
Discord ID: 602298986384326657

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2019-07-21 00:54:13 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

hey how's it going man?

2019-07-21 01:05:20 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

My aunt who is jewish posted something on facebook while in europe, went to Dachau and set the tone like this means this much more knowing what Trump wants to do to illegal immigrants here.

2019-07-21 01:05:43 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

There's just no rationalizing

2019-07-21 01:07:39 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

So I suppose antifa knows fascism when they see it too? Which gives them license to physically harm others who aren't "woke?"

2019-07-21 01:18:46 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

That's why the left use the two most indefensible slurs to their political opponents, nazi and racist.

2019-07-21 01:19:18 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

As Bongino put it yesterday it's not because of the way you think it's because of who you are. A conservative, a white male.

2019-07-21 01:23:40 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

I had a guy on twitter the other day stuck in the mud about "trump's racist tweets" and he kept projecting (obviously they can't help that) and telling me that I was resorting to ad hominem attacks lol.

2019-07-21 01:24:25 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

So obviously I provided the ayanna pressley example and he lost his mind

2019-07-21 01:36:11 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

I just love being called a racist and they can't tell me which race I'm discriminating against, I guess it must be all of them. So how about all those black conservatives or legal immigrants who are conservatives? And then once we even mention that there are black conservatives or that black unemployment is at it's lowest they pounce and say that we're playing identity politics lol

2019-07-21 01:37:03 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

Don't mean to takeover the chat, besides twitter and my gf I don't really talk politics and it's nice to find like minded people

2019-07-21 02:11:15 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

pretty much just apex and twitter for me tonight, what's everybody else up to?

2019-07-21 02:15:48 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

where are you from? what's your go-to breakfast?

2019-07-21 02:25:27 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

Nice mate, thanks I'm not great but it's fun. Enjoy your day and have a good breakast! Have fun with your relatives as well ๐Ÿ‘

2019-07-25 13:08:50 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

I still can't believe that dem presidential hopefuls are saying that the Mueller testimony was good for them.

2019-07-25 13:09:59 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

And I rarely even talk to my brother who lives with me at home, but he was watching the testimony a bit with me yesterday and I know he's a hardcore liberal. He told me I was too far propagandized to even be worth conversing with and then told me OANN was worse than fox. I'm like dude let's agree to disagree.

2019-07-25 13:24:12 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

So I obviously couldn't stand for him to tell me I was a racist because I support the president. So I asked for examples and the best he gave me was the "go back." Brought up AOC saying we have thousands of concentration camps and Ilhan Bromar talking about 911 as two examples of extremely dangerous and unamerican rhetoric, why is it a problem to tell people who hate America to leave?

2019-07-25 13:24:24 UTC [NewRightNetwork.com #maga-chat]  

These people are just insane lol.

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