Skek Mal

Discord ID: 639226529209122842

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I'm sorry, how is this *"good"* news? How merciful of the Chinese to allow us to sign a *virtue-signaling* bill that contains *no* punitive action against the Chinese for consistently violating their agreement with another *supposedly* sovereign entity?

The bill does absolutely nothing. It's on the same level as Nike hiring Kaepernick for leftist ad campaigns while donating *millions* to conservative interests

Uh... You're deranged if you genuinely don't think China has our balls in a vice. If they even *threaten* to limit their share of the market to any one of our industries, *our* industry leaders will voluntarily shit all over their 1st amendment rights in favor of espousing self-censored, pro-commie government propaganda.

You're literally smoking crack if you don't see western supremacy slipping through the cracks of our fingers like a billion tiny grains of sand

<:merchant:620016320657752084> <:merchant:620016320657752084> <:merchant:620016320657752084>

<:tickled:619648134561267723> <:tickled:619648134561267723> <:tickled:619648134561267723>

Yfw China's physical and spiritual encroachment on Hong Kong was meant to test the international community to see whether or not they can act with impunity

We lack the physical and intellectual infrastructure necessary to *bring* manufacturing jobs home. Hence why billionaires with businesses headquartered here are either directly investing in code camps at community colleges across the nation or Directly Encouraging firms to hire autists.

In what way is he incentivizing manufacturing jobs?

Inb4 muh foxcon plant <:ShiggyDiggy:322417336290246656>

@Major Slow genuinely curious as to how you believe Trump is incentivizing stateside manufacturing jobs

If you have any *credible* sources, I'd eagerly read into it

Y'all engaging in some infantile level tribalism

You should be ashamed to call yourselves conspirators

Meming aside, you're most certainly a race traitor if you don't recognize the considerable disadvantage white Americans are facing.

Suicides are at an all time high, physical infrastructure is crumbling, there is no guarantee of a job that will pay the bills str8 outta hs, let alone pay for uni with its historically predatory interest rates...

It'll take *at least* 10 years to build up the intellectual ||human|| capital necessary to compete with the Chinese manufacturing industry. If it'll take China, 7 years to rid themselves of their dependency to American tech, *that's 10 years we just don't have.*

The only person talking about niggers is you, so I assume you must be one or at the very least, you're wholly beholden to their interests

Which would explain your inability to provide sources for your outlandish, easily refutable position

So, when were you first diagnosed with schizophrenia?

Listen NPC, I haven't used a single BiG werd yet. And if I had, it would behoove you to explicitly confront me regarding any semantical ambiguity so that we might communicate on the same page.

I'm literally jerking off to your indecision rn

English is not your first language, is it? <:ndsadcat:601673660851552256>

If only <:ShiggyDiggy:322417336290246656>

You're so fucking cuuuuuute. God damn it!!! Why did you type out this semi elaborate RP instead of just posting sources for the easily refuted/supported claims you espouse regarding the Trump presidency? :O

@Moad tariffs are all good and well, but they don't achieve much without a long term plan to revamp our educational system so we have the labor *with the skills* to support the necessary body of work.

You can slap taxes on imports all you want... everyone just passes the price hike on to the consumer. Large corporations aren't necessarily phased, but it'll be damn near impossible to start or maintain a small business.. unless you're just selling gamer girl piss.

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