
Discord ID: 279848431378235392

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2019-01-26 16:12:54 UTC [RedChannel #welcome]  

This is the original

You canโ€™t ban milling machines simply because they can make guns

You can make guns out of caste iron and shotgun shells u gonna van Home Depot too

clearly none of these liberals have used a milling machine. it takes years of skill to cut something with that much detail

that site doesnt work on pc

yea. doesnt do shit on pc

economic 76, cultural -48, im a libertarian capitalist

do you remember, when Roosevelt was the first black president, and people voted for him because his mother was white.

behemoth isnt a classic

you can forgive a serial killer for killing people, but it doesnt change the fact that they killed multiple people

forgiveness, is the event where you stop letting the thing that triggered you, affect your life. Eventually you reach an age where forgiveness doesnt exist, because you lack any fucks to give

i said that a few times before i actually stopped caring

ive got my own issues to deal with now, besides the small political thingst hat affect me, i could care less about the rest of the world


listen to this lady stuttering

he should throw vagisil at them both

Reddit is anything but leftist. Clearly youโ€™ve never read anything r/pol

clearly you havent a clue what you are talking about

r/pol is a reddit for political discussion, not biased towards any particular side.

saying things doesnt make them true.

burzum is classic, behemoth is like 10 years old.

belphegor, classic.

cephalotripsy, classic

turmion katilot, classic

count nosferatu commando, classic

bathory, classic

you mustve found some niche topics then. i havent had that issue at all

sepultura, definately classic

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