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2017-04-02 23:04:15 UTC

whats a low quality calorie

2017-04-02 23:04:15 UTC

their shit is inferior

2017-04-02 23:04:35 UTC

it's made of chopped up seal dicks, HFCS and bleached flour

2017-04-02 23:04:36 UTC

is that like a low quality mile

2017-04-02 23:04:41 UTC

it costs $2 here

2017-04-02 23:04:56 UTC

so the article is objectively wrong and only an idiot would believe it

2017-04-02 23:05:00 UTC

retards really think that is true

2017-04-02 23:05:08 UTC

it's freakonomics

2017-04-02 23:05:12 UTC


2017-04-02 23:05:58 UTC

i wish i could get that mad and defensive over a freakonomics jaunt

2017-04-02 23:06:30 UTC

I am in medicine

2017-04-02 23:06:35 UTC

aren't those guys like mega jews

2017-04-02 23:06:41 UTC


2017-04-02 23:06:47 UTC

every retard is always bitching about how every other retard is unhealthy because shit food is cheap

2017-04-02 23:06:49 UTC

they say abortion is justified for economics reasons

2017-04-02 23:06:49 UTC

but they are wrong

2017-04-02 23:06:58 UTC

they should be killed

2017-04-02 23:07:10 UTC

adolf ackbar

2017-04-02 23:07:39 UTC

abortion for economic reasons

2017-04-02 23:07:48 UTC

not qualitative

2017-04-02 23:07:49 UTC

just economics

2017-04-02 23:07:50 UTC

I need to shut my computer off and give it a bath after reading that

2017-04-02 23:07:58 UTC
2017-04-02 23:08:41 UTC


2017-04-02 23:08:55 UTC

first of all, before the age of widely available recorded music, singers were a lot better

2017-04-02 23:09:01 UTC

this makes me want to listen to calypso

2017-04-02 23:09:13 UTC

it took quite some time for the ability to sing good acoustically/live declined to how bad it is today

2017-04-02 23:09:24 UTC

it took a solid generation at least

2017-04-02 23:09:39 UTC

back in the 60s, compared to today everyone who sang at all could sing great

2017-04-02 23:09:50 UTC

do you dance exilarch

2017-04-02 23:09:56 UTC

would you dance the calypso with me

2017-04-02 23:09:58 UTC

so before a certain point in history my only complaints are usually stylistic choices, not vocal talent

2017-04-02 23:10:02 UTC

show it

2017-04-02 23:10:30 UTC

harry belafonte is pure brahmin

2017-04-02 23:11:35 UTC

'in the 60s everyone could sing" - bob dylan

2017-04-02 23:11:52 UTC


2017-04-02 23:11:53 UTC

yeah not everyone

2017-04-02 23:12:01 UTC

men especially were better singers

2017-04-02 23:12:04 UTC

not everyone but compared to today

2017-04-02 23:12:08 UTC

i understood the gist of what he was saying

2017-04-02 23:12:09 UTC

people cannot sing for shit today

2017-04-02 23:12:21 UTC

there was much more quality control

2017-04-02 23:12:24 UTC

since recording was expensive

2017-04-02 23:12:31 UTC

it's like 1 in 100 singers now who are even as good as the average singer a few decades ago

2017-04-02 23:12:52 UTC

almost nobody in the 80s sang as bad as the singers we have now

2017-04-02 23:13:03 UTC

and worse, the few people left doing clean vocals do it nigger style

2017-04-02 23:13:04 UTC

for sure but even paul anka's version is worse and it came out the following year

2017-04-02 23:13:19 UTC


2017-04-02 23:13:23 UTC

paul anka good god

2017-04-02 23:13:36 UTC

the women want to sound like some nigger mariah chick and the men want to sound like autotune dalits

2017-04-02 23:14:32 UTC

i bet he was crushed on painkillers and booze trying to sing this one

2017-04-02 23:15:27 UTC

Some mediocre singers of the era were great

2017-04-02 23:15:36 UTC

do you get the feeling he was more manufactured

2017-04-02 23:15:37 UTC

Dino for instance

2017-04-02 23:15:41 UTC

than an actual good singer

2017-04-02 23:15:51 UTC

Dino is great but not an exceptional singer

2017-04-02 23:15:54 UTC

Just an average singer

2017-04-02 23:15:57 UTC

With a great voice

2017-04-02 23:16:00 UTC

And great music

2017-04-02 23:16:39 UTC

Marty Robbins isn't the most technically competent musician but he was the superlative Western music singer

2017-04-02 23:16:50 UTC

it didn't matter

2017-04-02 23:16:52 UTC

Whereas Frankie Laine took his jazz singer skills to movie soundtracks

2017-04-02 23:17:16 UTC

No, you can't hear Gunfighter Ballads and miss the point unless you're trying

2017-04-02 23:17:46 UTC

the master's call is a club banger

2017-04-02 23:18:22 UTC

then you get this

2017-04-02 23:18:40 UTC

I need to find more singers I actually like

2017-04-02 23:18:44 UTC

i don't understand what people are looking for in music if not The Master's Call

2017-04-02 23:19:04 UTC

unless it's just soundtracks for eating sweat out of assholes

2017-04-02 23:19:28 UTC

i think another bit

2017-04-02 23:19:33 UTC

is how effortless it sounded

2017-04-02 23:19:41 UTC

like he took you to the mountains

2017-04-02 23:20:07 UTC

basically all the songs are journeys

2017-04-02 23:20:09 UTC

outside of them being ballads

2017-04-02 23:20:21 UTC

not like the kinds of variations you see in advanced metal

2017-04-02 23:20:28 UTC

which song vry_o

2017-04-02 23:20:29 UTC

but structurally it's there if you pay attention

2017-04-02 23:20:48 UTC

this has more in common with reign in blood slayer

2017-04-02 23:20:54 UTC

than it does garth brooks

2017-04-02 23:20:59 UTC

which is pretty funny considering

2017-04-02 23:21:35 UTC

the Don McLean guy sings good

2017-04-02 23:21:37 UTC

real good

2017-04-02 23:21:58 UTC

he sung that chipper song American Pie

2017-04-02 23:22:04 UTC

that was him?

2017-04-02 23:22:10 UTC

yes, that's his most popular song

2017-04-02 23:22:14 UTC

he needs to stop sliding

2017-04-02 23:22:18 UTC

..pretty much his only song in fact

2017-04-02 23:22:21 UTC

if he simply fixed that one thing I'd give him 10/10

2017-04-02 23:22:58 UTC

like... if we're actually going to talk singing for a sec, it boils down to this

2017-04-02 23:23:14 UTC

there is classical singing, which is master race but is essentially technical rather than expressive

2017-04-02 23:23:33 UTC

so all good singers fundamentally do the same thing as classical singers, but what defines them is their divergences in technique

2017-04-02 23:23:41 UTC

in this guy's case he likes to slide a lot, as one major difference

2017-04-02 23:24:46 UTC

so really when assessing a singer I basically ask, "does this person have the capacity for classical singing?" and if the answer is yes, "Do their divergences from it help or harm their sound/expression?"

2017-04-02 23:25:08 UTC

and then there's little stuff like a person's natural timbre but I generally don't hold it against people

2017-04-02 23:25:18 UTC
2017-04-02 23:25:31 UTC

this guy also keeps his soft palate a bit more tense to try to sound more like a tenor than a baritone

2017-04-02 23:25:36 UTC

evidently a powerful singer, but makes choices i wouldn't think to

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