
Discord ID: 493954649272090635

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Aoc probably has more testosterone than you anyway

She's also about a decade from even being able to run

Denthead ass

Hopefully you buy a rope before she DOES win in the 2030s

Muslims are making Europe great again


You are all retarded


How did you make it past infancy

Centrist is synonymous with coward

Centrism in intellectual cowardice

"mom they won't let me say the n-word in the voice chat"

Damn @everyone

Whites make up the largest demographic of gays, video gamers and mentally ill


Lol whites are the largest beneficiary of welfare yet again

For almost a decade

Rape of nanking was justified

And Europe deserves what they get for bending over for the muslims


Might as well spread their cheeks


Asians and whites are just inferior

They are undesirable to women

Even their own


All white nations are turning brown for a reason

Ebba deserved it

The should have backed over Ebbas head

It is

PewDiePie has hired armed guards for a reason

Soon to be pewdeadpie


Maybe they'll just throw some acid at him lol

Trolling aside Ebba deserved better

Why not just throw it in reverse and back over her head? Dumb pahkis

Chinese aren't humans

Tbh tho

Christchurch was for the best, Nz needed REAL Muslims anyway, kiwi Ebbas coming


The pewdiepipeline

It's good for you

Soon normal people will want to wipe out the gamers and memers

Not trolling

More Ebbas coming

The next Ebba will be a streamer

And we won't just run her over

Lol what you think we got the 4k cameras for


Does anyone know Lauren southerns address

She should do her best to conceal it lol

We know she's in the couv

Would love to r*** her maw, teeth in her tummy


Okay gramps

Imagine a bunch of angry blacks getting her lmao

Just pulling her apart with their hands like a piece of fried chicken

The us needs a ground war with canada

Fucking cucks

We have something like 700 bullets for each Canuck baby


Spray the bugmen

Assange is a traitor

They need to dust off the guillotine for him

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