
Discord ID: 625200187492794368

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2019-09-22 05:28:20 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Lebronsuxatballs said I should stop bye...

2019-09-22 05:46:28 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Can you describe in more detail what the mission of this sub is? Meme warfare, providing information, counters to talking points, inclusiveness for โ€œfellow travelersโ€ - by that i mean people who are really libs but not batshit crazy so that leaves us by default, etc

2019-09-22 05:50:49 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Whatโ€™s your vision for the Republican Party? Do you consider them equally as bad, especially the old guard?

2019-09-22 05:53:37 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Whatโ€™s yโ€™alls thoughts on our monetary system, our engagement in world affairs, do you consider it possible to reconcile the differences between the two ideological camps at present?

2019-09-22 05:55:42 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

The last was referring to US politics, like AOCs vision for our future vs someone like myself who thinks one of the greatest tragedies in our history is Barry Goldwater losing in 64 & Mcarthy did nothing wrong.

2019-09-22 05:55:57 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Thatโ€™s a lot of questions so Iโ€™ll stop now

2019-09-22 17:32:37 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

So post-Neocon coalition building and coordination of millennials & gen z to become the dominant voice that shapes the future of the party post-boomers basically.

2019-09-22 17:33:08 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

*anti-neocon not post

2019-09-22 20:03:34 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

By the way, I do agree with your positions generally. But weโ€™re the worlds mercenaries as you put it, because the majority of the world exists as our de facto client states. We operate what is essentially a global economic empire. France & Britain also have similar relationships with many African former colonies & regularly deploy to sort things out. Such as in Sierra Leone & the Central African Republic. China is engaged in an exploitive model, similar to the former Portuguese empire. Theyโ€™ll get sucked into deploying eventually.

2019-09-22 20:05:19 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Point being, empires are expensive but we get extensive benefits from it. The issue would be when we do something like Iraq and invade without the political will to exploit to balance the booms

2019-09-22 20:05:56 UTC [ #maga-chat]  


2019-09-22 20:09:20 UTC [ #maga-chat]  

Our military spending is far from the biggest problem

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