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2018-06-09 01:19:00 UTC

he was left out of arguments I guess

2018-06-09 01:19:02 UTC

Tag me in bro

2018-06-09 01:19:07 UTC

itยจs over now

2018-06-09 01:19:12 UTC


2018-06-09 01:19:17 UTC

he gave up

2018-06-09 01:19:33 UTC

Yeah that's what the guy did to me a week ago

2018-06-09 01:19:38 UTC

Called me an asshole or something

2018-06-09 01:19:43 UTC


2018-06-09 01:19:49 UTC

when arguing with leftist retard

2018-06-09 01:20:11 UTC

To be honest, anyone who says anything about "Islamic Golden Age" is lying straight to your face.

2018-06-09 01:20:13 UTC

I just try to insult them as much as I can while bringing just enough arguments so they will still reply to me

2018-06-09 01:20:33 UTC

that tactics worked well so far

2018-06-09 01:20:33 UTC

Unless it's followed by "did not exist.", of course.

2018-06-09 01:20:52 UTC

He called me ugly virgin loser

2018-06-09 01:21:01 UTC

I'm trying to be annoying asshole. But always bring enough arguments so they won't ((shut me down))

2018-06-09 01:21:02 UTC

Then I told him I came in his wife's mouth

2018-06-09 01:21:05 UTC

So he blocked me

2018-06-09 01:21:36 UTC

I won now because other guy claimed I don't understand any of his arguments that it's pointless discuss with me

2018-06-09 01:21:43 UTC


2018-06-09 01:22:34 UTC


2018-06-09 01:22:38 UTC

Obviously it was such a good argument you just didn't get it.

2018-06-09 01:22:41 UTC


2018-06-09 01:22:47 UTC


2018-06-09 01:22:54 UTC

@The Eternal Leaf Damn. What to do now?

2018-06-09 01:22:56 UTC

It's always some kinda shit like this

2018-06-09 01:23:07 UTC

They always have some stupid excuse

2018-06-09 01:23:13 UTC

of what

2018-06-09 01:23:15 UTC


2018-06-09 01:23:29 UTC

The whole fucking world laughed at the leftist meltdown when we won

2018-06-09 01:23:34 UTC

And still laughs at them

2018-06-09 01:23:51 UTC

Because they keep writing articles like that

2018-06-09 01:23:53 UTC


2018-06-09 01:24:12 UTC

I have articles that explain that "Islamic golden age" is leftist propaganda bs

2018-06-09 01:24:16 UTC

Saw that this morning

2018-06-09 01:24:32 UTC

I talked about it here or on FB can't remember

2018-06-09 01:24:45 UTC

It's the long march through the institutions

2018-06-09 01:24:57 UTC

@Deleted User The leftist postmodernist march?

2018-06-09 01:25:01 UTC

Really 90% of cops won't enforce gun laws or other silly shit

2018-06-09 01:25:20 UTC

But the commies want to infiltrate us and the military to set the stage for revolution

2018-06-09 01:25:37 UTC

@Deleted User I have a friend cop. He says most of low role cops are racist af

2018-06-09 01:25:47 UTC

but the higher ups officers are libtards

2018-06-09 01:25:50 UTC

Just imagine if there's a rebellion and a ranger company is led by a communist

2018-06-09 01:26:11 UTC

And I like that

2018-06-09 01:26:21 UTC

I wouldn't say racist. Just realistic. We don't treat blacks etc any different. But the fact is 99% of our work is in the hood.

2018-06-09 01:26:23 UTC

@Jirka can confirm that, once worked with police

2018-06-09 01:26:30 UTC

that if there was revolution. Most of common cops/soldiers would probably join us

2018-06-09 01:27:02 UTC

Communist revolution is gonna be a "worker peasant red army" vs the people and the established police and military

2018-06-09 01:27:11 UTC

Some might join the rebellion

2018-06-09 01:27:11 UTC

I'm no commie

2018-06-09 01:27:15 UTC

But most won't

2018-06-09 01:27:16 UTC

fuck commies

2018-06-09 01:27:38 UTC

But if we have guys like Rapone, imagine a ranger company with a communist officer

2018-06-09 01:27:54 UTC

Would he hold back his troops or misdirect them?

2018-06-09 01:27:57 UTC

@Deleted User Do you want to say a fun thing?

2018-06-09 01:28:21 UTC

That would be quite scare actually

2018-06-09 01:28:27 UTC

When the Japs invaded China, the communists and nationalists joined forces against them.

2018-06-09 01:28:43 UTC

However the communist leadership often misled the nationalists or sent them into combat first

2018-06-09 01:28:48 UTC

Eastern European commies are more anti-immigrant than wesern EU right wingers.

2018-06-09 01:28:50 UTC

Have a commie officer and commi artillery crew or even them being normal but giving during points that have friendlies

2018-06-09 01:28:51 UTC


2018-06-09 01:28:58 UTC

So that after the war, they would be unable to resist the communists

2018-06-09 01:29:11 UTC

2018-06-09 01:29:26 UTC

In combat you're shooting at dots or small silhouettes

2018-06-09 01:29:38 UTC

2018-06-09 01:29:58 UTC

So if your officer is a traitor you may not really know if you're shooting rebels or your own people

2018-06-09 01:30:14 UTC

And of course like he for fire etc could be tragic

2018-06-09 01:30:56 UTC

Or maybe he would surrender, disband his unit, fence weapons and gear

2018-06-09 01:30:56 UTC

Honestly eastern EU socialist are more against immingrants than west EU right wingers lol

2018-06-09 01:30:58 UTC

Heck even just misdirect simple supplies like water and fule can transport

2018-06-09 01:31:06 UTC


2018-06-09 01:31:23 UTC

2018-06-09 01:31:24 UTC

It's why he should have been executed!

2018-06-09 01:31:39 UTC

All it takes is leaving a motor pool unlocked. Because most of that shit doesn't even take keys

2018-06-09 01:32:08 UTC

Everyone remembers Tiananmen Square right?

2018-06-09 01:32:28 UTC

What most people don't know in the west is that PLA units fought each other there

2018-06-09 01:32:43 UTC

Some said fuck this, I'm not attacking my own people (civilians)

2018-06-09 01:32:48 UTC

Some did of course

2018-06-09 01:32:55 UTC

And others fired on them

2018-06-09 01:33:17 UTC

PLA vs PLA & civilian

2018-06-09 01:33:48 UTC

It was a huge shitstorm

2018-06-09 01:33:58 UTC


2018-06-09 01:34:04 UTC

It would be worse with a rebellion here

2018-06-09 01:34:11 UTC

What would California do?

2018-06-09 01:34:19 UTC

The NG is under state control

2018-06-09 01:34:36 UTC

If the president called them up, would the governor just ignore it?

2018-06-09 01:35:34 UTC

See that's how you know the Founding Fathers were really brilliant

2018-06-09 01:35:57 UTC

Not just to protect ourselves from our government, or from criminals or invaders

2018-06-09 01:36:10 UTC

Lol My opponents gave up on the "sialm is shit bait"

2018-06-09 01:36:19 UTC

I won

2018-06-09 01:36:20 UTC


2018-06-09 01:36:28 UTC

But we overthrew the Brits. Another rebellion could overthrow the US. 2A prevents that too.

2018-06-09 01:40:48 UTC

I tried to not get drunk this week.

2018-06-09 01:40:55 UTC

This is my result

2018-06-09 01:41:02 UTC

2018-06-09 01:41:17 UTC

Years ago I used to get drunk every night and shitpost on Muslim pages

2018-06-09 01:41:22 UTC

Huge debates with Muslims

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