
Discord ID: 634367565304561675

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2019-10-22 21:14:51 UTC

Where can we donate for the holocaust_

2019-10-22 21:14:54 UTC

2019-10-22 21:15:21 UTC

Mods allowing the N-word to be said in VC.....

2019-10-22 21:15:27 UTC

This place is going to hell

2019-10-22 21:15:29 UTC


2019-10-22 21:15:56 UTC

we were discussing the nword in the press itself

2019-10-22 21:16:16 UTC

donate btc to the holocaust:

2019-10-22 21:16:26 UTC


2019-10-22 21:16:29 UTC

Discuss it without using racial slurs please

2019-10-22 21:16:47 UTC


2019-10-22 21:17:53 UTC

2019-10-22 21:18:43 UTC

what a good movie

2019-10-22 21:18:55 UTC

he acknowledges the holocaust only being an economical and social construct of no real ethical matter by simply sending the Jews money (especially them ironically) for the holocaust, using that as the good ol route to 'reboot' the relationship with the Jews, thus my point is implied, big chad move, two references he used; jews and wanting money, and the holocaust and money (reparations) as well as it being a cover for jewry

2019-10-22 21:19:31 UTC

mel gibson is truly /ourguy/

2019-10-22 21:19:33 UTC

Saw a stream of "cuck".

2019-10-22 21:19:42 UTC

2019-10-22 21:19:48 UTC

So many degenerate sex scenes, it's just porn. Who the hell is this for?

2019-10-22 21:19:53 UTC

Mel's a genius

2019-10-22 21:19:59 UTC

Only only learned of this recently

2019-10-22 21:20:02 UTC

hi yes, can i have a movie ticket for "cuck" please? thanks

2019-10-22 21:20:08 UTC

Via his director's roundtable session

2019-10-22 21:20:20 UTC

He was Oliver Stone's intellectual equal at the table

2019-10-22 21:20:49 UTC
2019-10-22 21:20:52 UTC

im bored

2019-10-22 21:20:57 UTC

yet im meant to sleep xd

2019-10-22 21:21:04 UTC

2019-10-22 21:21:06 UTC

but im a bit hyperactive inside

2019-10-22 21:21:31 UTC

he looks aryan <:CHAD:396569198404435969>

2019-10-22 21:21:35 UTC

cant possibly compare to person with a beard like tha

2019-10-22 21:21:47 UTC

you automatically lose

2019-10-22 21:22:40 UTC

2019-10-22 21:23:01 UTC

but there's no white one

2019-10-22 21:23:04 UTC

@M'beke gimme a lab

2019-10-22 21:23:05 UTC

one of the blood packs looks a bit sickly

2019-10-22 21:23:06 UTC


2019-10-22 21:23:12 UTC

with sickle cell anemia

2019-10-22 21:23:20 UTC

I'm B negative, but i'll take the A positive from based black blood donor

2019-10-22 21:23:36 UTC

I'll take all and fuse them together

2019-10-22 21:23:42 UTC

Yugoslavian war would be a good theme for new battlefield game

2019-10-22 21:23:44 UTC

and become the ultra mix

2019-10-22 21:23:49 UTC

modern-ish weapons, but not too new

2019-10-22 21:23:53 UTC

@Tuze na, rome

2019-10-22 21:24:04 UTC

2019-10-22 21:24:12 UTC

I believe African American are more susceptible to sickle cell

2019-10-22 21:24:34 UTC

yo Hitler, the allies are gonna come in hard AF at normandy in 1944!

2019-10-22 21:24:39 UTC

2019-10-22 21:25:06 UTC

he ded

2019-10-22 21:25:07 UTC

all these SW spoilers

2019-10-22 21:25:08 UTC

like a retard

2019-10-22 21:25:09 UTC

its so abd

2019-10-22 21:25:10 UTC

Batman would beat him up easily

2019-10-22 21:25:11 UTC

so bad

2019-10-22 21:25:11 UTC


2019-10-22 21:25:16 UTC

real shame

2019-10-22 21:25:19 UTC
2019-10-22 21:25:33 UTC

2019-10-22 21:25:36 UTC

star wars spoilers

2019-10-22 21:25:40 UTC


2019-10-22 21:25:41 UTC

I got 'em

2019-10-22 21:25:41 UTC

are they real?

2019-10-22 21:25:44 UTC

it looks bad

2019-10-22 21:25:46 UTC

yeah they're real

2019-10-22 21:25:49 UTC

2019-10-22 21:25:50 UTC


2019-10-22 21:25:54 UTC


2019-10-22 21:25:56 UTC


2019-10-22 21:26:02 UTC


2019-10-22 21:26:12 UTC

if you think finns are white

2019-10-22 21:26:15 UTC

you are not an honest person

2019-10-22 21:26:15 UTC

and I was hoping they would make the last one good

2019-10-22 21:26:17 UTC

2019-10-22 21:26:20 UTC

I want a Finn wife

2019-10-22 21:26:22 UTC

Fuck off

2019-10-22 21:26:30 UTC

Finns are the highest Hapas on the planet

2019-10-22 21:26:39 UTC

Doesn't get more perfect than that

2019-10-22 21:26:59 UTC

what is this billy

2019-10-22 21:27:01 UTC

2019-10-22 21:27:06 UTC

filter or surgery?

2019-10-22 21:27:10 UTC

@Wesker is wearing a green pointy hat? does this break any server rules?

2019-10-22 21:27:36 UTC

2019-10-22 21:27:44 UTC

Albanian pesos

2019-10-22 21:28:01 UTC

2019-10-22 21:28:05 UTC

@troglodytes Is that meant to be a racial slur for the Irish people?

2019-10-22 21:28:08 UTC

If so then yes

2019-10-22 21:28:15 UTC

2019-10-22 21:28:17 UTC

2019-10-22 21:28:23 UTC

My future sons

2019-10-22 21:28:32 UTC

Ching Chong

2019-10-22 21:28:34 UTC


2019-10-22 21:28:51 UTC

Jackie Chan was Finn

2019-10-22 21:29:01 UTC
2019-10-22 21:29:57 UTC

Get this thot a Tyrone, stat!

2019-10-22 21:30:13 UTC

our problems are not the brown people

1,011,369 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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