dank mint

Discord ID: 621834737153081357

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ugg boot


p good

so how did you get to neinchan?


@ArE yOU FeLinG It NOw? i guess ur cool so ill make u member

this server is more for mod communication n shit

so yeah the nein users joining is just a side thingy

http://www.strawpoll.me/18646024 vote on what game server should be hosted by neinchan



@Parallax yeah u can get in just answer some questions for like

@showme blackjoo?

welcome back lad


eh just tell me how you got to neinchan and if we can improve anything and ill let you in

cool neato

good news lads after talking to our backend devs we now have concluded that we can host all games that were mentioned in the strawpoll. we are gonna be hosting: rust, minecraft, tf2, gmod darkrp and runescape

>alt right

ok retard

alt right is fucking retarded

>too right wing

yeah ima just yeet ur newfag ass

actually no ur just gonna be sperged

Easy way to talk

But we also have a wire backup as well as band

Pretty sure discord algorithm detects fast growth

Every time we started growing we got nuked

BASED floker

kek the jew is salty



only like 1500 showed up

>implying the whole of area 51 isnt just a cover up base so you forget the other glow hangouts


Sometimes I think Europe is bad bc of all the untermensch but then I remember that this shit happens in America

Good I've been waiting for one

Who cares about torturing warlords when you could be blowing shit up in Ukraine

Who gives a fuck really you know he's a sad fuck who needs to LARP and you know it as well

Nice boog pics btw

Then just shoot him or some shit that's how you fix things over there anyways


can someone get a drawfag to make us a logo

also chat been kinda silent

onyl ppl talking really is mourning star handing me reports or am i missing something?

you the guy that wanted to ask questions?

@okay this is epic you found this in the expose showme thread didnt you

no its about burning the pedo cpus

yeah dw showme is just running our backend now

bard took it over

but ive been doing double duty as moot bc bard is busy irl

no we have a fe more channels

but you dont seem spergy or glowing so i can gib u member

yeah this place got kiked like 4 ties now


if the server gets gassed your acc does too

correction: pedo furry mods

yeah that shit got so big dude

we had like 40 active channels

and almost 24/7 vcs

got gassed

you just get logged outta diskike

and you cant login again

usually all the important people come back with 2 days

we also got kommandant banned kek

bc he was still in serber


https://discord.gg/dh8rnK4 join the neinchan gaming discord for updates on our gaming servers


yeah i just nuke /b/ im too lazy to delet

showme is kinda schizo sometime but sometimes

das kinda good*

yeah he was paranoid and took down neinchan for 2 weeks bc of vice mentioning us


ok retar

@showme make mod server

look at mr fancy with his discord tubo


made a boogaloo channel accessible to everyone

>lot of wifi signals disappear in my area
>Get a stomachache immediately
Dfq is the kike doing now with em signals
And shit

Yeah so basically shits tripping

Nah my nan is just alone in her apartment mostly because she refuses to move closer to us

Bruh moment

yeah just gonna post this

all inactive mods are hereby terminated from their positions and can reapply under the condition that you will stay active or you will be permanently terminated with no appeals
mod applications are now open on /meta/ and /pol/

yeah ik man i just have to trea everyone equally here but i guess your reapplied

make a neinchan acc btw so i can gib u admin

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