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2016-06-17 17:27:07 UTC

>normies obsessing over phones this much

2016-06-17 17:27:10 UTC

I'll never get it

2016-06-17 17:27:18 UTC


2016-06-17 17:27:23 UTC


2016-06-17 17:27:32 UTC


2016-06-17 17:27:32 UTC

iPhones are still the most popular phones in the world

2016-06-17 17:27:33 UTC

i get a new phone when my carrier upgrade is due

2016-06-17 17:27:35 UTC

fuck, it's just a phone

2016-06-17 17:27:36 UTC

Mommy can I get an iPhone 6s?

2016-06-17 17:27:45 UTC

With people religiously buying the new iteration at every cycle

2016-06-17 17:27:50 UTC

That should be enough to prove my point

2016-06-17 17:27:52 UTC

same with samsung

2016-06-17 17:28:03 UTC

Ah, yes

2016-06-17 17:28:06 UTC

I worked for a phone carrier, people always queued up for the samsung shit as much as apple

2016-06-17 17:28:10 UTC

my uncle gave me his Xperia Z3 Compact because he got a new phone, a significant upgrade from the first generation S3

2016-06-17 17:28:21 UTC

Samsung isn't AS bad as iPhone

2016-06-17 17:28:25 UTC

But still

2016-06-17 17:28:25 UTC

it must be different in canada

2016-06-17 17:28:38 UTC

because the amount of people here still content with s3 and s4 is crazy

2016-06-17 17:28:38 UTC

I think it's retarded, the amount of people in severe debt who can't pay their bills coming to me to help them out when they just HAD to get that shiny new phone

2016-06-17 17:28:49 UTC


2016-06-17 17:28:57 UTC

ugh same

2016-06-17 17:28:58 UTC

because phones aren't that much better

2016-06-17 17:29:04 UTC

~900 dollars for an iPhone

2016-06-17 17:29:05 UTC

sometimes i get sick to my stomach selling shit at work

2016-06-17 17:29:06 UTC


2016-06-17 17:29:07 UTC


2016-06-17 17:29:28 UTC

you can see the pain in people's eyes as they pay for their kids macbook on a credit card

2016-06-17 17:29:47 UTC

over here if you have bad credit you need to pay a huge upfront charge to get the latest phone

2016-06-17 17:29:49 UTC

and people still do it

2016-06-17 17:29:53 UTC

then fall behind on payments

2016-06-17 17:30:02 UTC

and get angry when you say they can't have their fancy 4g connection anymore

2016-06-17 17:30:08 UTC

This used to be a thing with cars

2016-06-17 17:30:16 UTC

Now people are moving on to phones

2016-06-17 17:30:18 UTC

>buying new memephone only because it's new

2016-06-17 17:30:28 UTC

Well, it's more widespread cause kids can also join this impulse-shopping

2016-06-17 17:30:34 UTC

why do people buy new phones if it's not a significant upgrade that they actually need

2016-06-17 17:30:40 UTC

I was totally okay with a moto g

2016-06-17 17:30:47 UTC

shame I lost it

2016-06-17 17:30:53 UTC


2016-06-17 17:31:02 UTC

moto g is so comfy

2016-06-17 17:31:19 UTC

like i really like my phone but i'd also really like a nexus or moto

2016-06-17 17:31:22 UTC

One (Indian) person in my class hates anything non apple and will buy and shill anything they make

2016-06-17 17:31:31 UTC


2016-06-17 17:31:35 UTC


2016-06-17 17:31:38 UTC


2016-06-17 17:31:38 UTC

not unusual

2016-06-17 17:31:43 UTC


2016-06-17 17:31:45 UTC

I think this Z3 will last me a very long time

2016-06-17 17:31:46 UTC


2016-06-17 17:31:52 UTC

same, Aerione

2016-06-17 17:31:52 UTC

It's got pretty much all I want + waterproofing

2016-06-17 17:31:54 UTC

Indians are the least desirable race in online dating surveys around the globe so they need tech more than us

2016-06-17 17:32:01 UTC

I mean

2016-06-17 17:32:08 UTC

I could be sitting in my bathtub right now

2016-06-17 17:32:13 UTC

And nobody would be any wiser :^)

2016-06-17 17:32:26 UTC

(I'm not)

2016-06-17 17:32:30 UTC

could any of you not use the internet for a single day?

2016-06-17 17:32:32 UTC

(But I am about to)

2016-06-17 17:32:41 UTC

Could, yes

2016-06-17 17:32:41 UTC

sometimes i do on accident

2016-06-17 17:32:42 UTC

24 hours

2016-06-17 17:32:44 UTC

I could but I wouldn't enjoy it

2016-06-17 17:32:50 UTC

I could retreat to our mountain cottage

2016-06-17 17:32:54 UTC

if I were to not use the internet for a single day I would have to use my phone to talk to my friends

2016-06-17 17:32:56 UTC

like i'll be out and about and i never bother to touch my phone

2016-06-17 17:33:04 UTC

If I would prefer that?

2016-06-17 17:33:05 UTC


2016-06-17 17:33:20 UTC

Ever wonder if there's something wrong with that? I tried to not use it for a day and ended up caving

2016-06-17 17:33:45 UTC

because everyone easily /could/ not use it but why wouldf youy not use it

2016-06-17 17:33:49 UTC

I have the mental power to do it, I just don't wabt to

2016-06-17 17:33:49 UTC

there's no point

2016-06-17 17:33:55 UTC

because people are hopelessly addicted

2016-06-17 17:33:55 UTC


2016-06-17 17:34:03 UTC

and have panic attacks if they're separated from their phones

2016-06-17 17:34:06 UTC

that's not right

2016-06-17 17:34:14 UTC

well, comfy, to be honest, where I live there really isn't much to do

2016-06-17 17:34:30 UTC

Snowball fights

2016-06-17 17:34:33 UTC

i have that whole "oh shit where did my phone go" feeling if it's not in my pocket

2016-06-17 17:34:40 UTC

everyone at my age has moved away for school

2016-06-17 17:35:00 UTC

I wonder if our generation will be on their deathbed wondering if they should have used the internet even harder

2016-06-17 17:35:07 UTC

"man I should have shitposted even more"

2016-06-17 17:35:13 UTC

bothers me sometimes

2016-06-17 17:35:29 UTC

I imagine a lot of regret

2016-06-17 17:35:31 UTC

not to get too dark

2016-06-17 17:35:54 UTC

i only go on my computer when i'm alone so i don't feel too bad

2016-06-17 17:36:04 UTC

like when i'm out socializing my phone doesn't get touched

2016-06-17 17:36:07 UTC
2016-06-17 17:36:42 UTC

I've been trying to read more books and do more with my time because the last 17 years of my life I can only remember internet use, jobs and occasional holiday

2016-06-17 17:37:07 UTC

that sounds comfy

2016-06-17 17:37:13 UTC

would like to tour the world sometime, never had the money to do that

2016-06-17 17:37:17 UTC

A real challenge: try to ignore all notifications and read an ebook

2016-06-17 17:37:22 UTC

i want to live in cuba

2016-06-17 17:37:33 UTC

I used to read a book a week but my attention span is shot now

2016-06-17 17:37:36 UTC

I want to be a stripper

2016-06-17 17:37:42 UTC

Well we all have our dreamd

2016-06-17 17:37:45 UTC


2016-06-17 17:37:47 UTC


2016-06-17 17:37:56 UTC


2016-06-17 17:38:02 UTC

post nudes

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