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2018-12-18 23:29:05 UTC
2018-12-18 23:29:08 UTC

They did something interesting for a while

2018-12-18 23:29:09 UTC

and fascism in some sense is the authoritarianism of the centre

2018-12-18 23:29:15 UTC

it is

2018-12-18 23:29:31 UTC

but can we stop with the "hahahaha fascism is leftist" trollposts

2018-12-18 23:29:41 UTC

spencer and sargon are unironically the same on the right left axis, they just differ on the other axis

2018-12-18 23:29:42 UTC


2018-12-18 23:29:43 UTC

For a time they paid workers to partake in leisurely activities with their families, of course

2018-12-18 23:29:50 UTC

workers were sort of overworked, I think

2018-12-18 23:29:52 UTC


2018-12-18 23:29:55 UTC

Like over 50 hours a week

2018-12-18 23:30:01 UTC
2018-12-18 23:30:08 UTC

Well Natsoc tends to be more Socialist while Italian Facsism is corpratist

2018-12-18 23:30:24 UTC

the horseshoe is the most epic of epic theories

2018-12-18 23:30:25 UTC

Not sure what far-right authoritarianism would look like. Probably the Congo Free State or the East India Company

2018-12-18 23:30:30 UTC


2018-12-18 23:30:33 UTC


2018-12-18 23:30:40 UTC

lacks the economic character

2018-12-18 23:30:51 UTC

Georgist monnarchism then

2018-12-18 23:30:56 UTC

@The Big Oof Yes thats right and the were given loans if they had children

2018-12-18 23:31:13 UTC

whatever it is its bound to be pretty dumb. i mean, imagine being right-winger in 2018 lmao

2018-12-18 23:31:15 UTC

i can't imagine it

2018-12-18 23:31:28 UTC

a lot of right wingers can't imagine being left wing

2018-12-18 23:31:32 UTC

Hitler moved more and more to the right as time went on, but that can be explained by the war

2018-12-18 23:31:32 UTC

and mostly now

2018-12-18 23:31:35 UTC

hard right: shoot trespasser
hard left : shoot people on states property
horseshoe confirm

2018-12-18 23:31:37 UTC

economically speaking

2018-12-18 23:31:46 UTC

> a lot of right wingers can't imagine being left wing

that's because of the room temperature IQ

2018-12-18 23:31:53 UTC

Probably was just a centrist, for lack of a better term

2018-12-18 23:32:06 UTC

I'm literally a Monarchist with facsist leanings

2018-12-18 23:32:11 UTC

you're not

2018-12-18 23:32:16 UTC

@The Big Oof Yeah thats when the Rothchildsa stepped in

2018-12-18 23:32:24 UTC

You just haven't unlocked your inner Juche yet @Filthy Frank

2018-12-18 23:32:39 UTC

Ah yes @Xinyue

2018-12-18 23:32:53 UTC

Socialist Autarky is best autarky

2018-12-18 23:32:54 UTC

@Xinyue Take the Deng pill

2018-12-18 23:32:56 UTC

fucking cuck

2018-12-18 23:32:57 UTC


2018-12-18 23:32:58 UTC


2018-12-18 23:33:01 UTC

Deng is cancer

2018-12-18 23:33:03 UTC


2018-12-18 23:33:04 UTC

no u

2018-12-18 23:33:04 UTC

dengpill is poison

2018-12-18 23:33:13 UTC


2018-12-18 23:33:37 UTC

I refuse to believe monarchism and fascism can work together, fascism is and always will be atheistic/secularist, and anti-church, a monarchist would not be like this, also Fascism attempts to be aristocratic or le Meritocracy achieves aristocracy thing. This isn't the case for Monarchism

2018-12-18 23:34:15 UTC

also yout put God above anything else, in Fascism, the state is god

2018-12-18 23:34:28 UTC


2018-12-18 23:34:29 UTC

Monarchism Is still alive in Engalnd and look at it !!

2018-12-18 23:34:40 UTC

National-Socialism is usually drawn as a slight bit different to fascism because race is above the state in natsoc

2018-12-18 23:34:48 UTC

@Unchained_001 it isn't true monarchism

2018-12-18 23:34:54 UTC

it's a secularised form and liberal form of monarchism

2018-12-18 23:34:57 UTC

it's like christianity

2018-12-18 23:35:00 UTC

it's the future bigot

2018-12-18 23:35:00 UTC

it's an egg without the yolk

2018-12-18 23:35:11 UTC

Mulatto kings when

2018-12-18 23:35:15 UTC

you cant escape

2018-12-18 23:35:16 UTC


2018-12-18 23:35:20 UTC

@Orwell gucci

2018-12-18 23:35:20 UTC

@aymem Exactly and look at it overrun by the EU

2018-12-18 23:35:35 UTC

have you even looked into clerical fascism!?

2018-12-18 23:35:40 UTC

Facism is tied to religion heavliy

2018-12-18 23:35:48 UTC

have you even looked into the policies of Salazar and fucking Codreanu!!!!

2018-12-18 23:35:54 UTC

@aymem yes

2018-12-18 23:35:58 UTC

then you'd stfu then

2018-12-18 23:36:07 UTC

Salazar was against the state and church being together

2018-12-18 23:36:10 UTC

he wanted it's separation

2018-12-18 23:36:23 UTC

even as a clerical fascist (who didn't refer to himself as a fascist becasue of the points i made)

2018-12-18 23:36:26 UTC

and the same with Codreanu

2018-12-18 23:36:44 UTC

Clerical Fascism is just the idea you can be a fascist and have a christian state, without the most important aspect which is a church and king

2018-12-18 23:36:49 UTC

it's idiotic

2018-12-18 23:36:50 UTC

is separation of church and state inherently secularist, though?

2018-12-18 23:36:54 UTC


2018-12-18 23:36:59 UTC

generally i would say it is

2018-12-18 23:37:13 UTC

Salzar isn't a Facist @aymem

2018-12-18 23:37:18 UTC

that's literally what i fucking said

2018-12-18 23:37:29 UTC

but I wouldn't say it always has to be

2018-12-18 23:37:32 UTC

So then why did you bring him up?

2018-12-18 23:37:39 UTC

@Orwell isreal will be saved for last People are awakening and it will be taken care of . may not be war But by the wallet and commerce

2018-12-18 23:37:53 UTC

>even as a clerical fascist (who didn't refer to himself as a fascist becasue of the points i made)

he held a corporatist state and was nationalistic but did not refer to himself as a fascist because of it's lack of true spirituality

2018-12-18 23:38:14 UTC

he's a fascist in the ideological framework of fascism, but only to a point, when it comes to the nitty gritty he just isn't.

2018-12-18 23:38:16 UTC

He believed fascism was anti-Christian or something if I understand

2018-12-18 23:38:22 UTC

because it is

2018-12-18 23:38:32 UTC

religion devides people on purpose

2018-12-18 23:38:38 UTC

Lemme bring a Falagist in

2018-12-18 23:38:38 UTC

high iq take there

2018-12-18 23:38:42 UTC

I was a falangist

2018-12-18 23:38:43 UTC

same thing

2018-12-18 23:38:46 UTC

I was a fucking falangist

2018-12-18 23:38:52 UTC

they want the separation of church and state too

2018-12-18 23:39:01 UTC

I know

2018-12-18 23:39:02 UTC

it's more well known with falangism mroe than anything

2018-12-18 23:39:03 UTC

your mom was a falangist

2018-12-18 23:39:08 UTC

done with my autism

2018-12-18 23:39:25 UTC

then it's a secularised and anti-christian form of faux clerical aspects of fascism

2018-12-18 23:39:33 UTC

@The Big Oof my grandmother was a falangist

2018-12-18 23:39:53 UTC

Not ebin

2018-12-18 23:39:54 UTC

@aymem true to a point

2018-12-18 23:40:31 UTC

@aymem clearical facsism doesn't want the church involved in politics it just wants the church to be hoghly respected and integral to life

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