently started talking to me again, used to know him long time ago

I tried to tell him ancom stuff

abnd he started coming back with long af defenses of Marxist Leninist theory

incel communists?

tfs going on

so random I knew the guy closely and is stilla a devout incel on abode and the forums

never expected them to be ML

why do you say the main issue is testosterone btw

where did he go

the incel-defending guy

he never responded


hey I was wondering if you were going to write anything back to what they wrote

"her bitch LaylaToday at 10:51 PM
Just visit inceltears and you see plenty of hate. And plenty of calls for leglization to rape women and stuff

But yeah, PugSluggers activity here is a nice fail: doesn't provide specific evidence for specific claims, ignores evidence when presented by the disagreeing party, doesn't address their arguments and is a blackpilled incel in a leftypol forum, explanation: wants to act outside of an "echochamber".

That's sweet.-

Look at this, incels celebrating an alt-right idiot.

Hmm no, totally not a fashy and retarded movement.

That thread is from tuesday by the way.

her bitch LaylaToday at 11:05 PM
Now let's talk about the fact that 99% of rapes come from men, don't we, mr. redpilled cuck?

Do we also wanna talk about the fact that men almost only get raped by other men, too?

You wanna adress the main issue, testosterone, in these cases?


What a shame."

are you a bluepilled incel?




u wuz already disquising

when I showed up

my obsession with you being incel, would have been a better way of saying it

anyway the point Is that the ideology is very toxic, if they were less slutshaming and encouraging of violence against peopleand let women n their forums

they wouldn't be as problematic

esp if they viewed them as equal


>encourages gulags

wut comrade

if you believe we want gulags, I want to gulag you

but anyway reggul is kinda right

its completelydifference

violence against reactionaries and fascist/bourgeoisie scum as opposed to wanting to kill people for being women or normies

revolutionary catalonia was state capitalism

read Kropotkin @PugSlugger

they were not true anarchists at all

they were state capitalists

its hilarious that so many anarchists uphold muh revolutionary catalonia, a completely reactionary fake anarchist society

more in common with the USSR

@PugSlugger they literally barely fought franco and after the mildest most token pathetic resistance imaginable were assimiliated

proof they were really sympathetic to that shit

despite lip service to anarchism

revolutionary catalonia = fascist

stop trolling bro, revolutionary catalonia didn't even last a single decade as a so-called anarchist society

not even half a decade

rojava will fall because Turkish imperialism, not because anarchism doesn't work

nice try

also rojava is state capitalist

pkk abandoned capitalism years ago boyo

so did sdf

catalonia in the 1930s

why are you deflecting from incel stuff btw

my problem with incels is literally that they choose to hate women and even if not all of them agree with toxic violent comments, they create an atmosphere that allows it

there is notihng wrong with them not being able to get relationships or intercourse

but its that they become misognyists

I do not hate them anymore dude, I did though, when I hung out with many incels

basically I'm just trying to figure out why you are trying to defend the incels so hard, despite not being one yourself (or so you claim... unsure)

makes no sense

hurr durr they haz rite to exist m8!! muh freedumb

do fascists have a right to exist

does stormfront

not at all, which is why we disagree I guess, I will never tolerate indefensible bigotry and marginalizing ideologies in my society

if you want to that's on you

seems like trolling or oversimplified bait or even ironic

but unironically

what I'm about to write may seem so simplistic that it seems ironic

but its not

communism = good, misogyny = bad, literally that simple

let me say though I am not pro state communism, so bringing up all these state socialists/communists doesn't really effect me

but you are literally defending the "rights" of misogynists and white supremacists and comparing it to communism tf

idk, what are you here to argue about, that incels are good?

they create a hostile atmosphere of misogyny, I am against all marginalizing bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, muslimphobia, ableism, etc

so you're randomly defending them, seems very sus

I truly wonder what your mnotives are for this, I wouldn't be surprised if you were an incel just concern trolling tbh

I agree 100%, I am against the government controlling speech, legislation will never be an effective way to fight bigotry in a a western democracy

what are you doing rn? saying incels aren't bad? you started randomly defending them

you were literally pushing incel ideology lmao saying the blackpill is true!

jfc I would respect you more if you weren't being so cowardly and just admit you agree with them

you started saying theres a leftist smear campaign against incels

tf is wrong with you

but it is weird they called you an incel pretty randomly in argument

you called incel - you respond why do leftists call people incel as such an insult? - they respond its not leftist - you respond leftists are smearing incels and then proceed to try to defend them -

what I view

as having occured

okay replace that, and its an accurate timeline?

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