
Discord ID: 511687702207397893

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<:dab:511591544248205312> Listen up, new role creation enacted <@&513173635691970612> will have the ability to upload images and embed links. <:epic:511591544357388288> Also we will have a server meeting in the next few days regarding the direction of this server. <:trump:511590627478208513> That is all for now. <:ping:511590627205447703> ๐Ÿ’ฏ <:chad:511591543958667266> @everyone

<:grrrr:511590630917406745> Tomorrow 4:20 est we will be having a server meeting in voice chat i will be going over what this server is about and rules and how we can get more active. <:realtalk:511590629248335901> <@&510914340954570762> this is mandatory. <:chad:511591543958667266> @everyone

@everyone <:realtalk:511590629248335901> Server meeting 15 minutes. <:ping:511590627205447703>

@everyone <:ping:511590627205447703> <:chad:511591543958667266> <:realtalk:511590629248335901> we are gradually growing and would love to see more people join so please invite all your friends. <:tbh:511590480681762855> <:stop:511590629126569984> <:ping:511590627205447703> Please invite all of your friends!!!! ๐Ÿ’ฏ <:dab:511591544248205312> <:mk:511588951811817480>

<:ping:511590627205447703> I want your input on how we make this server lit af submit ideas in the all new <#515771245720109058> That is all! <:joker:511592130641264649> <:mk:511588951811817480> <:realtalk:511590629248335901> @everyone

<:ping:511590627205447703> <:pepepissed:511590630368083968> <:stop:511590629126569984> REEEEE, Ok i know you hate these but i gotta say this. We just passed the 100 member mark!<:epic:511591544357388288> <:chad:511591543958667266> <:dab:511591544248205312>
<:boomer:511591544046878737> <:tbh:511590480681762855> Please invite all your friends! Let get to 250 super fast! ๐Ÿ’ฏ <:tbh:511590480681762855>
!!!Gunna have debate night soonish! <:realtalk:511590629248335901>

<:ping:511590627205447703> <:chad:511591543958667266> ๐Ÿ˜– We will never <:ban:511590630913212447> you for having a opposing view point. Lots of servers out there will <:ban:511590630913212447> you for contradicting there beliefs. Here we will not. Please invite all your're friends here lets get this place more active! <:realtalk:511590629248335901> <:mk:511588951811817480> <:dab:511591544248205312> @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> <:ping:511590627205447703> Up to 300 <:happy:511590629793595403> members now! <:epic:511591544357388288> Good debates in vc and daily debate! โœก Loving the activity! please INVITE all your FRIENDS to this server please lets get this place lit AF! <:dab:511591544248205312> : <:boomer:511591544046878737> Debate night tomorrow at 8pm est in voice chat! SEE YOU THERE! <:dab:511591544248205312> ๐Ÿ’ฏ <:stop:511590629126569984> @everyone

<:dab:511591544248205312> <:stop:511590629126569984> Debate night starting right now in VOICE CHAT! Is <:mk:511588951811817480> MKULTRA <:mk:511588951811817480> still a ongoing thing? @everyone ๐Ÿ’ฏ <:ping:511590627205447703>

@everyone <:grrrr:511590630917406745> <:ping:511590627205447703> <:chad:511591543958667266> debate night canceled no one showed up.... <:blobsweat:511590629042683916> <:sadcat:511590629856378901>

@everyone Kaleena from Sass's Politics server has indeed been killed in a automobile accident sunday.

<:ping:511590627205447703> <:chad:511591543958667266> Over 420 members now! <:dab:511591544248205312> Please invite all your friends lets get this place rocking! <:tbh:511590480681762855> You make this place what it is! <:pepecoffee:511590628308811825> <:epic:511591544357388288> Would love to see more activity! <:sadcat:511590629856378901> @everyone

<:ping:511590627205447703> <:chad:511591543958667266> Hey thanks for being here and partaking in debates and discussion <:happy:511590629793595403> I couldn't do it without you! <:dab:511591544248205312> You are what makes this place! Please invite all your friends on discord thanks have a great day! <:mk:511588951811817480> <:tbh:511590480681762855> @everyone

<:mk:511588951811817480> <:chad:511591543958667266> <:ping:511590627205447703> Created Back up server Please join it just in case. <:realtalk:511590629248335901> ๐Ÿ’ฏ <:blobsweat:511590629042683916> @everyone


<:ping:511590627205447703> <:chad:511591543958667266> Please invite all your discord friends, I have worked hard building this place. If you know of any servers that do ping for ping partnerships let me know. I need you're help to make this place grow and be active. You make this place what it is. I am thankful for that. Send me some suggestions on what i can do to make this server more active. What do you want out of this server i need to know.. <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> <:ping:511590627205447703> Our stance regarding the Thonk and Blue Politics drama is neutral . Doxxing is not allowed on this server nor do i want you're dox. If you activly attempting to dox someone here you will be banned without warning! Recording is not allowed in VC this could result into a ban, This is our policy. Thanks! <:mk:511588951811817480> <:chad:511591543958667266> @everyone

@everyone <:mk:511588951811817480> In memory of THONK we will honor them for the next 24 hours by changing our name and logo! <:chad:511591543958667266> !

<:happy:511590629793595403> HAPPY NEW YEAR! FROM THE FINE FOLKS AT MKULTRA! @everyone ๐ŸŽ† <:chad:511591543958667266>

<:happy:511590629793595403> Fixed bot from muting unjustly in the spam chats also added vc text chat! <:chad:511591543958667266> @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> <:ping:511590627205447703> The IRS and income tax abolishment bill in congress!
H.R.25 - To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States. @everyone <:happy:511590629793595403> ๐Ÿฟ

<:chad:511591543958667266> <:ping:511590627205447703> Hey so i am looking for active mods who can keep general chat and voice chat alive and keep this place clean of the racism and NSFW pictures. Lets get this place really active 24/7 360! Thanks to all of you that are active here you are the foundation of this server if it was not for you i would be chatting with myself! Please invite all you're friends! Looking for ping for ping partnerships! <:boomer:511591544046878737> <:redpill:517507926814883868> <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone @here

<:chad:511591543958667266> <a:pingeyes:527643422673076224> We are 2 months old today! Almost 800 members good work keep on inviting people!!! <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> <a:ping_sock_angery:472786893566902272> So i changed logo and name for 24 hours for the lulz and people lose there freggin minds!!! Maybe its something i should consider being permanent because i think it could bring in a lot of new and active users!!! I created this place to be conspiracy theory debate. But i also wanted the twilight zone and /x/ weirdness since i created this server. I am a fan of coast 2 coast AM i like lurking /x/ and god like productions. Conspiracy theory debate is just part of what i want this server to be. I should expand into more topics. Your feedback is important and don't be shy in responding to me in opposition to anything i am doing with this server. Message me in private if you have any question's or suggestions. You are what makes this place what it is not me. <:mk:511588951811817480> <:happy:511590629793595403> <:pepecoffee:511590628308811825> @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> <a:fry_dancing:534357252782686208> <a:zoidbergdance:534351778746204162> 1000 Members now! <:happy:511590629793595403> <a:cheers:426219059026198528> Please invite all your discord friends here! Lets get to 2000 fast we need to pump these numbers up! Lets get a lot more active yall! <a:patrick_dance:534347066051264548> <a:gir_dance:534354668625723392> @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> Big things next week end we will be doing debate night and a movie night! @everyone <a:nyan_parrot:534350833916051456>

<:mk:511588951811817480> Darth Dawkins is not allowed here so if you are here for Darth sorry to disappoint. He told me how shit of a mod i am and my server is trash. @everyone No ones going to push me around i dont give a ๐Ÿ’ฉ how popular u are! Egotistical famous douchebags will never push me around. <:chad:511591543958667266>

Hiring Mods apply with <:chad:511591543958667266> you get paid nothing and its a thankless job!!! @everyone

<:chad:511591543958667266> <:mk:511588951811817480> Almost 1500 members! Growing so fast! be sure to join the back up server! ๐ŸŽ‡ ๐Ÿ’Œ <:happy:511590629793595403> Back up server! โค ๐Ÿ“ก @everyone

Join the Round Table with @TheGhostScientist tonight at 9pm CST join in the Round Table "Join our Journey of Discovery" @everyone <:mk:511588951811817480> <:chad:511591543958667266>

<:mk:511588951811817480> I am looking for Partnerships ping for ping on servers the same size as us 1500. Please invite all your friends here and lets get this place even more populated. You make this place what it is. Thanks for being here! <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone

<:mk:511588951811817480> Round Table Starts at 9pm CST .... Join in the Exciting Conspiracy Conversations that are educational, informative, and always entertaining! <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone

<:mk:511588951811817480> Movie night tonight with @Sanri<3 7pm est and movie name: Sobibor (2018) @everyone <:chad:511591543958667266>

<:mk:511588951811817480> Today will be the last day I will be doing daily debate. <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone thanks for to the participants who engaged over the last months and a half. Reason I'm stopping is because no one wants to stay in topic. <:chad:511591543958667266>

<:mk:511588951811817480> Ghost is starting Round table in 5 minutes in VC be there or be square! @everyone <:mk:511588951811817480>

Join @Sanri<3 at 7pm EST for movie night! <:happy:511590629793595403> Movie tittle: Logans run(1976) HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE โค @everyone

Round Table with @TheGhostScientist in VOICE CHAT! Starting in 5 minutes! @everyone

Round Table in Voice Chat will be hosted by @Smoothie Mane tonight 10pm EST @everyone

Round Table in Voice Chat will be hosted by @Smoothie Mane in 30 minutes! @everyone


Voice Chat! Join round table in 10 minutes with @HyperBaroque in ghost room! @everyone

2019-03-03 23:32:08 UTC

Grab your popcorn and join us for #Movienight 7pm EST <:ping:511590627205447703> MOVIE: The Martian(2015) โค <:happy:511590629793595403> @everyone

2019-03-05 02:34:11 UTC

Voice Chat! Join round table in 8 o'clock with @-Uvizius Dok Nurquan- in ghost room! @everyone

2019-03-10 02:47:03 UTC

Voice Chat! Join round table in 20mins with @-Uvizius Dok Nurquan- in ghost room! @everyone

<:mk:511588951811817480> Dont freak out everyone someone deleted a section of roles on accident. Will have them back up soon. <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone

Roles are now back up <#547880115653312552> getcha roles here! @everyone

8 years ago we all got to witness an event we probably will never get to see again. 3/11/2011 triple doom friday 9.1 earthquake 50 foot tsunami and a nuclear powerplant blowing up resulting in meltdown! @everyone

2019-03-14 22:01:40 UTC

@everyone <:mk:511588951811817480> MovieNight <:mk:511588951811817480> Grab your popcorn Join us today Today at 8:30pm EST <:popcorn2:534340312664113153> to Watch: The First Purge (2018) Click the link at 8:30 pm and say hi in chat โค hope to see you there

2019-03-15 00:25:09 UTC

@everyone Movie ๐Ÿ’ฏ (The first Purge) is starting in 5minutes this is the last warning โš  hope we see you there โค Click here to watch and chat >> <:ummmm:511590629797789708>

Politics/Religion VC Discussion on the massacre in ChristChruch. Horrible thing to happen. @everyone

Anyone posting the video or manafesto of the New Zealand shooting will be BANNED @everyone

Looking for partnership managers. Dm me for details. @everyone


How Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant went from smiling tot to white supremacist maniac who murdered 49 after trips to North Korea and Pakistan

```THE terrorist who filmed himself slaughtering Muslims in a New Zealand mosque is understood to have become radicalised after travelling to North Korea and Pakistan.```

```He is said to have made some money from Bitconnect, a cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin, and used those funds to travel the world.```

2019-03-17 03:28:21 UTC

Hello @-Uvizius Dok Nurquan- will be leading a round table in ghost room monday night 8-clock central time @everyone

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