
Discord ID: 531212403858472967

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2019-01-25 06:05:08 UTC

John, isn't /x/ comfy?

2019-01-25 06:05:14 UTC

It was

2019-01-25 06:05:18 UTC

I rarely go anymore

2019-01-25 06:05:24 UTC

It turned to shit

2019-01-25 06:05:24 UTC

I love to Christian LARP there.

2019-01-25 06:05:31 UTC


2019-01-25 06:05:42 UTC

Jesus fucking Christ, @Omoidasu

2019-01-25 06:05:48 UTC

Turn yourself i to the police

2019-01-25 06:05:57 UTC

What the shit

2019-01-25 06:06:19 UTC

i said dont ask

2019-01-25 06:06:29 UTC

You are truly filth.

2019-01-25 06:06:34 UTC

that one's a rare fetish

2019-01-25 06:06:51 UTC

only get it like once a month

2019-01-25 06:07:08 UTC

Wait, which doll thread. The one with the creepy guy who has thousands in guns and underage real dolls or the cartoon doll thread

2019-01-25 06:07:44 UTC


2019-01-25 06:07:55 UTC

That doesnt mean anything to me

2019-01-25 06:08:12 UTC


2019-01-25 06:08:15 UTC

I beat my knob like it owes me money, but at least I'm not a fucking pedophile

2019-01-25 06:08:25 UTC

Oh, nvm then

2019-01-25 06:08:47 UTC

i just uhh

2019-01-25 06:08:56 UTC

I'm glad the doll guy got banned off /k/

2019-01-25 06:09:03 UTC

every once in a while i need some size_difference
yknow what i mean

2019-01-25 06:09:10 UTC


2019-01-25 06:09:33 UTC

when the thing you put your dick into is small, it makes your dick feel big

2019-01-25 06:09:39 UTC

<:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829>

2019-01-25 06:09:41 UTC

/trash/ is shit now too. Like it was always shit but now its just furry porn which is a waste of a perfectly good hidden board

2019-01-25 06:09:41 UTC

<:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829>

2019-01-25 06:09:42 UTC

simple logic really

2019-01-25 06:09:44 UTC

<:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829>

2019-01-25 06:09:48 UTC

<:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829>

2019-01-25 06:09:53 UTC


2019-01-25 06:09:55 UTC

Oh hey

2019-01-25 06:09:58 UTC

The <:blobstop:427568773143330829>

2019-01-25 06:10:00 UTC

yeah /qa/ is better

2019-01-25 06:10:01 UTC

Is back

2019-01-25 06:10:09 UTC

if you actually wanna browse the catalog

2019-01-25 06:10:56 UTC

Congrats, you're officially the worst user here.

2019-01-25 06:11:33 UTC


2019-01-25 06:13:29 UTC

Like the @Matthew said

2019-01-25 06:13:32 UTC


2019-01-25 06:14:03 UTC

Hi tribit, I'm glad you're here. Where do you go to jerk off on 4chan?

2019-01-25 06:14:17 UTC

<:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829> <:blobstop:427568773143330829>

2019-01-25 06:14:32 UTC

He is mod, so /cm/

2019-01-25 06:15:49 UTC


2019-01-25 06:15:56 UTC

he jerks it to server logs

2019-01-25 06:16:44 UTC

Pedo scum don't get to participate in server bantz.

2019-01-25 06:16:53 UTC

shutup fatty

2019-01-25 06:16:58 UTC

I bet he goes to /lit/ and actually talks about erotica like a creep

2019-01-25 06:18:41 UTC

I bet he only edges, and has passionate lovemaking sessions with his gf

2019-01-25 06:18:45 UTC


2019-01-25 06:19:06 UTC

I bet he unirioncally posts in tulpa threads

2019-01-25 06:19:09 UTC

The pony ones

2019-01-25 06:19:29 UTC


2019-01-25 06:19:34 UTC

That's too far, John.

2019-01-25 06:19:38 UTC

Now you're just being offensive

2019-01-25 06:20:23 UTC


2019-01-25 06:20:44 UTC


2019-01-25 06:21:02 UTC

I want to C a real Dick

2019-01-25 06:21:15 UTC

>highlight text
>right click
>search with google

2019-01-25 06:21:18 UTC

If I was being offensive I wpuld accuse you of posting on the male fatfur threads

2019-01-25 06:21:42 UTC

Nice you know that matt

2019-01-25 06:21:43 UTC

y delet

2019-01-25 06:21:48 UTC


2019-01-25 06:21:57 UTC

*and it's art.*

2019-01-25 06:24:20 UTC
2019-01-25 06:25:04 UTC

Theres worse threads I can accuse you of frequenting. I dont know them but they exist.

2019-01-25 06:25:08 UTC


2019-01-25 06:26:17 UTC

I'm sure of that but let's not

2019-01-25 06:27:25 UTC

Have you had any paranormal experiences @Tribit? Or are you one of those "everything has a rational explanation, no exceptions" people

2019-01-25 06:29:23 UTC

2019-01-25 06:29:36 UTC

Doesn't get more paranormal than this

2019-01-25 06:30:55 UTC

2019-01-25 06:31:31 UTC


2019-01-25 06:32:21 UTC

Matt is an adorable little /x/stronaut who gets spooked with oujia boards

2019-01-25 06:33:09 UTC

Not at all. I just like reading about people's scary experiences innawoods and visual/audible phenomena

2019-01-25 06:33:34 UTC

Too late, this is my idea of you and nothing is going to change it

2019-01-25 06:33:45 UTC

@Matthew what about you. There's plenty real life stuff that's infinitely more scary than anything dreamt up by a /x/ user.

2019-01-25 06:34:14 UTC


2019-01-25 06:34:18 UTC

Beyond horros

2019-01-25 06:34:29 UTC

Okay that should be a bannable offense

2019-01-25 06:34:38 UTC

that's fucking horrid, john

2019-01-25 06:34:51 UTC


2019-01-25 06:35:01 UTC

Don't do that again Johnny boy

2019-01-25 06:35:21 UTC

One time I was walking home from school and some guys walked up behind me and said that my dad had sent them to bring me home quickly because my mom was sick

2019-01-25 06:35:22 UTC

Sigh, without the german here poop is not worth posting

2019-01-25 06:35:37 UTC

and I said "my parents are divorced though" and they turned and walked away

2019-01-25 06:35:42 UTC

so that was kinda spooky

2019-01-25 06:36:00 UTC

They knew they couldnt lift you into thier van

2019-01-25 06:36:02 UTC

Oh, and sometimes I get sleep paralysis and Exploding Head Syndrome

2019-01-25 06:36:23 UTC

Sleep paralysis fucking sucks

2019-01-25 06:36:41 UTC

I wasn't fat until we got an N64 in 1998

2019-01-25 06:36:48 UTC

It's rare since I last had one of those

2019-01-25 06:36:55 UTC

Or rather, I began gaining weight then

2019-01-25 06:37:08 UTC

Exploding head Syndrome is awful

2019-01-25 06:37:50 UTC

Mine typically manifests as someone screaming

2019-01-25 06:38:06 UTC

That's nasty

2019-01-25 06:38:32 UTC

Take a aspirin

2019-01-25 06:38:49 UTC

Tell em to stop their screaming

2019-01-25 06:39:07 UTC

Oh, and one time while I was on my phone in bed and gf was dead-ass snoring asleep, she suddenly stopped and said in a 100% clear intonation "Get out of here right now." in the same voice you'd use with an intruder

2019-01-25 06:39:10 UTC

I just about shit

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