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2018-07-16 02:04:30 UTC

that's what the homies are 4

2018-07-16 02:04:33 UTC

lol sounds shitty but, thats how it goes

2018-07-16 02:04:37 UTC

where does this phenomenon stem from anyway

2018-07-16 02:04:54 UTC

what phenomenon?

2018-07-16 02:04:56 UTC

the idealized notion that women are life partners who will make u feel gud and make the bad bad go away

2018-07-16 02:04:59 UTC

men get their value from ideals, women get their value from comparisons

2018-07-16 02:05:03 UTC

the cutlure is shitty

2018-07-16 02:05:05 UTC


2018-07-16 02:05:06 UTC


2018-07-16 02:05:06 UTC

This is your brain on capital

2018-07-16 02:05:11 UTC

@Frego modernity

2018-07-16 02:05:18 UTC

it seems to be the role that male support networks existed for

2018-07-16 02:05:18 UTC

the culture dictates the woman's sense of value

2018-07-16 02:05:29 UTC

i.e each cultures version of take boy into wild and hunt animal with males

2018-07-16 02:05:32 UTC


2018-07-16 02:05:33 UTC

ive never heard anyone say that @Frego

2018-07-16 02:05:39 UTC

which is why rich women are all fucking useless miserable cunts

2018-07-16 02:05:44 UTC

because they are stupid

2018-07-16 02:06:04 UTC

the rich men are mostly just guys from rich families and are equally stupid

2018-07-16 02:06:16 UTC

you will find inheritance dictates more of "social value" than much anything else

2018-07-16 02:06:22 UTC

not genes either, i mean money

2018-07-16 02:06:34 UTC

which is what women care about because of the culture which is their locus of value

2018-07-16 02:06:42 UTC

was last nights sweat uploaded?

2018-07-16 02:06:48 UTC

@Deleted User seen a lot of blokes get hit by this far harder than w*men

2018-07-16 02:06:49 UTC

women are extremely effected by their environment. shitty nihilistic culture = whorish worthless women. having effeminate men doesn't help. women's behavior is men's responsibility

2018-07-16 02:07:15 UTC

plus, gay men are all over the place which is why fashion is fucking embarassing

2018-07-16 02:07:24 UTC

effeminate men = biology

2018-07-16 02:07:31 UTC


2018-07-16 02:07:31 UTC

women have "frumpy grandma" "shitty fat hipster" or "turbo whore"

2018-07-16 02:07:39 UTC

that is the range of fasion

2018-07-16 02:07:49 UTC

if you see a woman in a sun dress ever it's a miracle

2018-07-16 02:07:56 UTC

and, also objectively the most attractive

2018-07-16 02:08:05 UTC

effeminate =/= feminine. it means aversion to suffering

2018-07-16 02:08:07 UTC

Sun dresses were big for a while because of ass

2018-07-16 02:08:12 UTC

booty shorts 14 year olds are cool for the sexual perverts

2018-07-16 02:08:16 UTC

I love suffering

2018-07-16 02:08:18 UTC

but it turns off good people

2018-07-16 02:08:22 UTC

gays know that

2018-07-16 02:08:32 UTC

they are so desperate for anything they just wanna turn everyone against each other

2018-07-16 02:08:40 UTC

@Some Account dropping testosterone levels correlate a lot to the abundance of both of those things

2018-07-16 02:08:42 UTC

because no one wants to fuck them, not even each other after a point

2018-07-16 02:08:54 UTC

The Sons of Belial

2018-07-16 02:08:55 UTC

where can I get gear

2018-07-16 02:09:03 UTC

plus lowered age of female puberty

2018-07-16 02:09:15 UTC

apparently w*men used to hit puberty at 18-19 back in the day

2018-07-16 02:09:22 UTC

now it's like

2018-07-16 02:09:28 UTC

"this girl is 4 months old"

2018-07-16 02:09:32 UTC

"and she's an insta model"

2018-07-16 02:09:41 UTC


2018-07-16 02:09:51 UTC


2018-07-16 02:09:53 UTC

take the gookpill already faggots

2018-07-16 02:09:58 UTC


2018-07-16 02:10:16 UTC


2018-07-16 02:10:17 UTC

@Deleted User enjoy soullless materialism ramped up to the max

2018-07-16 02:10:28 UTC

@Frego the dropping T levels are mostly because our culture looks down on struggle. we live sedentary lives and work in cubicles while eating a carb based diet. it's making us faggots

2018-07-16 02:10:35 UTC

u sound gay

2018-07-16 02:10:49 UTC

@Frego ...what if the girl I was talking about was Sino

2018-07-16 02:10:51 UTC

muh trad wife dat wubs me for who i am

2018-07-16 02:10:53 UTC

at this point, I live my life with faith that Christ will provide and that me going around thirsting after every woman is a waste of time

2018-07-16 02:11:02 UTC

the more you thirst for women, the more power they have over you

2018-07-16 02:11:04 UTC


2018-07-16 02:11:06 UTC


2018-07-16 02:11:08 UTC


2018-07-16 02:11:12 UTC

@NekoGuro doesn't really matte rman dont be racially obssessed

2018-07-16 02:11:25 UTC

i just never had a personal good experience with asian wamen

2018-07-16 02:11:34 UTC

because they are boring

2018-07-16 02:11:39 UTC

the trick is to vacation to SE asia as much as you can and BLEACH

2018-07-16 02:11:41 UTC

marry the first decent woman you can and have kids

2018-07-16 02:11:43 UTC

also, for no fappers, you literally can prevent nocturnal emissions by making it a force of will effort. Either via prayer or by self-talk.

2018-07-16 02:11:45 UTC

also, yeah no kidding

2018-07-16 02:11:47 UTC

I wasnt I like her for alot of other reasons

2018-07-16 02:11:51 UTC

to 15-year-old

2018-07-16 02:12:11 UTC

don't get oneitis over a bitch you haven't been fucking for at least 6 months

2018-07-16 02:12:15 UTC

likes : disney movies
: funny animal gifs
: instagram fancy food
: photography as a hobby
:works as an accountant

2018-07-16 02:12:18 UTC

you don't even know her

2018-07-16 02:12:22 UTC

there it is, the asian phenotype

2018-07-16 02:12:36 UTC

Its hard though

2018-07-16 02:12:51 UTC

you can literally always channel that effort into building up the self

2018-07-16 02:12:59 UTC

and you can ignore basically anything a woman wants to take from you

2018-07-16 02:12:59 UTC

@NekoGuro wat u need to do is lay this issue to rest. the worrying about will she or wont me like me is killing u and eating valuable energy up

2018-07-16 02:13:08 UTC

either talk to them or don't

2018-07-16 02:13:12 UTC

u have to ask her out physically instead of long chats over messenger/apps

2018-07-16 02:13:16 UTC

if she says no, good

2018-07-16 02:13:19 UTC

u can move on with ur life

2018-07-16 02:13:24 UTC

both scenarios are beneficial for u

2018-07-16 02:13:32 UTC

Ok Ill leave it until I see her again

2018-07-16 02:13:38 UTC

also, if you have big groups of people where you notice a girl and you ask her out and get rejected, talk to bascially every other woman and get them to recognize your value

2018-07-16 02:13:42 UTC

because again, comparisons

2018-07-16 02:13:51 UTC

if she sees you talking to other women and generating interest

2018-07-16 02:13:55 UTC

she'll be into you

2018-07-16 02:13:56 UTC

why bother preventing wet dreams

2018-07-16 02:14:06 UTC

that's overboard

2018-07-16 02:14:07 UTC

and tbh if you do that, reject her because fuck that bitch

2018-07-16 02:14:11 UTC

Shes not friends with anyone I know

2018-07-16 02:14:17 UTC

we met in class

2018-07-16 02:14:19 UTC

I've literally never had one though

2018-07-16 02:14:25 UTC

ehh, do what you want man I'm just saying it's possible

2018-07-16 02:14:26 UTC

or a sex dream even

2018-07-16 02:14:30 UTC

people who tell you it's not are lying

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