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2019-10-24 15:38:23 UTC

uncle scam is a commie

2019-10-24 15:38:35 UTC

and we aren't even allowed to officially recognize any such losses

2019-10-24 15:38:38 UTC

basically Spain was a completely backwards country with multiple ethnic groups

2019-10-24 15:38:43 UTC

that would be bigoted

2019-10-24 15:38:48 UTC

capitalism only describes how trade should work, you can ban tranny stuff in a capitalist system.

2019-10-24 15:38:52 UTC

so the capitalists win

2019-10-24 15:38:53 UTC

peasants were poor as hell and lived practically in hovels

2019-10-24 15:38:57 UTC

i'm the first to see a profit motive in everything, i really think this trans kids thing is mostly ideological + female insanity. like that mother of the kid in texas that's been in the news

2019-10-24 15:38:59 UTC

and i don't say capitalism wins

2019-10-24 15:39:03 UTC

but the capitalist individuals

2019-10-24 15:39:07 UTC

Also no one loses money when they die

2019-10-24 15:39:17 UTC

of course doctors get paid

2019-10-24 15:39:19 UTC

they were largely illiterate and fanatically Catholic, the church controlled the peasantry largely

2019-10-24 15:39:27 UTC

They already paid for the surgery etc.

2019-10-24 15:39:27 UTC

@ALternativeToLife Being trans isn't economically viable, neither is being gay, or other high time preference lifestyles.

2019-10-24 15:39:36 UTC

the aristocracy was split between Catholic Monarchist Reactionaries

2019-10-24 15:39:50 UTC

and a growing Liberal or Socialist Revolutionary middle class

2019-10-24 15:39:54 UTC

well, we can look at a lot of the harmful drug over-prescription

2019-10-24 15:40:05 UTC


2019-10-24 15:40:17 UTC

Low time preference and Capitalism go together like bread and butter.

2019-10-24 15:40:22 UTC

also in the 1800's the Constitution craze, the failure of the Church, the peasantry, land owners and nobles, the succession wars

2019-10-24 15:40:30 UTC

all of these contributed to the situation in 1936

2019-10-24 15:40:42 UTC

Food producers and the likes lose money because they're dead but they're so wealthy it matters not that. 05% of ppl are killing themselves

2019-10-24 15:40:52 UTC

actually that AnCap alt right guy has a good video about it

2019-10-24 15:40:53 UTC

gender identity politics, feminism, all this shit is a religion for wacked out liberals

2019-10-24 15:41:06 UTC

drug over prescription isnt anyone's religion

2019-10-24 15:41:20 UTC

@Emperor of Atlantis Man I miss that dude

2019-10-24 15:41:25 UTC

Love Life and Anarchy.

2019-10-24 15:41:36 UTC

yeah his Star Trek video was good

2019-10-24 15:41:41 UTC

this is also pretty good

2019-10-24 15:41:41 UTC


2019-10-24 15:41:53 UTC

he does a good job of tracing the events of today to the 1900's

2019-10-24 15:41:58 UTC

and shows almost an exact parallel

2019-10-24 15:42:16 UTC

2019-10-24 15:42:22 UTC

2019-10-24 15:42:27 UTC

Day 15 no fap wrote a book

2019-10-24 15:43:35 UTC

he starts the bit about Spain around 15 minutes

2019-10-24 15:44:18 UTC

who should be stopping the transgender craze?

2019-10-24 15:44:21 UTC

2019-10-24 15:44:25 UTC

who would be stopping it

2019-10-24 15:44:32 UTC

why stopped it in the past?

2019-10-24 15:44:37 UTC

it wasn't possible in the past

2019-10-24 15:45:17 UTC

real men, civic leaders, religious leaders

2019-10-24 15:45:18 UTC


2019-10-24 15:45:44 UTC

morn bjorn

2019-10-24 15:45:45 UTC

The fact ppl weren't shamed into accepting non reproductive mutants obsessed with mutilation was enough to stop them

2019-10-24 15:45:52 UTC

literally anyone would have stopped it

2019-10-24 15:45:52 UTC


2019-10-24 15:45:58 UTC

at any point in the process

2019-10-24 15:46:05 UTC

well, maybe, but if we go back by generation, of course there's the fact that the medical procedure was impossible or dangerous and experimental

2019-10-24 15:46:12 UTC

a doctor would not have said it should be done

2019-10-24 15:46:19 UTC

then also that people had bigger things in life to worry about

2019-10-24 15:46:22 UTC

a judge would not have ruled for the mother

2019-10-24 15:46:25 UTC

if we go back far enough

2019-10-24 15:46:27 UTC

Modern society is a joke the the who removed it as a mental illness a while back

2019-10-24 15:46:34 UTC

It's a literal joke

2019-10-24 15:46:48 UTC

and if both of those things would have happened, there would be a vigilante mob

2019-10-24 15:46:52 UTC

vidya addiction added to the WHO mental illness list ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-10-24 15:46:57 UTC

and when people stopped having much to worry about after ww2, then it took a couple generations for the previous social constraint to break down

2019-10-24 15:47:16 UTC

The west is so far removed from natural group selection behaviours it's insane

2019-10-24 15:47:26 UTC

@Str3tch i cooked the spam today with the spicy rice

2019-10-24 15:47:33 UTC


2019-10-24 15:47:47 UTC

fryed nice and thin

2019-10-24 15:48:00 UTC


2019-10-24 15:48:05 UTC

Accept the trannies bigot <:kraut:389881471881576448>

2019-10-24 15:48:18 UTC

if someone says not to do the trans thing, you can argue all kinds of shit

2019-10-24 15:48:21 UTC

2019-10-24 15:48:27 UTC

they have garbage scientific studies

2019-10-24 15:48:34 UTC

and all kinds of crap

2019-10-24 15:48:35 UTC

tanners aren;t even an issues they all kys or aids out

2019-10-24 15:48:52 UTC

but ultimately, it's a liberal thing, how can you object to someone else's free choice?

2019-10-24 15:48:53 UTC

Used to be a Molyneux follower but he got defood for choosing to do drugs. Also had beef with Jim Jesus, over something I can't remember.

My only issue with this video is that he barely even talks about the dude he was responding to too, though, I suppose libsoc rants is just a representation of leftists in general. He certainly meets the criteria. Autistic, can't hold down a job ect.

2019-10-24 15:48:55 UTC

<:honkpilled:558686758875824130> its the jewish media that makes it an issue

2019-10-24 15:48:57 UTC

with children, it's more complicated

2019-10-24 15:49:13 UTC

but you can say that the child is "naturally" a different gender or some shit

2019-10-24 15:49:22 UTC

and you are just fixing them

2019-10-24 15:49:28 UTC

The worst thing about them is they don't even contribute a net positive to society so its not like trannies could hypothetically pay taxes that would fund reproduction of healthy people

2019-10-24 15:49:30 UTC

like fixing a cleft palate with surgery

2019-10-24 15:49:35 UTC

no one gives a flying fuck it bob is bobby the drag queen on friday night

2019-10-24 15:49:37 UTC

or other physical defect

2019-10-24 15:49:40 UTC


2019-10-24 15:49:49 UTC

Literally useless and gross trannies

2019-10-24 15:50:02 UTC

how ever pride and turning kids trans is bullshit

2019-10-24 15:50:12 UTC


2019-10-24 15:50:22 UTC

and should be meet with brutal force of the government

2019-10-24 15:50:26 UTC


2019-10-24 15:50:40 UTC

Oh you are saying it's bad

2019-10-24 15:50:50 UTC

Not that it is a bullshit claim

2019-10-24 15:50:55 UTC

yea lol they all need the zap zap

2019-10-24 15:51:05 UTC

I was about to pull up some stats in here

2019-10-24 15:51:18 UTC

tazer of righteousness

2019-10-24 15:51:22 UTC

You start realise that they're useless to both Communists and Capitalists. They don't reproduce, so they can't pay taxes, or contribute to the labour force, but they are parasitic, and require drugs and medications, to transition. In either case, they a negative externality to any society.

2019-10-24 15:51:27 UTC

how would the american government object to transgenderism, even in children?

2019-10-24 15:51:28 UTC

and the pepper spray of truth

2019-10-24 15:51:31 UTC


2019-10-24 15:51:41 UTC

the american proposition order is not equipped to object

2019-10-24 15:51:51 UTC

it's about freedom

2019-10-24 15:51:55 UTC

@stem I don't think it's really a matter of "stopping" the transgender craze. The governments and other people with power have allowed or even supported it where they shouldn't have

2019-10-24 15:51:56 UTC

defacts nibba

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