
Discord ID: 265986620258254858

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*When you play Minecraft for 3 days straight*

*And now you randomly hear Minecraft soundtrack alpha playing in real life*

The guy who hated communists so much that he fought against them in three wars

Me when somebody says apple is better than android, but then they can't make any valid arguments.

Minecraft hunger games is the original battle royale


the entirety of Eastern Europe is the original battle royale.


I have played my part in the war between Pewdiepie and Tseries

I am literally going to tell everybody I know to subscribe to Pewdiepie

burger bing boot bettuce happened


I just thought of something

In minecraft

endermen are autistic

This is the correct way to go down the escalator.


you said something after what as well

๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ…ฐ ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฉ

When you step on a lego

I think I am the only person on this server who hasn't changed my profile pic during my time on the server.

Greece, the broke country that doesn't really do anything important.

Real gamers pour milk into the bowl before the cereal

Look what you've done

If you pour the milk first then the cereal won't get fucking soggy

soggy cereal is fucking disgusting

if cereal isn't crunchy it is just nasty oatmeal

Minecraft Zombies in a nutshell

Specifically on hard mode

Is that Portland Oregon?

Everything in Portland except for downtown looks like it is recovering from a fucking zombie apocalypse

*when you accidentally hit enter half way through saying something

The guy who killed hitler was a hero

Donkey Kong = Poland in WW2

Gameboy = Germany and the USSR

Holy fuck guys

I just spent an hour arguing with flat Earthers

the argument got nowhere because they kept saying stupid shit

flat Earthers should all be yeeted into space

The Earth isn't flat, the Earth is T H I C C

Fortnite chug jug recipe

1 part Orange Juice

1 part Apple Juice

5 parts Anti-Freeze

2 parts Bleach

@SlovaKEK Why doesn't Germany have land connection to East Prussia?

this is very unsatisfying

58 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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