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2018-06-09 03:45:11 UTC

because islam is a Christian heresy

2018-06-09 03:46:09 UTC

What I mean is, Christians should be more devoutly Christian

2018-06-09 03:46:23 UTC

You don't really find many Muslims who are just casual Muslims

2018-06-09 03:46:25 UTC

I thought u meant Christianity should be multiracial

2018-06-09 03:46:37 UTC

I mean it already is but

2018-06-09 03:46:42 UTC

I disagree with that

2018-06-09 03:46:45 UTC

There's nothing in Christianity that says it can't be multiracial

2018-06-09 03:47:28 UTC

I have in my church whites, blacks, Arabs, Asians, etc. No issues.

2018-06-09 03:47:33 UTC

it was a predominately European religion. It can be carried to black countries and they could adopt Christianity but they will still stay in their countries

2018-06-09 03:48:13 UTC

there was no "Christian" unity as strong as the "Islamic" of today

2018-06-09 03:49:01 UTC

bore ragnarock

2018-06-09 03:49:07 UTC

Well there was once. A long time ago, people put aside their differences and focused on what was important for a time, and we accomplished great things.

2018-06-09 03:49:33 UTC

Christianity is a world religion, which means it can be applied to virtually any culture

2018-06-09 03:51:52 UTC

no, I don't think it can be applied to any culture. I think Europeans molded Christianity as much Christianity molded them. Contemporary Europeans are the end result

2018-06-09 03:52:18 UTC

well not exactly the end result but one of the stages

2018-06-09 03:53:14 UTC

there is a difference between "any" and "virtually any"

2018-06-09 03:53:35 UTC

But it has been applied to many other cultures and has stuck around

2018-06-09 03:53:57 UTC

Christianity definitely can be multiracial

2018-06-09 03:54:29 UTC

ofc it can, what I'm talking about is national cohesion and religion as a pillar of the society

2018-06-09 03:54:49 UTC

that same pillar can stay strong in other nations just fine

2018-06-09 03:55:02 UTC

and among other races

2018-06-09 03:55:37 UTC

the moment u start moving these races all about, that's when u lose that cohesion and the community trust plummits

2018-06-09 03:57:47 UTC

what would u say about sweden, an entire homogenous state that didn't have a crime commited by a native in almost a decade. going from ah u can leave your house open at night, to a hellish nightmare of multiracialism

2018-06-09 03:57:57 UTC

or baltimore?

2018-06-09 03:58:08 UTC

oh okay, carry on, then

2018-06-09 03:58:37 UTC

EU could ban memes

2018-06-09 04:00:11 UTC

the EU is trash

2018-06-09 04:00:24 UTC

but yes that was my conclussion to the entire multi-racial Christianity

2018-06-09 04:00:43 UTC

it works when u have a border between them

2018-06-09 04:10:07 UTC


2018-06-09 05:25:55 UTC

@Deleted User EU isn't Christian by far so that argument goes out the window

2018-06-09 05:27:40 UTC

Baltimore sucks because it's run by leftists where there are no consequences for your actions, and where there is a "culture" that in fact idolizes those actions

2018-06-09 05:29:37 UTC

I've lived in Baltimore's ghettoes

2018-06-09 05:33:21 UTC

And they think it's cool

2018-06-09 05:33:30 UTC

It's cool to be a gangster, sell drugs etc

2018-06-09 05:34:02 UTC

Blacks are "capable" of more. Been Carson came out of the ghetto because he wanted to. Same for so many others. They just have to want it.

2018-06-09 05:34:36 UTC

They grow up in an environment that glorifies that lifestyle though, and honestly by the time they're about 14 they're pretty much beyond hope

2018-06-09 05:34:53 UTC

I watched them riot and steal from their own fucking stores over the death of Freddie Grey or whatever his name was. Then they were complaining that they didn't have a store to go to :/

2018-06-09 05:34:59 UTC


2018-06-09 05:35:14 UTC

Same for when Brown got himself shot

2018-06-09 05:35:30 UTC

They destroyed their own neighborhoods

2018-06-09 05:35:35 UTC

Then blamed whiteh

2018-06-09 05:35:36 UTC

I can confirm this. Lived in there for a while. That lifestyle is what the young kids there idolize

2018-06-09 05:35:39 UTC


2018-06-09 05:36:05 UTC

Legit letting their kids dance to degenerate music which over time turns them into thots and manlets

2018-06-09 05:36:25 UTC

Who was that rapper, did the song gangster paradise

2018-06-09 05:37:25 UTC


2018-06-09 05:37:40 UTC

They don't have good role models, no fathers, their idols are the other thugs and the gangster rappers

2018-06-09 05:38:16 UTC

I'm not into rap but Coolio is decent, there's a message in his music, a real honest look at that life

2018-06-09 05:39:09 UTC

It's not a black or a white thing, it's just having to be honest and realistic. Getting a job and an education doesn't make you whiter, a race traitor, less black, etc as if any of that shit is important anyway

2018-06-09 05:39:49 UTC

And of course you get those crazy cunts like that one bitch who pointed a gun at the cops

2018-06-09 05:40:02 UTC

While holding her kid,I'm sure you remember who I'm talking about

2018-06-09 05:40:15 UTC

She was livestreaming telling her toddler to kill cops etc

2018-06-09 05:40:19 UTC

Whatever is "Cool" is what the people or should i say "Sheeple" follow

2018-06-09 05:40:28 UTC


2018-06-09 05:40:59 UTC

Unless we fix this shit with our pop culture, It's going to keep happening]

2018-06-09 05:41:31 UTC

There's an awakening in the black community and in this country in general. The media just doesn't want you to know.

2018-06-09 05:41:55 UTC

I talk to people all the time who want out of the hood. I see some make it. Some don't.

2018-06-09 05:42:30 UTC

But they gotta want it. CNN wants you to think it's because whitey and the Republicans keep them there, not because they just don't work hard enough

2018-06-09 05:43:15 UTC

Oh there is a big awakening, I know that. While i was in that hood, I talked to some about what they thought of Trump and a lot of them were voting for him. They're pretty woke if you find the right ones

2018-06-09 05:43:50 UTC

I have a friend in the next dept over, he's black as hell. But super redneck, doesn't even call himself black

2018-06-09 05:46:11 UTC

He called me one day after traffic court, said they called him racist. Why? Because he wrote a ticket to someone with a rebel flag. In his mind, if you hate the rebel flag, you're racist against whites

2018-06-09 05:46:39 UTC

Defense attorney asked if he had a problem with the rebel flag...he said "no sir I got one on my wallet"

2018-06-09 05:48:05 UTC

The rest of his family, I know them well, all the same way. All have good jobs, all work, polite, religious, respec wamen, etc

2018-06-09 05:48:36 UTC

Kanye wasn't wrong, the plantation so many are stuck on now, it's by choice

2018-06-09 05:49:16 UTC

Slaves to the Democrats, slaves to drugs, gangs, violence

2018-06-09 05:50:09 UTC

Just like a liberated colony. Yeah you got your freedom from a European empire. In exchange you are ruled by disease, famine, war, corruption, poverty. That's not freedom at all.

2018-06-09 05:51:07 UTC

The great "racist" country of Rhodesia, half the Rhodesian military was black. You don't usually volunteer to fight in an army that opresses you.

2018-06-09 06:14:25 UTC

What if Deep Sea Isopods won World War II?

2018-06-09 06:14:35 UTC


2018-06-09 06:14:47 UTC

What if Deep Sea Isopods won World War II?

2018-06-09 06:21:58 UTC

Fish people

2018-06-09 06:28:36 UTC

๐Ÿค” @everyone

2018-06-09 06:28:49 UTC


2018-06-09 06:29:26 UTC

2018-06-09 06:31:24 UTC

2018-06-09 06:32:00 UTC

She done it

2018-06-09 06:33:25 UTC

Sam Hyde os a little bitch near HRC

2018-06-09 06:33:45 UTC

sam hyde you say?

2018-06-09 06:35:32 UTC

2018-06-09 06:41:30 UTC

2018-06-09 06:43:03 UTC

i thought you guys might like this Tornado i found while looking through some color scheme reference photos for a model i'm getting ready to paint

2018-06-09 06:43:11 UTC

2018-06-09 06:43:24 UTC

2018-06-09 06:43:39 UTC

2018-06-09 06:44:16 UTC


2018-06-09 06:44:59 UTC

i guess even romney can't ignore all the shit that's been getting done eh

2018-06-09 06:45:47 UTC


2018-06-09 06:55:15 UTC


2018-06-09 06:57:17 UTC

It is almost 3 am for me. Why am I still up reading this chat...

2018-06-09 06:57:35 UTC

Because we're all lonely and depressed

2018-06-09 06:58:06 UTC

2018-06-09 06:59:31 UTC

That may be the case

2018-06-09 07:00:56 UTC

Yeah im just up on Facebook. Keep seeing stuff about the G7 summit, Like how Trump wants Russia back in

2018-06-09 07:13:35 UTC

So whoโ€™s this anthony bourdain guy?

2018-06-09 07:13:48 UTC

Italy wants russia back in too

2018-06-09 07:14:33 UTC

He had a show on CNN. but from the looks of that tweet, wasnt a HRC dickrider. Seems he knew something. (((Suicide)))

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