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There were no trials for the murders in catalonia retard

You would have gotten your brains bashed in by a bum with a hammer

You upper class millenial

Ok fren. Who owns the factory?

And the machines

Who manages the voting?

Do they get compensation?

Are you retarded? Someone has to take the votes and hold the election

Who organizes the transportation and allocation of the food?

Do these people get more for their work?

Their job has more responsibility

Why would they volunteer?

What incentive?

What if i want to take bribes in order to get favor from a large population

So you unironically think a moneyless society makes sense?

Well theres nothing to say really lol

Theres a reason it has NEVER been done


Whats it like to lie?

Or are you ignorant?

Literally all of those used currency

Very wrong


Ill let you in on econ 101

Cant trade internationally post 1900 without currency

No one is gonna trade your collectivley produced grain for wool lel

Wew lad

Yeah man we just gotta have a world wide revolution lmao

Jesus christ lad what are you on? You realize you just proved capitalism can be used to further your goal

Which proves it is a system that works for everyone lol

You know marx never worked a day in his life right?


He would have been burned alive by the revolutionaries he inspired

He was a rich kid writer that stayed inside all day. He wasnt a working class revolutionary. He would have been tortured to death with the millions of others

>goal posts


So your answer is murder?

Thats murder my dude top kek

You just said revolution is violent

So its just a coincidence that communism aways starts and ends in mass murder?

@buyXRBpls did i strike a nerve lel

Ok you are pretending to be retarded lol

Ask someone that lived there top kek

Gulags never shut down you edgy teen

So was maoist china and pol pots cambodia

And venezuela

And cuba

Top kek edgy teens

Yeah dude we can all have freedom in the gulags

Yeah thats because they couldnt afford them you monkey

Hey jist murdered them in the street

Also they tortured priests to death

Holy fucking shit you commies are ignorant

Because of its role as a leading supporter of the Nationalist cause,[94] the Catholic Church came under attack throughout the region. Church buildings were burned or taken over by the CNT or by supporters of the Republican government[95] and turned into warehouses or put to other secular uses. Thousands of members of the Catholic clergy were tortured and killed and many more fled the country or sought refuge in foreign embassies.[96]

They tortured priests to death you fucking mouthbreather

Whats it like believing in edgy meme ideologies?

Have nothing to say?

I thought so

Keep preaching a failed laughing stock of an ideology though

Literally babies first ideology

Communism killed 100 million

Ask pol pot

And mao

Yeah man im baiting

Courtois, Stรฉphane (1999). "Introduction: the crimes of communism". In Courtois, Stรฉphane. The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. Translated by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer; Mark Kramer (consulting ed.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. pp. 1โ€’32. ISBN 0674076087.

Rummel, Rudolph Joseph. "Reevaluating China's Democide to 73,000,000". Democratic Peace Blog. Wordpress.com. Retrieved 1 December 2012.

Sangar, Eric (November 3, 2007). "Classicide". Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. Retrieved June 6, 2018.

Pipes, Richard (2001). Communism: A History. Modern Library Chronicles. p. 175. ISBN 978-0-8129-6864-4.

China alone


>gets blasted out hard


Starvation and execution


Thats what happens when you gave power over food to one organization

@buyXRBpls > starvation


Yes so why do you want the ultimate state which is communism?

@buyXRBpls can you leave?

Anarchism is literally no laws or government

It is not a society

Anarchy is not a society

Oh ok so what youre saying is that china wasnt real communism?

You could have saved time and just told me you were a fucking meme

Top kek

When did it stop being communist?

The workers revolted

Took control of production

They followed your fucking book

>no u


Oooohhh ok so it is identical to communism but isnt communism

The workers own the means of production. Mao owned the syndicate

There wasnt technically a state according to them

It was the people

Thats how it always works

Not everything can be shared

A country cant run a country

You are literal brainlets holy fuck

Do you guys have jobs?

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