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2016-06-15 23:04:01 UTC

No I mean to use

2016-06-15 23:04:09 UTC

That's what I mean

2016-06-15 23:04:17 UTC

Mint is easiest to use

2016-06-15 23:04:25 UTC

Like simple stuff like installing drivers

2016-06-15 23:04:26 UTC

Biggest install base too

2016-06-15 23:04:32 UTC

Made me go apeshit

2016-06-15 23:04:49 UTC

You need to learn how to use terminal

2016-06-15 23:04:55 UTC

But after that it's easy

2016-06-15 23:05:07 UTC

Everyone grows up double clicking a exe file

2016-06-15 23:05:27 UTC

But on linux you just type sudo apt-get install steam or whatever, does it all for you

2016-06-15 23:05:51 UTC

Because its easy and user friendly

2016-06-15 23:05:58 UTC

Mint sidesteps terminal, it has a built in updater

2016-06-15 23:06:04 UTC

It's basically a shell over terminal

2016-06-15 23:06:18 UTC

Just lists drivers and updates

2016-06-15 23:06:28 UTC

That's why people love it tbh

2016-06-15 23:06:42 UTC


2016-06-15 23:07:19 UTC

I just don't get people who defend the terminal and a bunch of commands and tell people it is easier to do than double click

2016-06-15 23:07:26 UTC

It is as easy

2016-06-15 23:07:38 UTC

Typing install steam is as easy as double clicking an exe

2016-06-15 23:07:59 UTC

If not easier because Linux goes, on Windows you click next next next

2016-06-15 23:08:07 UTC

Why not both?

2016-06-15 23:08:23 UTC

Porque no los dos

2016-06-15 23:08:25 UTC

They do have things like that sometimes but terminal is easier

2016-06-15 23:08:47 UTC

Chrome install uses a gui I think

2016-06-15 23:08:57 UTC

My gf is a macfag and went to mint

2016-06-15 23:09:13 UTC

And shills for it all the time now for Just Werking

2016-06-15 23:09:20 UTC

All drivers ready out of the boz

2016-06-15 23:09:20 UTC

Chrome install is not a gui

2016-06-15 23:09:24 UTC


2016-06-15 23:09:32 UTC

Also ded inside ama

2016-06-15 23:09:46 UTC

Pls shill your video in the thread m8

2016-06-15 23:09:56 UTC

Don't you want to make the news?

2016-06-15 23:10:14 UTC

Shill it for me I'm at work

2016-06-15 23:10:22 UTC

Can't, banned

2016-06-15 23:10:38 UTC

Lol too much work while here

2016-06-15 23:10:48 UTC

Next thread I will

2016-06-15 23:10:50 UTC

2016-06-15 23:11:07 UTC

Mao, see how much nicer Mint is compared to Ubuntu

2016-06-15 23:11:32 UTC

Looks like it

2016-06-15 23:11:37 UTC

Windows masterrace

2016-06-15 23:11:45 UTC

2016-06-15 23:11:52 UTC

ubuntu is ugly as fuck imo

2016-06-15 23:12:13 UTC

mint has a good start button and set-up through cinammon

2016-06-15 23:12:47 UTC

the one Marmalade shilled looks extremely sexy but it wouldn't install for me

2016-06-15 23:13:41 UTC

I'd say give Mint a chance tho Mao if you want babby's first linux

2016-06-15 23:13:47 UTC

whoever told you to use ubuntu fucked up

2016-06-15 23:14:08 UTC


2016-06-15 23:14:10 UTC

You will get into package compatibility issues with mint

2016-06-15 23:14:13 UTC

I say install kubuntu

2016-06-15 23:14:31 UTC

also I ended up watching Lupin The Third instead of going to bed, I should really go now

2016-06-15 23:14:32 UTC

Sane DE and everything supports it

2016-06-15 23:14:58 UTC

Windows mustard rice

2016-06-15 23:15:08 UTC

Dual boot mustard race tbh

2016-06-15 23:15:16 UTC

no reason not to

2016-06-15 23:15:29 UTC

Extra space on the HDD wasted

2016-06-15 23:15:30 UTC

Still waiting for ubuntu on windows to become a good meme

2016-06-15 23:15:38 UTC

>worrying about space on your HDD

2016-06-15 23:15:43 UTC

Storm a-are you a normie?

2016-06-15 23:15:48 UTC

2016 is truly the year of the linux desktop

2016-06-15 23:15:53 UTC

My point is Linux is for losers

2016-06-15 23:15:58 UTC

Unless it's Debian

2016-06-15 23:16:15 UTC

I think the problem with Linux is spergs fight over the best distro

2016-06-15 23:16:24 UTC

while someone like Mao backs off and never tries anything

2016-06-15 23:16:39 UTC

you just need a firm BABBY'S FIRST then they can distro hop to find one with what they need

2016-06-15 23:16:58 UTC


2016-06-15 23:17:22 UTC

Windows on the desktop, Arch on the servers masterrace

2016-06-15 23:17:46 UTC

I'm thinking of going back to Linux on desktop now I've quit gaming

2016-06-15 23:17:51 UTC

as main daily driver

2016-06-15 23:18:05 UTC

Enjoy making videos there

2016-06-15 23:18:18 UTC

OBS came to Linux didn't it?

2016-06-15 23:18:31 UTC

You're going to make your videos in obs?

2016-06-15 23:18:38 UTC

some people recommend kdenlive

2016-06-15 23:18:43 UTC

I capture video with that, as long as I have a basic sequencer video editor I'm fine

2016-06-15 23:18:45 UTC

haven't tried it myself

2016-06-15 23:18:52 UTC

Absolute madman

2016-06-15 23:19:19 UTC

Used to make videos with iMovie classic and that was barebones af

2016-06-15 23:19:36 UTC

The moment you require any form of video or image editing, linux is out of the question as an os if you ask me

2016-06-15 23:19:50 UTC

inb4 gimp

2016-06-15 23:19:50 UTC

t-thanks gearbest

2016-06-15 23:20:08 UTC

Gimp is okay from what I've seen, doesn't it just move some icons around and call it a day?

2016-06-15 23:20:18 UTC

Gimp is a fucking mess

2016-06-15 23:20:32 UTC

you could say

2016-06-15 23:20:35 UTC

it's gimped

2016-06-15 23:20:36 UTC


2016-06-15 23:20:39 UTC

oh you

2016-06-15 23:20:56 UTC

Can you apply effects to text without rasterizing it yet?

2016-06-15 23:21:22 UTC

I don't use it, gf does but she prefers photoshop still

2016-06-15 23:21:27 UTC

Just hates windows

2016-06-15 23:22:17 UTC

I need to get into image editing tbh

2016-06-15 23:22:45 UTC

Make some OC

2016-06-15 23:23:19 UTC

Start a bubbling career on /r/

2016-06-15 23:25:51 UTC

mostly need it for youtube thumbnails

2016-06-15 23:25:59 UTC

muh shill career

2016-06-15 23:26:11 UTC

So did you figure out who logged into that gmail account from NL?

2016-06-15 23:26:23 UTC

nope, I'll take a look again

2016-06-15 23:27:35 UTC


2016-06-15 23:27:47 UTC

That's my vps

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