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2017-07-06 19:40:54 UTC

you know i just want one question answered really, if communism is so great, why has it never been done succesfully ? is it really such a new idea ? that everyone deserves the same ?

2017-07-06 19:41:01 UTC

why has it never worked in the past

2017-07-06 19:41:11 UTC

egyptians, arabians, sumerians, etc etc

2017-07-06 19:41:19 UTC

none of the great empires were communist

2017-07-06 19:41:45 UTC

i cant think of any communist empire pre-1800, is it really such a revolutionary idea ? or maybe it just doesnt work

2017-07-06 19:43:53 UTC

>'Communist empire'

2017-07-06 19:44:08 UTC

call it whatever you like, you know what i mean

2017-07-06 19:44:25 UTC

communism has only caused suffering

2017-07-06 19:44:28 UTC

Why paradise on Earth was never achieved you ask? In Marx's time today's productivity and tech level could be considered as communism. France and Sweden far more socialist than Stalin's USSR. You are living in it man.

2017-07-06 19:44:52 UTC

lol i live near france

2017-07-06 19:44:55 UTC

its not communism

2017-07-06 19:45:07 UTC

also france and sweden are shitholes

2017-07-06 19:45:13 UTC

they are about to go bankrupt too

2017-07-06 19:45:18 UTC

Do you have free continuous education in France?

2017-07-06 19:45:25 UTC

do any of you people here have a background in economy ?

2017-07-06 19:45:28 UTC

Do you have less than 12 hours workday?

2017-07-06 19:45:34 UTC

@Firefly They are social democracies, not Socialist

2017-07-06 19:45:51 UTC

russian name is right

2017-07-06 19:46:00 UTC

They are social democrats that have more socialist country than USSR 100 years ago.

2017-07-06 19:46:22 UTC

i guess you call todays world a capitalist mess, or a socialist paradise depending on the argument you want to make

2017-07-06 19:46:34 UTC

and when it faisl, like it is in venezuala right now

2017-07-06 19:46:39 UTC

its not real communism ?

2017-07-06 19:47:03 UTC

It does not depend. In Marx time something we have today would be considered paradise.

2017-07-06 19:47:10 UTC

So it was achieved.

2017-07-06 19:47:20 UTC

so then what are you fighting for

2017-07-06 19:47:24 UTC

if this is paradise

2017-07-06 19:47:29 UTC

We are going further.

2017-07-06 19:47:31 UTC

you live in US ?

2017-07-06 19:47:34 UTC

move to sweden

2017-07-06 19:47:38 UTC

see how you like it

2017-07-06 19:47:49 UTC

what is the endgoal ?

2017-07-06 19:47:58 UTC

I've been to most countries in Europe.

2017-07-06 19:48:14 UTC

There is no end goal. We are materialist.

2017-07-06 19:49:05 UTC

huh ?

2017-07-06 19:49:18 UTC

you think materialism is good ?

2017-07-06 19:49:38 UTC

I think it can defeat idealism in a war.

2017-07-06 19:49:38 UTC

i really want to understand communists as i am writing a book about it

2017-07-06 19:49:53 UTC


2017-07-06 19:50:03 UTC

do you believe in God ? any of you ? @everyone

2017-07-06 19:50:16 UTC

2017-07-06 19:50:37 UTC

2017-07-06 19:50:57 UTC

we wuz nazis n sheit

2017-07-06 19:51:16 UTC

do you believe in God? what about absolute truth ? or is truth subjective in your opinion ?

2017-07-06 19:51:21 UTC

am just here to learn

2017-07-06 19:51:50 UTC

Truth is dialectical and objective.

2017-07-06 19:52:33 UTC

2017-07-06 19:52:37 UTC

what do you mean by dialectical ?

2017-07-06 19:53:11 UTC

I mean the method of thinking that is capable of objectivity.

2017-07-06 19:53:14 UTC

also do you believe in God or not ? would you consider most communists atheist ? it seems to me most of them are

2017-07-06 19:54:10 UTC

do you think marx was a good man ?

2017-07-06 19:54:17 UTC

Communist are atheist. But some have communist values and are not atheist.

2017-07-06 19:54:52 UTC

I don't judge people on the basis of my moral values because I do not have any.

2017-07-06 19:55:02 UTC


2017-07-06 19:55:20 UTC

so an atheist society with no moral values

2017-07-06 19:55:26 UTC

that sounds like a good idea to you guys ?

2017-07-06 19:55:42 UTC

only materialism binding them together

2017-07-06 19:55:57 UTC

sounds like a nation of slaves to me 8)

2017-07-06 19:55:59 UTC

Yes. Science will prevail.

2017-07-06 19:56:14 UTC

why would you assume science stands apart from religion ?

2017-07-06 19:56:20 UTC

the greatest thinkers believed in God

2017-07-06 19:56:21 UTC


2017-07-06 19:56:30 UTC

I don't care

2017-07-06 19:56:51 UTC

so you goys just know better ?

2017-07-06 19:56:58 UTC

2017-07-06 19:57:05 UTC

2017-07-06 19:57:11 UTC

The truth is objective and only one.

2017-07-06 19:57:20 UTC

how can truth be objective without god ?

2017-07-06 19:57:24 UTC

how is that possible ?

2017-07-06 19:57:35 UTC

truth isnt objective

2017-07-06 19:57:38 UTC

God=truth, the ancient religions were named after truth

2017-07-06 19:57:45 UTC

satya means truth

2017-07-06 19:57:59 UTC

it is the base of sanskrit the oldest language

2017-07-06 19:58:11 UTC

and obviously all of these scientists' perceptions of morality have changed throughout the ages

2017-07-06 19:58:26 UTC

yes and our world has gone to shit

2017-07-06 19:58:35 UTC

so maybe they got subverted

2017-07-06 19:58:40 UTC

why do you think that?

2017-07-06 19:58:46 UTC

influenced by (((SOMEONE))))

2017-07-06 19:58:50 UTC

i dont personally find religion as a pathway to morality

2017-07-06 19:58:56 UTC

although i am a nationalist

2017-07-06 19:59:09 UTC

there is no morality apart from religion

2017-07-06 19:59:13 UTC

apart from god

2017-07-06 19:59:16 UTC

man decides morality

2017-07-06 19:59:36 UTC

there can be no morality without religion, no objective truth without some form of religion

2017-07-06 19:59:40 UTC

why doesn't man decide god anymore then?

2017-07-06 19:59:52 UTC

without this it is just a clusterfuck of opinions that dont mix well

2017-07-06 20:00:14 UTC

i dont understand your question

2017-07-06 20:00:24 UTC

i mean, why doesnt man choose god

2017-07-06 20:00:28 UTC

i formulated it badly

2017-07-06 20:01:05 UTC

i can explain this is great detail if you wish, but every man is religious deep down

2017-07-06 20:01:13 UTC

@kunta kinte#9085 are you going to church?

2017-07-06 20:01:13 UTC

every man has some form of religion

2017-07-06 20:01:20 UTC

i'm not christian so no

2017-07-06 20:01:29 UTC

@kunta kinte#9085 what are you?

2017-07-06 20:01:35 UTC

i do not agree with abrahamic religions

2017-07-06 20:01:37 UTC

you have... interesting conceptions

2017-07-06 20:01:42 UTC

and i would like to argue with you but im a simple man

2017-07-06 20:01:44 UTC

i believe what i see

2017-07-06 20:01:46 UTC

and i havent seen god

2017-07-06 20:01:51 UTC

and i'll leave it that

2017-07-06 20:02:09 UTC

im just myself, and by thinking for a long time, my entire life, i have come to the conclusion that there must be a god

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