
Discord ID: 308950154222895104

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2018-02-11 00:12:31 UTC

@Deleted User 99 percent is a huge number

2018-02-11 00:12:34 UTC

@nigel the 74th the united states used to be a white country you know that?

2018-02-11 00:12:37 UTC

@Deleted User Not 99%/

2018-02-11 00:12:49 UTC

@Arch_NME Still is, you know?

2018-02-11 00:12:49 UTC

@Arch_NME yes and

2018-02-11 00:13:01 UTC

@nigel the 74th it's not going to be in another 40 years

2018-02-11 00:13:08 UTC

My country used to be a colonial empire

2018-02-11 00:13:17 UTC

so what

2018-02-11 00:13:22 UTC

@Arch_NME *We'll see about that!*

2018-02-11 00:13:24 UTC

you think you owe the world osmething for that?

2018-02-11 00:13:26 UTC


2018-02-11 00:13:35 UTC

Yes I do

2018-02-11 00:13:39 UTC

you are a fool

2018-02-11 00:13:49 UTC

you don't

2018-02-11 00:13:53 UTC

Who killed around 1 million indonesians

2018-02-11 00:13:59 UTC

We did

2018-02-11 00:14:05 UTC

who cares

2018-02-11 00:14:09 UTC

people kill people

2018-02-11 00:14:14 UTC

you are not uniquely bad

2018-02-11 00:14:38 UTC

white europenas did more good than harm on the whole iwth cololnialism

2018-02-11 00:14:57 UTC

colonialism is what caused these countries to be poor

2018-02-11 00:15:04 UTC

the only reason africans are slaughtering you knwo is because they don't have the power to

2018-02-11 00:15:05 UTC

we should've competed in a fair market

2018-02-11 00:15:10 UTC

no that's is not true

2018-02-11 00:15:19 UTC

mali was a rich country

2018-02-11 00:15:24 UTC

colonialism didn't cause anyone to be poor

2018-02-11 00:15:27 UTC

with less crime

2018-02-11 00:15:27 UTC

Like devastating the local population, and making them turn to Islam because they hated us

2018-02-11 00:15:30 UTC

mali, lol

2018-02-11 00:15:36 UTC

it was back than

2018-02-11 00:15:49 UTC

and burnika faso was doing better under communism than our imperialism

2018-02-11 00:15:58 UTC

that shows how much we fucked up

2018-02-11 00:16:03 UTC

@nigel the 74th you live in a self hating fantasy

2018-02-11 00:16:12 UTC

Europe is the birthpalce of most of these concepts of human rights that oyu are even talking about

2018-02-11 00:16:55 UTC

Canada and America are the same people

2018-02-11 00:16:57 UTC

@Arch_NME my dude have you ever heard of confusius

2018-02-11 00:16:57 UTC

same culture

2018-02-11 00:17:09 UTC

also, you fellow dutchman don't deserve to be raped and murdered by african muslims because of something your greatgrandfather did in indonesia

2018-02-11 00:17:14 UTC

@nigel the 74th yes I ahve

2018-02-11 00:17:25 UTC

well ill give you that

2018-02-11 00:17:53 UTC

@nigel the 74th you haven't done anything to these people, you don't owe them anything

2018-02-11 00:18:28 UTC

they are bad people who will do bad things to you on the whole and make your country worse

2018-02-11 00:18:58 UTC

if you want to lvie in sub-saharan africa or the middle east than MOVE THERE

2018-02-11 00:19:12 UTC

don't bring it to europe and fiost it on everyone else

2018-02-11 00:19:31 UTC

those are the societies these people create

2018-02-11 00:19:39 UTC

*strawmanning intensifies*

2018-02-11 00:19:41 UTC

nto any one you would awnt to live in

2018-02-11 00:19:50 UTC

it's not a strawman

2018-02-11 00:19:56 UTC

a lot of white Rhodesians did

2018-02-11 00:19:59 UTC

I'm jsut telling you things

2018-02-11 00:20:09 UTC

Rhodesian just means white zimbabwean

2018-02-11 00:20:11 UTC

a lot of white rhodesians arenow dead

2018-02-11 00:20:22 UTC

actually they moved

2018-02-11 00:20:26 UTC

some did

2018-02-11 00:20:31 UTC

some stayed and are still there

2018-02-11 00:20:33 UTC

many to SA

2018-02-11 00:20:42 UTC

they support the current leader of zimbabwe

2018-02-11 00:20:49 UTC

and the former one

2018-02-11 00:21:06 UTC

Have you ever heard of koshrau anushirawan?

2018-02-11 00:21:20 UTC

@nigel the 74th america is good because of it's freedom, not it's diversity

2018-02-11 00:21:22 UTC


2018-02-11 00:21:37 UTC

Google him

2018-02-11 00:21:44 UTC

anecdotal examples do not change anything

2018-02-11 00:21:50 UTC

I don't care if he cured cancer

2018-02-11 00:22:00 UTC

that doesn't change trends and averages

2018-02-11 00:22:18 UTC

I am aware not everyone is the same and there are some good non-white people

2018-02-11 00:22:25 UTC

Iran's golden age

2018-02-11 00:22:36 UTC

how would you feel if Africa tomorrow became super rich

2018-02-11 00:22:40 UTC

the hub of trade

2018-02-11 00:22:40 UTC

I've heard of him

2018-02-11 00:22:44 UTC

IRan is not nigeria

2018-02-11 00:22:50 UTC

and deported all westerners

2018-02-11 00:22:56 UTC

@Deleted User I would feel very very surprised

2018-02-11 00:22:58 UTC

but literally because Extra History did a video on him

2018-02-11 00:23:05 UTC

Were they did a lot more good stuff than the west in that age

2018-02-11 00:23:11 UTC

@Arch_NME i think if we left Africa alone it would be a lot better

2018-02-11 00:23:13 UTC

@RobotWizard you, I like you

2018-02-11 00:23:27 UTC

let the borders be natural

2018-02-11 00:23:27 UTC

@nigel the 74th that age is gone

2018-02-11 00:23:31 UTC

let invasions happen there

2018-02-11 00:23:42 UTC

but only between them

2018-02-11 00:24:00 UTC

let rebellions happen

2018-02-11 00:24:01 UTC

@nigel the 74th you aon't bring it back by letting europe be invaded by islam adn infected with the same religion that destroyed the middle east

2018-02-11 00:24:02 UTC

@Deleted User is it just me or does this guy remind me of Eric cartman

2018-02-11 00:24:53 UTC

@Deleted User I agree about leaving africa alone, there wouldn't be so many people from all these regions that needs saving if we weren't dumping pallets of grain on them day after day

2018-02-11 00:25:15 UTC

the overopulation of these regions is at the root of many of these humanitarian crises

2018-02-11 00:25:31 UTC

Intervening in Libya totally fixed all its problems

2018-02-11 00:25:37 UTC

Eh the help we send them is kind of destroying the local markets

2018-02-11 00:25:44 UTC

I mean now you can buy slaves in an open market

2018-02-11 00:25:45 UTC

@nigel the 74th it sure is

2018-02-11 00:26:08 UTC

interventions in countries are just blatantly sstupid

2018-02-11 00:26:14 UTC

@nigel the 74th ti's also making them multiple like rabbits, until they are literally now overflowing into your own backyard

2018-02-11 00:26:15 UTC

We should stop dumping heaps of cheap clothing on those unstable countries

2018-02-11 00:26:21 UTC

I agree

2018-02-11 00:26:50 UTC

what oyu need to realize is that that's going to cause a lot fo war and starvation if the aid ever stops though

2018-02-11 00:27:07 UTC

and what you shouldnt' do is recreate the problem by building little ghettos for these people in your own nation

2018-02-11 00:27:20 UTC

@Arch_NME we should not be giving them food aid because the dictators get richer from it

2018-02-11 00:27:34 UTC

and it prevents democracy

2018-02-11 00:27:40 UTC

we shouldn't be giving them food aid because they are eating eating it and having children

2018-02-11 00:27:50 UTC

lots and lots and lots fo children

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