
Discord ID: 259962907750694922

80 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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I scream for ice cream

you are drunk?

you uwu?


@frozenfalls what if we send ourselves nudes?

mindblown ALIENS

EGIRLS are sin? Since when?

im confused i feel like im in a conspiracy theory room

would you? If you were told to? hmmm


how thick is the circle?

love is ______

that sounds rough mate :/

i feel ya on that one


Yall beautiful Jeez

sugoi senpai

what do you eat?

sounds delicious

oh boi

not a picky eater


oh my

sounds serious

the right to breathe?

oh boy

oh no

we laugh we cry, but it ultimately comes down to being a slave locked away in your dungeon :/


i mean no


oh my

he be coming for dat booty


like planetary massive

we eat bananas

sorry im vegan

zoom zoom kachoom


dont know why but that made me laugh hard





we are saying the naughty word?

that looks nice. Way better than anything I can draw

no what?

not this current season as far as I know

um idk I dont really watch stuff like that, but yeah 3 seasons

welp got to leave to go back to my daily job of trolling the internet โค

I laughed when @Sid. said "I have a turtle in my pants" bahahaha

you got me so gud baha

oh my

sounds overboard

but okay ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Love you bro


Lovers gotta love and haters gonna hate bro

no fight only peace and love :<

big ones?

sounds big

gender is a myth

with a wig and some makeup anything is possible :>

sausage surprise?

I like people with big black eyes ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

existence of black eyes denied?

sounds painful

my favorite food is fish

just dandy

how about you?

that's great glad to see you are doing well ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


oh my

sounds serious

so what's the treatment for it?

smells like a meme

oh no. Doesn't sound tasty ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

80 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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