The Real Head Honcho

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And Brezhnev pissed it away like everything else

But the problem was never solved

@Mairon this tbh bring back gorbachev and let him break apart the world

Stalin was literally the best leader the Russians had in a *long* time


Did wonders for the nation

Sure you can say "m-muh death toll!" But at the end of the day, people are a resource.

The needs and status of the nation surpass that of the individual in any sense

Yeah at the end of the day the entire concept is born from social stigma and a unity against a common enemy or drive for a goal

But that's philosophy bullshit and it is *not* what i want to discuss at 6am

Who is the tankie


Oh you think im commie lmao

No no

Dont get me wrong

The system itself is fucking horrendous

And the USSR was a mess at any level


I have studied Stalin and the USSR a hell of a lot

So i find it hard not to appreciate the success they had

Which people immediately jump to me being a slavshit


You can't deny success there

Especially when you look at how absolutely FUCKED lenin left it

@CrowGoCaw Roosevelt was a kike warmonger and churchill was his puppet dancer

That's the top and bottom of it

Roosevelt was on the warpath by 1938

There's a reason he got really fucking chummy with Chamberlain after the Munich Conference when the two despised each other beforehand

Lots of historians

In books i read on this kind of stuff

A common thing i see is something along the lines of the following

"Germany's continuation of the war to the very last was foolish, and it would only have been excusable if they'd held in the east and let the allies through in the west"

But they forget that at Teheran in 43 Roosevelt literally speaks up in the middle of a conference, completely unnanounced and says

"The war will not end without complete unconditional surrender"

(Which churchill, to his credit, was extremely pissed off at him for)

Roosevelt wanted Germany removed as an economic threat years before the war began and he used Russian and British bodies to do it

Yeah exactly

Guys ignore the soviet hordes raping and murdering across the east, and ignore the bomber campaign to flatten Germany


@Mairon Germany offered a *COMPLETE* withdrawal from France and a peace treaty with no concessions with the west on the condition they allowed Germany to invade the soviets

4 times

Before June 1941

So within the space of a year, 4 offers were made

All were refused by Churchill

Also fun fact

The royal family invited Hess to the British Isles but he fucked the flight plan up, and Goring knew about it which is why he didnt shoot him down when "ordered" to

So when he was caught and arrested the royals swept it all under the rug

Yeah no that was unfeasible until at least like, 1943

Germany didn't have the troop transports for it

Yeah by 42 there was no point

And honestly, the Western Front really did not do much until March 1945

At which point the war was well and truly over


Oh boy what is this

"Who killed Stalin?"

Easy answer, Beria

Well, you say that

If Italy hadn't invaded the fucking greeks in May 41

It may have gone a lot differently

the Italians delayed barbarossa for 2-3 months, the best months of the year

The Germans were ready to go in late april

@Mairon Italy is a military blight

Problem was that Italy was simply not equipped or ready for a major European war

@ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท the problem wasn't that they invaded greece

It was that they asked the Germans for help

And the Germans sent multiple armoured divisions that were vital to Barbarossa


An extra 2 months of non-winter advance in 1941 would've gotten the Germans a hell of a lot more significant gains

Particularly in the south

Oh yeah i know

I'm not disputing that

Im saying the earlier they started the better

Im not saying that it was a huge logistical blow

Just that it delayed the implementation of the plan

This is true

The modern roma are

Well to call them subhuman would be a compliment

Its a wonder they're sentient

Why not both?

Antonescu and Celibidache

>Germany should start WW3

inb4 they lose it and get another 1/4 of their land taken away




he makes good music



If you think the scots and the irish can get along well enough to be in a union, I have bad news

Plus, the Irish probably wont want to go from one union to another smaller, weaker union

They *really* want independence

>the whites


Imagine thinking a pro-tsarist system would ever work

Oh lord

Oh dios mio

Collapse of Tsardom was inevitable after 1861

Hell, 1855

If the commies lost the Ukrainians would've had full independence

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