fucc yah muddah

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2019-11-15 19:54:37 UTC [Outer Heaven #join-log]  

2020-01-12 03:06:57 UTC [Outer Heaven #voice-chat]  


2020-01-12 03:07:07 UTC [Outer Heaven #voice-chat]  


@sporus is a pedo, they want it "decriminalised and made safe"

and @slowoak keeps supporting them

you watch cp

my dude

you literally advocated it in other servers

which is why you get banned all the time

you got banned from ideological discussion

you said you liked kids the same age as your brother



fucking liar

you said you like them in a "sensual not sexual" way

you then explained that it's not paedophile because you just want to rub them in inappropriate areas

not penetrate them

and thus it would not be sex

that was your argument

the people in the other server

@Sernik thank god, an admin

@sporus is a pedo

scroll up

i provided a screenshot

of him admitting it

and another of mods saying they dealt with it

everyone knows what tf you do

fucking pedo

i'll get the context

hol up

you literally said you watch child porn

you literally have a fucking 5 year old brother

for fuck sake

get help

or prison

either one

u pedo



what was the reason you got banned from the other server?

the stated reason by the mods


what was the reason

again, i'm talking about the reason they stated

in voice chat you said you got banned for pedo shit

>voice chat

you did

fucking liar

i got screenshots,testimonies from people in the server and other servers

and my own testimony

>testimony from the pedo


i showed you

scroll up

i showed the greater context of the other thing i sent

they do


you liar

i'll happily go to the mods and screenshare

and show them everything

you literally said you want to touch your little brother

for fuck sake

yeah, i'll go to voice chat

and screenshare

and show them everything when they get on

fucking pedo

fucking pedo

you literally are


babies dont count

neither do children



mabye 5

mabye you want to cheat on your bf with your 5 year old brother



@sporus is literally a pedo

@sporus you literally said so

and argued for "decriminalising" paedophilia

@slowoak you literally are freinds with a pedo

you did, you said you'd be willing to take up arms to prevent the spread of "pedophobia", whatever the fuck that shit is

@sporus you fucking pedo

scroll up

i already provided screenies

no,scroll up or fuck off

@slowoak you literally posted this twice on the ideological discussion server


when they banned you they clicked the delete all messages thing

so i aint got screenies for you , but i have for @sporus

@sporus you are

446 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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