
Discord ID: 144556117911928832

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woulden't consider myself to know alot about it

but is definently hype as heck

Sucks Ive watched all the good anime already

pretty much just following jojo and goblin slayer

I might try it again

I went through a ton of the my hero academia manga

and it was okay

I have a tendency to skip over parts I don't like though

and end up not having any idea what is going on

Oh yeah

I forgot

I was going to watch seven deadly sins

Im a bad boy, I just pirate it

@Roundabout Lout I don't think part 5 tops part 3 in my mind but I agree

part 5 is atleast better than 1 and 4

maybe 2

depends on how it turns out

This for me as well

Im a painfuly slow reader

send it to me too @Templar

links get removed

by a bot

you can test it @legendpinnen

we don't know

do whatever you want

until someone tells you to stop

thats how I do it

Im interested though, can you atleast dm me some of your stuff?

Thats otto von bismark

I'll keep it on the down low but prussia is bae


against the austrians

heck yeah

Unfortunately I am not too familiar with european history

want to look into it

but I don't know of any good resources

I've atleast broken the surface of history

its definenlty very interesting

i recently found this youtube channel that goes over a number of julius caesar's campaigns

along with other roman battles

ill find the name

Historia Civilis

its a good way to kill some time

and the animations are excellent

sup nerd


I like to imagine sometimes how many people must have died trying to sail out into the ocean

probably most of them had no idea it was large

thought it was a river or something probably

@shadowlessnexus Is there any good anime flying under the radar?

you look like a coinsurer

I'm not watching anything rn except goblin slayer and jojo

weird my link stayed up

but I got a message from the bot

is it just youtube links?

No, is it any good?

I'll check it out

doesn't yuri just mean gay?

Oh i've seen this

I didn't like release the spyce

I haven't seen much of it, spyce and citrus are the only ones I know of

Watching girl on girl is the straightest thing a man can do

I imagine the people watching yuri have the body of a lumberjack

As long as you keep your dread game up, you can spin multiple waifus

Everyone knows that all women are bi

Now you have crossed a line

This is blaspemy

"hes okay"

Re:Zero objectively has the best hentai


How do you use it @Daribig do you hard schedule out your entire day

or as a to-do list

I'll try that, I already plan my day out in a journal

but google calander would be easier

to schedule things long term


I suppose its a slow day


that "oh"

i can feel the pain


those kids didn't stand a chance against galvanized nippon steel

what is this video about the hitler kid

kaiser wilhelm

this sounds like something I would get caught talking about

I'm definitely interested in something like that, looking forward

Game design is pretty cucked

All corporations are cucked to be honest, Robert Conquests second law

Any organization that isn't explicitly right wing will sooner or later become left wing

I'd rather work a trade than work for a corporation

AWALT but they all wear different masks

kool kids klub

jUsT dO It

I care

^ living like larry

We love kaze, our asian pornstar

Thats some next level shit

its 4 am in hong kong


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