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2017-06-26 05:58:32 UTC


2017-06-26 05:58:39 UTC

white light comes in and rainbow comes out

2017-06-26 05:58:44 UTC

rainbow comes in and white light comes out

2017-06-26 05:58:52 UTC

You are saying that you are everything, solipsism.

2017-06-26 05:59:17 UTC

yes, and every study (science) is a road that lead to the same place

2017-06-26 05:59:25 UTC

all roads lead to rome

2017-06-26 05:59:44 UTC

You're fucking nuts if you think you are the only entity, it makes you stupid to think this.

2017-06-26 05:59:58 UTC


2017-06-26 06:00:05 UTC


2017-06-26 06:00:09 UTC

remember particle thru slit experiment?

2017-06-26 06:00:17 UTC

we are a particle and a wave

2017-06-26 06:00:19 UTC

at the same time

2017-06-26 06:00:28 UTC

but part of same ocean

2017-06-26 06:00:29 UTC

if you learn python

2017-06-26 06:00:30 UTC

Try me. I have a physics degree.

2017-06-26 06:00:31 UTC

you can hack

2017-06-26 06:00:34 UTC

like a motherfucker

2017-06-26 06:00:39 UTC

yes, that's why I am learning

2017-06-26 06:00:42 UTC

3-5 years of learning tho

2017-06-26 06:00:45 UTC

to do buffer overflow

2017-06-26 06:00:52 UTC

eventually you'll learn how to install backdoors and malware

2017-06-26 06:01:04 UTC

honestly if the guy is dumb enough you could just script a malwarebot and email it to him

2017-06-26 06:01:06 UTC

I wonder if buffer overflow is possible in computer, what it'll look like in real life

2017-06-26 06:01:10 UTC

wait for him to open/download it

2017-06-26 06:01:24 UTC

anyone play cs

2017-06-26 06:01:57 UTC

Chopin, tell me what you can corelate with what I've said with what you learned in Psysics class

2017-06-26 06:04:41 UTC

I'm not helping you. You do not accept the existence of other entities.

2017-06-26 06:04:49 UTC

of course I do

2017-06-26 06:04:56 UTC

just not on individual level

2017-06-26 06:05:35 UTC

What do you mean, non-individual entities?

2017-06-26 06:06:12 UTC

like that Nigger Billy Joe that lives on the corner is nothing I can do about

2017-06-26 06:06:25 UTC

but Niggers as whole I can care about and be positive towards

2017-06-26 06:06:56 UTC

learn what your zodiac is, what it's function is and assume that role

2017-06-26 06:07:06 UTC

anything other than that will not feel natural

2017-06-26 06:09:50 UTC

This just keeps getting more convoluted. The only thing I want to know is why nation and culture is important. We have established that exceptions exists, and where exceptions exists, there is potential for radical changes. You tried to say that there is some other radical change ahead which will curtail this possibiltiy. But in further inspection you deny any knowledge of the future. At this point I have to walk away.

2017-06-26 06:10:07 UTC


2017-06-26 06:10:14 UTC

lets investigate two words

2017-06-26 06:10:59 UTC

nation (n.) Look up nation at
c. 1300, from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

Political sense has gradually predominated, but earliest English examples inclined toward the racial meaning "large group of people with common ancestry." Older sense preserved in application to North American Indian peoples (1640s). Nation-building first attested 1907 (implied in nation-builder).

2017-06-26 06:11:30 UTC

that which has been born <-- important to note

2017-06-26 06:11:56 UTC


2017-06-26 06:11:58 UTC

PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," <--- another imporatnt note

2017-06-26 06:12:13 UTC

culture (n.) Look up culture at
mid-15c., "the tilling of land," from Middle French culture and directly from Latin cultura "a cultivating, agriculture," figuratively "care, culture, an honoring," from past participle stem of colere "to tend, guard; to till, cultivate" (see colony). The figurative sense of "cultivation through education" is first attested c. 1500. Meaning "the intellectual side of civilization" is from 1805; that of "collective customs and achievements of a people" is from 1867.
For without culture or holiness, which are always the gift of a very few, a man may renounce wealth or any other external thing, but he cannot renounce hatred, envy, jealousy, revenge. Culture is the sanctity of the intellect. [William Butler Yeats]
Slang culture vulture is from 1947. Culture shock first recorded 1940. Ironic or contemptuous spelling kulchur is attested from 1940 (Pound), and compare kultur.

2017-06-26 06:12:30 UTC

to tend, guard; to till, cultivate <-- imporatant note

2017-06-26 06:12:42 UTC


2017-06-26 06:12:44 UTC

colony (n.) Look up colony at
late 14c., "ancient Roman settlement outside Italy," from Latin colonia "settled land, farm, landed estate," from colonus "husbandman, tenant farmer, settler in new land," from colere "to cultivate, to till; to inhabit; to frequent, practice, respect; tend, guard," from PIE root *kwel- (1) "revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell" (source also of Latin -cola "inhabitant"). Also used by the Romans to translate Greek apoikia "people from home." Modern application dates from 1540s.

2017-06-26 06:13:19 UTC

Kwel - > It is the hypothetical source of Sanskrit cakram "circle, wheel," carati "he moves, wanders;" Avestan caraiti "applies himself," c'axra "chariot, wagon;" Greek kyklos "circle, wheel, any circular body, circular motion, cycle of events,"polos "a round axis" (PIE *kw- becomes Greek p- before some vowels), polein "move around;" Latin colere "to frequent, dwell in, to cultivate, move around," cultus "tended, cultivated," hence also "polished," colonus "husbandman, tenant farmer, settler, colonist;" Lithuanian kelias "a road, a way;" Old Norse hvel, Old English hweol "wheel;" Old Church Slavonic kolo, Old Russian kolo, Polish koล‚o, Russian koleso "a wheel."

2017-06-26 06:13:32 UTC

and that's why NATIONALITY AND CULTURE is important

2017-06-26 06:13:54 UTC

it's same reason why you don't want foreign body inside of your organ where it doesn't belong

2017-06-26 06:14:39 UTC

and we know body doesn't like foreign bodies

2017-06-26 06:14:46 UTC

Huh? Colony is important because other people found it important? I don't follow.

2017-06-26 06:14:49 UTC

thus we need to take anti-rejection meds if we ever get a transplant

2017-06-26 06:14:55 UTC


2017-06-26 06:15:03 UTC

colony is a guaranteed survaval

2017-06-26 06:15:11 UTC

against threat

2017-06-26 06:15:31 UTC

cell by itself will be killed quick, but mushroom culture when reaches certain level will be able to fight off other funges

2017-06-26 06:15:54 UTC

Oh, I see. From a primitive view, this is the status quo. Sure, but is this the final destination? Should it be?

2017-06-26 06:16:07 UTC

don't focus on small circle / processes much, try to see the big picutre

2017-06-26 06:16:16 UTC

I'm trying.

2017-06-26 06:16:31 UTC

Big picture = more possibilties.

2017-06-26 06:16:51 UTC

The bigger the sphere, the more it encompasses.

2017-06-26 06:16:57 UTC

2017-06-26 06:16:58 UTC

analemma is not an accident or a coincidence

2017-06-26 06:17:05 UTC

as above, so below

2017-06-26 06:17:22 UTC

if you step back, you'll see that every part of nature is playing this game of SEX

2017-06-26 06:17:28 UTC


2017-06-26 06:17:36 UTC

that's why Disney is so obsessed with it

2017-06-26 06:17:47 UTC

Sure. but what does this have to do with maintain primitive social relations?

2017-06-26 06:18:00 UTC

it's a function

2017-06-26 06:18:02 UTC

you cannot mess with it

2017-06-26 06:18:04 UTC

A program

2017-06-26 06:18:14 UTC

computer program consist of functions / methods and variables

2017-06-26 06:18:19 UTC

also groups of classes

2017-06-26 06:18:27 UTC

you can change variables

2017-06-26 06:18:30 UTC

>cannot mess with it
Just accept?

2017-06-26 06:18:31 UTC

but you cannot change functions

2017-06-26 06:18:46 UTC

yes, you can change yourself and become something else

2017-06-26 06:18:53 UTC

but you cannot change the group

2017-06-26 06:19:02 UTC

or is it inverted

2017-06-26 06:19:07 UTC

Do you know who you are talking with, I cannot accept the program, ever.

2017-06-26 06:19:13 UTC

perhaps you can change the group but not the person ๐Ÿ˜„

2017-06-26 06:19:39 UTC

we are in the LOOKING GLASS world with ALICE thus we have to see everything thru the mirror

2017-06-26 06:20:05 UTC

you can always be the =

2017-06-26 06:20:08 UTC

You are so erratic.

2017-06-26 06:20:12 UTC

be the spark

2017-06-26 06:20:26 UTC

You said I just have to accept the program. Why?

2017-06-26 06:20:30 UTC

me being erratic is probably allows me to see all of these connectinos

2017-06-26 06:20:49 UTC

unless you are a variable or a function then you're the process

2017-06-26 06:21:02 UTC

you cannot change the process just like you cannot stop chem reaction once it started

2017-06-26 06:21:42 UTC

once the bullet is fired, it goes until it's done its function

2017-06-26 06:21:54 UTC

what are you? A gun, A bullet, a flight path?

2017-06-26 06:22:03 UTC

That's bullshit. I can do anything. And if I cannot, the mere existence of my actions will become the small motivator of others to follow my disruptive actions.

2017-06-26 06:22:21 UTC

perhaps this is why the truth is veiled

2017-06-26 06:22:33 UTC

because not everyone can handle it while everyone is entitled to it

2017-06-26 06:22:45 UTC

everyone has part of DNA

2017-06-26 06:22:52 UTC

but everyone does different function

2017-06-26 06:23:05 UTC

every cell contains DNA copy of original

2017-06-26 06:23:11 UTC

yet they perform different functions

2017-06-26 06:23:46 UTC

if every cell knew they could become a pineal gland, then why wouldn't they instead of being an asslome muscle that expels shit all day long?!?

2017-06-26 06:24:15 UTC

Because they cannot envision.

2017-06-26 06:24:24 UTC


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