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2018-05-27 05:40:23 UTC


2018-05-27 05:40:27 UTC

these people are gay af

2018-05-27 05:40:30 UTC

This is xbox live party in 2009 tier commentary lol

2018-05-27 05:40:46 UTC


2018-05-27 05:41:00 UTC

jesus fuck

2018-05-27 05:41:14 UTC

fucking faggots

2018-05-27 05:41:18 UTC

this is the gayest shit I have ever seen

2018-05-27 05:41:19 UTC

ruining a pivotal moment

2018-05-27 05:41:29 UTC

I'm glad this stream is so hard to listen to I had it at 5% volume

2018-05-27 05:41:29 UTC

this is so gay

2018-05-27 05:41:41 UTC

The thing I am most mad about is that this guy is ruining a perfectly good Johnny Lawrence avatar

2018-05-27 05:41:53 UTC


2018-05-27 05:42:00 UTC

fun stuff

2018-05-27 05:42:44 UTC

@everyone THIS IS not JEWCHIM https://streamable.com/j0bdk

2018-05-27 05:42:59 UTC

@LizardOverlord stfu no one cares

2018-05-27 05:43:01 UTC

these fucking losers

2018-05-27 05:43:19 UTC

these retards are talking over the fight of the century

2018-05-27 05:43:22 UTC


2018-05-27 05:43:24 UTC

@LizardOverlord don't @ me again f-ggot

2018-05-27 05:43:25 UTC


2018-05-27 05:43:32 UTC

@everyone R

2018-05-27 05:43:45 UTC


2018-05-27 05:43:46 UTC

is that a tranny

2018-05-27 05:43:47 UTC

wow fashy women

2018-05-27 05:43:47 UTC

Beardson here

2018-05-27 05:43:56 UTC

Nigger stop abusing everyone

2018-05-27 05:43:58 UTC


2018-05-27 05:44:01 UTC


2018-05-27 05:44:05 UTC


2018-05-27 05:44:07 UTC

wow this w*men is owning them

2018-05-27 05:44:09 UTC


2018-05-27 05:44:16 UTC

)))running water(((

2018-05-27 05:44:29 UTC


2018-05-27 05:44:34 UTC

of course these fags would have a woman on

2018-05-27 05:45:01 UTC

if this was a party I would start fighting people

2018-05-27 05:45:13 UTC

these people are fucking losers

2018-05-27 05:46:14 UTC

this bitch is fat and ugly

2018-05-27 05:46:19 UTC

please shut her the fuck up

2018-05-27 05:46:20 UTC

sounds like a tranny

2018-05-27 05:46:26 UTC

Wow based fashy shieldmaidens

2018-05-27 05:46:33 UTC

that voice

2018-05-27 05:46:41 UTC

it does sound suspect @HotGore

2018-05-27 05:46:41 UTC

this woman is fucking annoying

2018-05-27 05:47:20 UTC

jesus fuck

2018-05-27 05:47:25 UTC

this was a mistake ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-05-27 05:47:31 UTC

these people are idiots

2018-05-27 05:47:36 UTC

who is fans of these people jesus fuck

2018-05-27 05:47:46 UTC

Let's see what happens, I guess...

2018-05-27 05:47:57 UTC

imagine defending a drunk fat half-conscious mike enoch

2018-05-27 05:48:09 UTC

Imagine BEING mike enoch

2018-05-27 05:48:13 UTC

mike enohc the voice of reason here

2018-05-27 05:48:15 UTC

I wonder what diabetes feels like

2018-05-27 05:48:15 UTC


2018-05-27 05:48:16 UTC

This is terrible but I don't regret it

2018-05-27 05:48:24 UTC

wish that they had just stayed on the sweat

2018-05-27 05:48:27 UTC

this is fucking lame

2018-05-27 05:48:45 UTC

Is shawn doing livestream physique posting? lol

2018-05-27 05:48:49 UTC

at least we got to see enoch run like a pussy and mike stfu when they got on

2018-05-27 05:49:02 UTC

The more hell they cause for the literal faggots who run trs the better

2018-05-27 05:49:12 UTC

all these morons cant shut their mouths, just wanna try and insult them

2018-05-27 05:49:39 UTC


2018-05-27 05:49:39 UTC

they ended it as soon as shawn started talking

2018-05-27 05:49:39 UTC


2018-05-27 05:49:44 UTC


2018-05-27 05:49:50 UTC

wtf is this

2018-05-27 05:49:50 UTC

fucking retards

2018-05-27 05:49:51 UTC


2018-05-27 05:49:51 UTC

gayest fucking shit i ever saw

2018-05-27 05:49:58 UTC


2018-05-27 05:50:02 UTC

BTFO that hoe

2018-05-27 05:50:03 UTC

They owned the frick out of those ironybros huh team

2018-05-27 05:50:03 UTC

Knew as soon as that "woman" spoke it was going to get gay as fuck

2018-05-27 05:50:07 UTC

every time

2018-05-27 05:50:12 UTC

this is the white race

2018-05-27 05:50:17 UTC

they're never wrong

2018-05-27 05:50:19 UTC

they had the irony bros and killed it with a bunch of reeing retards

2018-05-27 05:50:20 UTC

women do ruin everything

2018-05-27 05:50:22 UTC

more alt-righters trying to have women on their streams for more views...sopahteic

2018-05-27 05:50:22 UTC

Ive been waiting months for Enoch vs Irony Bros

2018-05-27 05:50:23 UTC

alt-right all night baby

2018-05-27 05:50:33 UTC

itsl ike JF hvng lauren rose on for views

2018-05-27 05:50:33 UTC

yeah these retards ruined it

2018-05-27 05:50:35 UTC

holy fuck that was autistic

2018-05-27 05:50:39 UTC

could've made this channel

2018-05-27 05:50:48 UTC

That voice, thats a cross-dresser.

2018-05-27 05:50:54 UTC


2018-05-27 05:50:54 UTC

yup, tranny

2018-05-27 05:50:58 UTC

This is where these IBS retards ruin everything

2018-05-27 05:51:06 UTC

Letting no name idiots on their streams

2018-05-27 05:51:21 UTC


2018-05-27 05:51:24 UTC

oh my god, that was awful. I don't know how you deal with these retards beardson

2018-05-27 05:51:31 UTC

JF is smart, he knows his fans are thirsty orbiters and having a tradthot on guarantees super chats

2018-05-27 05:51:41 UTC

lol he is out of breath

2018-05-27 05:51:50 UTC

I don't know who could watch that and come out of it being a fan of TRS and cernovich

2018-05-27 05:52:02 UTC


2018-05-27 05:52:03 UTC

Hey.... Cerno is cool man

2018-05-27 05:52:06 UTC

Nah he fucked an retarded mexican despite being a race realist

2018-05-27 05:52:06 UTC

they could've had good material but they just sat there and interrupted both of them to own them epic style

2018-05-27 05:52:21 UTC

Cant believe this shit is in my browser history now

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