Felix Andrea

Discord ID: 555657762701574145

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Hello, comrades

Thanks, our comrade Lenin made it for us

I see loli channel, I see gold

I tought i will see some quality

Those bastards lied to me

But I see traps

I like Boku No Pico and Shoujo Ramune

My mom is dead by cancer


Where is our communist hentai section

I need to take a shower

Btw what is a good hentai

In hentaihaven or nhentai

I know that hentai

From a meme

Today is father day?

My dad is not on this world

I have some questions

Are here some people, at least one, who watched all 3 episodes of Boku No Pico


I wanna trade my ideas about this hentai

Cuz its not just a simple hentai, it has a tragic story behind

Cyka Blyat, Idi Nahui capitalist

U waluigi

I am a big fan

Why u not in smash bros


This is so sad, Alexa, gimme a blowjob

I have lolis


dm me your age

Who respond to this question will get the lolis first. If Felix have brown eyes and Gabriel is 2 meters tall, what is my r shirt color

T shirt

I wanna have fun before sending them

Correct answer

We have a winnner

I got caught buying shota doujinshi

A lot of shota doujins

Or how is called


I made so many illegal things, but didn't got caught

Shoujo Ramune


Seikatsu shuukan

The helpful fox senko

Gotta find by yourself

No spoilers please

Shut up everyone, spoilers are prohibited

I liked boku no pico because of its tragic story

All the kids are without parents

Coco lives in a subway and is a kind of electricity spirit

Is tragic

And the last words of pico

Made me feel a little of sadness inside because there are only three episodes

Seikatsu shuukan

Idk why but I liked Boku No Pico way too much

And still like it

I liked the 69 in three, I caller it Bermuda triangle

Everyone knows the ice cream part, but only true pedophiles know the rest

I didn't saw mokkun since the ending of first episode, I think he was arrested

Put a pair of underwear and done

Bananas and fucumbers


Because they bot have multiple uses


Try the 123456 sauce

Before he died, my grandpa said he fucked a parrot

I will try this too

@83 you are searched


Jesus christ

Why my pp is hard, Jesus

Thanks, Jesus. Now I have answers

Don't sell your soul to devil.


I said my praises, Jesus. Am I worthy enough to enter heaven

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