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2017-06-06 08:19:34 UTC

it just so happens that the most pragmatic system of government is Fascism

2017-06-06 08:19:49 UTC

Materialism is too basic

2017-06-06 08:19:55 UTC

Private property keeps the masses under control

2017-06-06 08:20:03 UTC

It rejects matters of the soul.

2017-06-06 08:20:10 UTC

so does religion

2017-06-06 08:20:14 UTC

The soul is not real.

2017-06-06 08:20:29 UTC

Rejecting it doesn't change the void in your heart.

2017-06-06 08:20:42 UTC

More ideology.

2017-06-06 08:20:43 UTC

that's why when i become god-king i'm starting a new religion called Scientology

2017-06-06 08:20:43 UTC

What do you think of National Socialism?

2017-06-06 08:20:55 UTC

NatSoc is garbage

2017-06-06 08:20:57 UTC

a focus on science and learning without all the religious aspects of religion

2017-06-06 08:21:02 UTC

sorta like a cult

2017-06-06 08:21:19 UTC

if you can convince someone that they have to be better people they become better people

2017-06-06 08:21:24 UTC

Hitler was cool when he was killing Jews and Commies

2017-06-06 08:21:29 UTC

@Deleted User are you into Scientology?

2017-06-06 08:21:33 UTC

when it moved to Christians it got pretty gay tho

2017-06-06 08:21:36 UTC

if you convince someone that there's a magic sky daddy they'll pray to it

2017-06-06 08:21:48 UTC

not the current scientology no

2017-06-06 08:21:54 UTC

but they have a cool name so i want it

2017-06-06 08:22:26 UTC

Codreanu > Hitler

2017-06-06 08:22:27 UTC

@Deleted User Scientologist proposed me position in the organization. But I refused.

2017-06-06 08:22:32 UTC

few know this

2017-06-06 08:22:52 UTC

Dirty place there is.

2017-06-06 08:22:58 UTC

2017-06-06 08:23:02 UTC


2017-06-06 08:23:05 UTC

Codreanu was the real fascist desu

2017-06-06 08:23:05 UTC

1:30 am listening to Death Grips

2017-06-06 08:23:23 UTC

Codreanu, Franco, Primo De Rivera, and Dolfuss

2017-06-06 08:23:28 UTC

Mussolini is ok too

2017-06-06 08:23:33 UTC

Franco a bitch nigga

2017-06-06 08:23:44 UTC

i'm between italian and NS

2017-06-06 08:23:48 UTC

i'm my own fascist

2017-06-06 08:23:50 UTC

letting Primo die smh

2017-06-06 08:23:51 UTC

Rivera was better, sure. Franco was no pushover though.

2017-06-06 08:24:05 UTC

I don't deny that

2017-06-06 08:24:14 UTC

hitler was bottom of the barrel

2017-06-06 08:24:16 UTC

Literal worst

2017-06-06 08:24:37 UTC

He's basic entry level idol for racist liberals.

2017-06-06 08:24:47 UTC

and idiotic alt-righters

2017-06-06 08:24:59 UTC

@Deleted User the only rap music thats too weird for black people but whites like

2017-06-06 08:25:37 UTC

Hitler was cool

2017-06-06 08:25:42 UTC

but he's so cliche

2017-06-06 08:25:48 UTC

He was an incompetent leader

2017-06-06 08:25:59 UTC

he's mainstream

2017-06-06 08:26:06 UTC

Musollini is where it's at boi

2017-06-06 08:26:10 UTC

allied with communists to crush poland, despite it's growing fascist movement.

2017-06-06 08:26:18 UTC


2017-06-06 08:26:25 UTC

Had Dolfuss assasinated because of muh lebensraum

2017-06-06 08:26:38 UTC

Mussolini was good, but there are better ones out there.

2017-06-06 08:26:48 UTC

Even the eternal anglo Oswald Mosley was better than Hitler

2017-06-06 08:26:48 UTC

Giovanni Gentile is top tier Fascist

2017-06-06 08:26:54 UTC

Gentile is great

2017-06-06 08:27:02 UTC

2017-06-06 08:27:14 UTC

I think Salazar deserves an honorable mention even though he wasn't really a fascist.

2017-06-06 08:27:22 UTC

Just a catholic corporatist.

2017-06-06 08:27:26 UTC

Franco wasnt really a fascist either

2017-06-06 08:27:28 UTC

Still great though.

2017-06-06 08:27:31 UTC

True, HP

2017-06-06 08:27:38 UTC

@Deleted User I'm still surprised you are trusted on leftwing servers.

2017-06-06 08:28:01 UTC

The Brazillian Integralists were great too.

2017-06-06 08:28:07 UTC

Fascism was created by socialists

2017-06-06 08:28:12 UTC

Franco had the right idea staying out of Hitler's idiotic war.

2017-06-06 08:28:33 UTC

Franco wanted to join but the civil war was pretty bad

2017-06-06 08:28:58 UTC

Still, served him better in the long run

2017-06-06 08:29:03 UTC

Mussolini only joined because he wanted dat clay and England was supposed to surrender within a few weeks

2017-06-06 08:29:08 UTC

Hitler got what he deserved.

2017-06-06 08:29:31 UTC

I just wish Dolfuss wasn't assasinated. He and Mussolini would have been great together.

2017-06-06 08:29:33 UTC

Fascism itself is an extension of Legal Naturalism, a Marxist theory

2017-06-06 08:29:55 UTC

@Deleted User Did you study diamat?

2017-06-06 08:30:03 UTC

Clerical Fascism > any other fascism

2017-06-06 08:30:03 UTC

face it, Communism and Fascism belong together

2017-06-06 08:30:06 UTC

Few know this

2017-06-06 08:30:20 UTC

not yet, tryin to get some books

2017-06-06 08:30:29 UTC

more books*

2017-06-06 08:30:52 UTC

my reading list is a book by itself

2017-06-06 08:31:16 UTC

@Deleted User there is a situation. diamat > Marx > comments. I think you are doing the opposite, yes?

2017-06-06 08:31:30 UTC

comments < Marx < Diamat?

2017-06-06 08:31:40 UTC

the fuck are you on about?

2017-06-06 08:32:32 UTC

How can you say the Fascism is extension to Marxism if you don't know Marxism?

2017-06-06 08:32:45 UTC

You forgot that Fascism always leads to war. Too much aggression and bravado.

2017-06-06 08:32:57 UTC

no it doesn't

2017-06-06 08:33:05 UTC

You are doing comments before studying.

2017-06-06 08:33:05 UTC

National Socialism maybe

2017-06-06 08:34:38 UTC

there's a war between the US, Canada and Mexico. If Canada takes the north and Mexico takes the South do you think the americans are going to sit down and take it

2017-06-06 08:34:49 UTC

or do you think they'll try to take it back?

2017-06-06 08:34:55 UTC

that's what happened with Germany

2017-06-06 08:35:34 UTC

Fascist and Communists have Authoritarianism in common.

2017-06-06 08:35:53 UTC

Hitler would have been justified if he only took back what was lost in 1918, but he instead allied himself with the communists to destroy Poland.

2017-06-06 08:36:03 UTC

and then Stalin attacked late

2017-06-06 08:36:22 UTC

Germany proposed a democrativ vote in Danzig

2017-06-06 08:36:26 UTC

The Strasser brothers should have taken over the NSDAP

2017-06-06 08:36:46 UTC

Also Stalin > Hitler don't @ me if you disagree

2017-06-06 08:37:18 UTC

if the people voted to stay with Poland the germans got to build a highway so they could access eastern prussa anyway, if the Germans won they would build a road for the Poles so they could reach their port cities that they would have been allowed to keep

2017-06-06 08:37:53 UTC

I'm pretty doubtful of that

2017-06-06 08:37:57 UTC

either way the area would be disarmed and Germany would cease any other territorial claims in Poland

2017-06-06 08:38:03 UTC

considering hitler's belief of the slavs being subhuman

2017-06-06 08:39:00 UTC

Western Slavs like Poles and Czechs were fine

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