Anemic Crusader

Discord ID: 213248317616947201

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Lucky son of a gun. I have to police it for furries


damn G

we don't have a raid channel and I doubt I'll ever have to set one up, unless Orwell gets a funny idea

you lucky guy

wew, people really seem to like my twitter shitpost

<#392499032414486529> it's in there

I was sorta hoping it'd be the final thing I'd ever post on twitter

Jack Dorsey was shitting bricks over the idea of losing users

This purge was a scattershot. It only hit a few people

but it's still ongoing

Damn straight he is

I noticed this before we moved to this new server

he was in the old Orwell & Goode server too

Damn it's quiet

Spooky music helps make it even better

no, I live in australia

and I want to die

not too long until we strike niggers

What gives fiat currency monopoly money value?

Good day sir

good morning

Good morning

Intense, but silent, Homoeroticism

It's unseasonally cold in my part of Australia

3 months

In australia we have 4. Fucken' hot, Fucken' rainy, Fucken' cold, and Fucken' hayfever

nah cunt, if some fucken creepy crawly tries to bite ya, ya just fucken punch it out cunt

Footie is football m8

yeah nah cunt, fucken tinnies ayyyy

nah m8

football as in Australian Rules Football

look it up it's fuknsick cunt

aaaand I need just 1 more janitor for the staff team

any volunteers?

Delete messages that fall into these categories: Against Server Rules, Should be in other channels, Spam, CP, Gore. Applying the Spamslut role to Spammers, kicking repeat offenders, reporting furries to the mods or to me so we can put them on a watchlist.

if you post furry porn you get watchlisted. not kicked or banned, just watchlisted

any takers for the janitor role?

There's a brave lad

@everyone Orwell is doing a quick Q&A

;;play chrono triggor black omen

;;play chrono triggor black omen

;;play 1

;;play chrono trigger black omen

;;play 1

We now have a music bot

check <#392494909309059073>

or type ;;help

The art of redpilling.

I have noticed 5 distinct types of redpilling.
Natural, Exposure, Injection, Immersion, Incineration.

Natural redpilling involves a person's own pattern recognition, they see troubling things in the world and their opinions form naturally without the input of others.

Exposure redpilling involves one person having a conversation with another, slowly exposing them to more and more redpillings. I.E. talking politics with one's dad

Injection redpilling involves the redpilling of an entire community through the use of slowly exposing them to memes and redpills until they themselves cannot help but recognise the redpills as correct.

Immersion redpilling involve the community slowly redpilling the individual. I.E. watch sargon, then watch milo, then watch molyneaux, then go to /pol/, then go further.

Incineration redpilling involves rapidly exposing an individual to the hardest redpills, WARNING this method doesn't always work, and the outcome will not be the same as the rest, they will be redpilled in a way you haven't seen before.

<#392484867188850691> channel exists for a reason fam

but nice shitpost anyway

yeah, I went through Incineration

I went through immersion up until the point where I joined the /mlpol/ community, then holy shit, every redpill happened instantly

Exposure works with some boomers

my dad for instance

you just have to make sure to frame things as generational issues

that too

oh shit I dunno, I used to be a communist, but that was when I was on my meds (Really strong version of Ritalin)


Anyone up for a bit of fascistic theory?

;;play sabaton angels calling

;;play 5

Early access but it looks pretty damn good

plus it's on sale

This truly is the greatest timeline


I was unable to catch the christmas livestream, how'd it go?

break it down for me man, the video is down on youtube so I can't see for myself

I heard that voices got raised at some point?

what happened my dude?

Reading above chat for a second, Question lost his shit?

details pls

go on

When this stream was planned Orwell said that CRP would be coming on, did he behave himself?

I still don't know what I think of CRP. The way he converses reminds me of me when I was on 54mg of Methylphenidate Hydrochloride daily. plus he comes off as shifty

Basically he converses like an ADHD kid with Aspergers that take ultra high strength Ritalin. But not in a benign retarded way, more like a used car salesman who pretends to have mob connections

He's ok, I much prefer Jim tbh

Please take into account that this is a gut feeling I am basing this off, but something about him just grates with me, I do not trust him.

fucking niggers

I know not why but he reminds me of this quote
โ€œThere are five character flaws that are dangerous for a general. If he is reckless, his men can be killed. If he is cowardly, his army can be captured. If he is short-tempered, he will react in anger. If he is self-important, he can be deceived. If he is attached to his men, he will hesitate at a crucial moment. These five flaws are certainly unfortunate for a general because they cause great destruction in war. These five flaws cause generals to fail and armies to die. Consider them well.โ€

I can't quite pin it down, the way he acted around Jeff Holiday has thrown me for a loop

The way he fell silent when Jeff called him on the Kilroy comment suggests to me Cowardice

but that's unfair of me to say, as jeff pursued the kilroy comment a bit far

Yeah, he has no attachment at all.

So he's failed as a strategist when filtered through the metrics of Sun Tzu

I had to do stuff with my family


it was pretty good

but yeah, CRP fails the Sun Tzu test, and I'd say that Sun Tzu knows a little bit more about strategy than CRP

Merry christmas my dudes.

Who needs a webcam anyways?

Orwell doesnae need one

Redpilling is a risky task.

A webcam isnae a safe choice

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